[jboss-svn-commits] JBL Code SVN: r20823 - in labs/jbossrules/trunk/drools-clips/src: test/java/org/drools/clips and 1 other directory.

jboss-svn-commits at lists.jboss.org jboss-svn-commits at lists.jboss.org
Thu Jun 26 16:41:43 EDT 2008

Author: mark.proctor at jboss.com
Date: 2008-06-26 16:41:43 -0400 (Thu, 26 Jun 2008)
New Revision: 20823

JBRULES-720 Clips Parser 
-renamed Shell to ClipsShell

Copied: labs/jbossrules/trunk/drools-clips/src/main/java/org/drools/clips/ClipsShell.java (from rev 20820, labs/jbossrules/trunk/drools-clips/src/main/java/org/drools/clips/Shell.java)
--- labs/jbossrules/trunk/drools-clips/src/main/java/org/drools/clips/ClipsShell.java	                        (rev 0)
+++ labs/jbossrules/trunk/drools-clips/src/main/java/org/drools/clips/ClipsShell.java	2008-06-26 20:41:43 UTC (rev 20823)
@@ -0,0 +1,585 @@
+ *
+ */
+package org.drools.clips;
+import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
+import java.io.File;
+import java.io.FileInputStream;
+import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
+import java.io.FileOutputStream;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import java.io.InputStream;
+import java.io.ObjectInput;
+import java.io.ObjectOutput;
+import java.io.PrintStream;
+import java.io.Reader;
+import java.io.Serializable;
+import java.io.StringReader;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.Iterator;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Map;
+import java.util.Map.Entry;
+import org.antlr.runtime.ANTLRReaderStream;
+import org.antlr.runtime.CommonTokenStream;
+import org.drools.FactHandle;
+import org.drools.RuleBase;
+import org.drools.RuleBaseFactory;
+import org.drools.StatefulSession;
+import org.drools.base.ClassTypeResolver;
+import org.drools.base.mvel.DroolsMVELFactory;
+import org.drools.clips.functions.AssertFunction;
+import org.drools.clips.functions.BindFunction;
+import org.drools.clips.functions.CallFunction;
+import org.drools.clips.functions.CreateListFunction;
+import org.drools.clips.functions.EqFunction;
+import org.drools.clips.functions.GetFunction;
+import org.drools.clips.functions.IfFunction;
+import org.drools.clips.functions.LessThanFunction;
+import org.drools.clips.functions.MinusFunction;
+import org.drools.clips.functions.ModifyFunction;
+import org.drools.clips.functions.MoreThanFunction;
+import org.drools.clips.functions.MultiplyFunction;
+import org.drools.clips.functions.NewFunction;
+import org.drools.clips.functions.PlusFunction;
+import org.drools.clips.functions.PrintoutFunction;
+import org.drools.clips.functions.PrognFunction;
+import org.drools.clips.functions.ReturnFunction;
+import org.drools.clips.functions.RunFunction;
+import org.drools.clips.functions.SetFunction;
+import org.drools.clips.functions.SwitchFunction;
+import org.drools.common.InternalRuleBase;
+import org.drools.compiler.PackageBuilder;
+import org.drools.lang.descr.AttributeDescr;
+import org.drools.lang.descr.FunctionDescr;
+import org.drools.lang.descr.ImportDescr;
+import org.drools.lang.descr.PackageDescr;
+import org.drools.lang.descr.RuleDescr;
+import org.drools.lang.descr.TypeDeclarationDescr;
+import org.drools.rule.ImportDeclaration;
+import org.drools.rule.MVELDialectRuntimeData;
+import org.drools.rule.Namespaceable;
+import org.drools.rule.Package;
+import org.drools.rule.TypeDeclaration;
+import org.drools.spi.GlobalResolver;
+import org.mvel.MVEL;
+import org.mvel.ParserContext;
+import org.mvel.ast.Function;
+import org.mvel.compiler.ExpressionCompiler;
+ * An interactive Clips session shell.
+ * You can launch this as a Main class, no parameters are required.
+ * @author Michael Neale
+ *
+ */
+public class ClipsShell
+    implements
+    ParserHandler,
+    VariableContext,
+    FunctionContext,
+    PrintRouterContext {
+    private Map<String, Object> vars;
+    private PackageBuilder      packageBuilder;
+    private RuleBase            ruleBase;
+    private StatefulSession     session;
+    // private Map                 functions;
+    //    private Map                 directImports;
+    //    private Set                 dynamicImports;
+    private ClassTypeResolver   typeResolver;
+    private String              moduleName;
+    private static final String MAIN = "MAIN";
+    private DroolsMVELFactory   factory;
+    public ClipsShell() {
+        this( RuleBaseFactory.newRuleBase() );
+    }
+    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
+        StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
+        FunctionHandlers handlers = FunctionHandlers.getInstance();
+        handlers.registerFunction( new PlusFunction() );
+        handlers.registerFunction( new MinusFunction() );
+        handlers.registerFunction( new MultiplyFunction() );
+        handlers.registerFunction( new ModifyFunction() );
+        handlers.registerFunction( new CreateListFunction() );
+        handlers.registerFunction( new PrintoutFunction() );
+        handlers.registerFunction( new PrognFunction() );
+        handlers.registerFunction( new IfFunction() );
+        handlers.registerFunction( new LessThanFunction() );
+        handlers.registerFunction( new MoreThanFunction() );
+        handlers.registerFunction( new EqFunction() );
+        handlers.registerFunction( new SwitchFunction() );
+        //handlers.registerFunction( new DeffunctionFunction() );
+        handlers.registerFunction( new ReturnFunction() );
+        handlers.registerFunction( new RunFunction() );
+        handlers.registerFunction( new BindFunction() );
+        handlers.registerFunction( new NewFunction() );
+        handlers.registerFunction( new SetFunction() );
+        handlers.registerFunction( new GetFunction() );
+        handlers.registerFunction( new CallFunction() );
+        handlers.registerFunction( new AssertFunction() );
+        ClipsShell shell = new ClipsShell();
+        ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
+        shell.addRouter( "t", new PrintStream( out ) );
+        System.out.print("Drools>");
+        StringBuffer sessionLog = new StringBuffer();
+        while(true) {
+            byte name[] = new byte[256];
+	        System.in.read(name);
+	        String cmd = (new String(name)).trim();
+	        //System.out.println("ECHO:" + cmd);
+	        if (cmd.equals("(exit)") || cmd.equals("(quit)")) {
+	        	sessionLog.append(cmd);
+	        	break;
+	        }
+	        buf.append(cmd);
+	        if (isBalancedBrackets(buf)) {
+	        	String exp = buf.toString();
+	        	if (exp.startsWith("(save ")) {
+	        		String file = getFileName(exp);
+	        		System.out.println("Saving transcript to [" + file + "]");
+	        		writeFile(file, sessionLog);
+	        		sessionLog = new StringBuffer();
+	        		System.out.print("Drools>");
+	        	} else {
+	        		sessionLog.append(cmd + "\n");
+	        		if (exp.startsWith("(load ")) {
+	        			String file = getFileName(exp);
+	        			System.out.println("Loading transcript from [" + file + "]");
+	        			exp = loadFile(file);
+	        		}
+		        	shell.eval(exp);
+		        	String output = new String(out.toByteArray());
+		        	if (output != null && output.trim().length() > 0) {
+		        		System.out.println(output);
+		        	}
+		        	out.reset();
+		        	System.out.print("Drools>");
+		        	buf = new StringBuffer();
+	        	}
+	        }
+        }
+        System.out.println("Goodbye, and good luck !");
+    }
+	private static String loadFile(String fileName) throws IOException {
+		File f = new File(fileName);
+        InputStream is = new FileInputStream(f);
+        long length = f.length();
+        byte[] bytes = new byte[(int)length];
+        int offset = 0;
+        int numRead = 0;
+        while (offset < bytes.length
+               && (numRead=is.read(bytes, offset, bytes.length-offset)) >= 0) {
+            offset += numRead;
+        }
+        if (offset < bytes.length) {
+            throw new IOException("Could not completely read file "+f.getName());
+        }
+        is.close();
+		return new String(bytes);
+	}
+	private static String getFileName(String exp) {
+		char qt = '\'';
+		if (exp.contains("\"")) {
+			qt = '"';
+		}
+		String file = exp.substring(exp.indexOf(qt) + 1, exp.lastIndexOf(qt));
+		return file;
+	}
+    private static void writeFile(String file, StringBuffer sessionLog) {
+    	FileOutputStream fout;
+		try {
+			File f = new File(file);
+			if (!f.exists()) {
+				f.createNewFile();
+			}
+			fout = new FileOutputStream(f);
+			fout.write(sessionLog.toString().getBytes());
+			fout.flush();
+			fout.close();
+		} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
+			System.err.println("File " + file + " does not exist.");
+		} catch (IOException e) {
+			e.printStackTrace();
+		}
+	}
+	private static boolean isBalancedBrackets(StringBuffer buf) {
+		char[] cs = buf.toString().toCharArray();
+		int stack = 0;
+		for (int i = 0; i < cs.length; i++) {
+			if (cs[i] == '(') stack++;
+			if (cs[i] == ')') stack--;
+		}
+		return stack == 0;
+	}
+	public ClipsShell(RuleBase ruleBase) {
+        this.moduleName = MAIN;
+        this.ruleBase = ruleBase;
+        this.packageBuilder = new PackageBuilder( this.ruleBase );
+        this.session = this.ruleBase.newStatefulSession();
+        // this.functions = new HashMap();
+        //        this.directImports = new HashMap();
+        //        this.dynamicImports = new HashSet();
+        //        this.typeResolver = new ClassTypeResolver( new HashSet(),
+        //                                                   ((InternalRuleBase) this.ruleBase).getConfiguration().getClassLoader() );
+        this.factory = (DroolsMVELFactory) new DroolsMVELFactory( null,
+                                                                  null,
+                                                                  ((InternalRuleBase) this.ruleBase).getGlobals() );
+        this.vars = new HashMap<String, Object>();
+        GlobalResolver2 globalResolver = new GlobalResolver2( this.vars,
+                                                              this.session.getGlobalResolver() );
+        this.session.setGlobalResolver( globalResolver );
+        this.factory.setContext( null,
+                                 null,
+                                 null,
+                                 this.session,
+                                 this.vars );
+        addRouter( "t",
+                   System.out );
+    }
+    public StatefulSession getStatefulSession() {
+        return this.session;
+    }
+    public static class GlobalResolver2
+        implements
+        GlobalResolver {
+        private Map<String, Object> vars;
+        private GlobalResolver      resolver;
+        public GlobalResolver2() {
+        }
+        public GlobalResolver2(Map<String, Object> vars,
+                               GlobalResolver resolver) {
+            this.vars = vars;
+            this.resolver = resolver;
+        }
+        public void readExternal(ObjectInput in) throws IOException,
+                                                ClassNotFoundException {
+            vars = (Map<String, Object>) in.readObject();
+            resolver = (GlobalResolver) in.readObject();
+        }
+        public void writeExternal(ObjectOutput out) throws IOException {
+            out.writeObject( vars );
+            out.writeObject( resolver );
+        }
+        public Object resolveGlobal(String identifier) {
+            Object object = this.vars.get( identifier );
+            if ( object == null ) {
+                object = resolver.resolveGlobal( identifier );
+            }
+            return object;
+        }
+        public void setGlobal(String identifier,
+                              Object value) {
+            this.resolver.setGlobal( identifier,
+                                     value );
+        }
+    }
+    public void importHandler(ImportDescr descr) {
+        // use the current focus as the default namespace for these imports
+        PackageDescr pkgDescr = createPackageDescr( this.session.getAgenda().getFocus().getName() );
+        pkgDescr.addImport( descr );
+        this.packageBuilder.addPackage( pkgDescr );
+    }
+    public void functionHandler(FunctionDescr functionDescr) {
+        // for now all functions are in MAIN
+        //setModuleName( functionDescr );
+        functionDescr.setNamespace( "MAIN" );
+        Appendable builder = new StringBuilderAppendable();
+        // strip lead/trailing quotes
+        String name = functionDescr.getName().trim();
+        if ( name.charAt( 0 ) == '"' ) {
+            name = name.substring( 1 );
+        }
+        if ( name.charAt( name.length() - 1 ) == '"' ) {
+            name = name.substring( 0,
+                                   name.length() - 1 );
+        }
+        builder.append( "function " + name + "(" );
+        for ( int i = 0, length = functionDescr.getParameterNames().size(); i < length; i++ ) {
+            builder.append( functionDescr.getParameterNames().get( i ) );
+            if ( i < length - 1 ) {
+                builder.append( ", " );
+            }
+        }
+        builder.append( ") {\n" );
+        List list = (List) functionDescr.getContent();
+        for ( Iterator it = list.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
+            FunctionHandlers.dump( (LispForm) it.next(),
+                                   builder );
+        }
+        builder.append( "}" );
+        functionDescr.setContent( builder.toString() );
+        functionDescr.setDialect( "clips" );
+        PackageDescr pkgDescr = createPackageDescr( functionDescr.getNamespace() );
+        pkgDescr.addFunction( functionDescr );
+        this.packageBuilder.addPackage( pkgDescr );
+    }
+    public void lispFormHandler(LispForm lispForm) {
+        StringBuilderAppendable appendable = new StringBuilderAppendable();
+        FunctionHandlers.dump( lispForm,
+                               appendable );
+        ParserContext context = new ParserContext();
+        String namespace = this.session.getAgenda().getFocus().getName();
+        Package pkg = this.ruleBase.getPackage( namespace );
+        if ( pkg == null ) {
+            this.packageBuilder.addPackage( createPackageDescr( namespace ) );
+            pkg = this.ruleBase.getPackage( namespace );
+        }
+        if ( pkg != null ) {
+            // only time this will be null is if we have yet to do any packagedescr work
+            try {
+                for ( Iterator it = pkg.getImports().entrySet().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
+                    Entry entry = (Entry) it.next();
+                    String importName = ((ImportDeclaration) entry.getValue()).getTarget();
+                    if ( importName.endsWith( "*" )) {
+                        context.addPackageImport( importName.substring( 0,
+                                                                        importName.length() - 2 ) );
+                    } else {
+                        Class cls = pkg.getDialectRuntimeRegistry().getClassLoader().loadClass( importName );
+                        context.addImport( cls.getSimpleName(),
+                                           (Class) cls );
+                    }
+                }
+            } catch ( Exception e ) {
+                e.printStackTrace();
+            }
+            MVELDialectRuntimeData data = (MVELDialectRuntimeData) pkg.getDialectRuntimeRegistry().getDialectData( "clips" );
+            this.factory.setNextFactory( data.getFunctionFactory() );
+        }
+        ClassLoader tempClassLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
+        Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader( pkg.getPackageScopeClassLoader() );
+        ExpressionCompiler expr = new ExpressionCompiler( appendable.toString() );
+        Serializable executable = expr.compile( context );
+        MVEL.executeExpression( executable,
+                                this,
+                                this.factory );
+        Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader( tempClassLoader );
+    }
+    public void templateHandler(TypeDeclarationDescr typeDescr) {
+        setModuleName( typeDescr );
+        PackageDescr pkg = createPackageDescr( typeDescr.getNamespace() );
+        //pkg.addRule( ruleDescr );
+        pkg.addTypeDeclaration( typeDescr );
+        this.packageBuilder.addPackage( pkg );
+        //        try {
+        //            this.ruleBase.addPackage( builder.getPackage() );
+        //        } catch ( Exception e ) {
+        //            e.printStackTrace();
+        //        }
+    }
+    public void ruleHandler(RuleDescr ruleDescr) {
+        setModuleName( ruleDescr );
+        PackageDescr pkg = createPackageDescr( ruleDescr.getNamespace() );
+        pkg.addRule( ruleDescr );
+        this.packageBuilder.addPackage( pkg );
+        this.session.fireAllRules();
+        //        try {
+        //            this.ruleBase.addPackage( builder.getPackage() );
+        //        } catch ( Exception e ) {
+        //            e.printStackTrace();
+        //        }
+    }
+    public void setModuleName(Namespaceable namespaceable) {
+        // if the namespace is not set, set it to the current focus module
+        if ( isEmpty( namespaceable.getNamespace() ) ) {
+            namespaceable.setNamespace( this.session.getAgenda().getFocus().getName() );
+        }
+    }
+    public boolean isEmpty(String string) {
+        return (string == null || string.trim().length() == 0);
+    }
+    public void eval(String string) {
+        eval( new StringReader( string ) );
+    }
+    public void eval(Reader reader) {
+        ClipsParser parser;
+        try {
+            parser = new ClipsParser( new CommonTokenStream( new ClipsLexer( new ANTLRReaderStream( reader ) ) ) );
+            parser.eval( this );
+        } catch ( Exception e ) {
+            e.printStackTrace();
+        }
+    }
+    public void run() {
+        this.session.fireAllRules();
+    }
+    public void run(int fireLimit) {
+        this.session.fireAllRules( fireLimit );
+    }
+    public FactHandle insert(Object object) {
+        return this.session.insert( object );
+    }
+    public void importEntry(String importEntry) {
+    }
+    public void addFunction(Function function) {
+        this.factory.createVariable( function.getAbsoluteName(),
+                                     function );
+    }
+    public boolean removeFunction(String functionName) {
+        return false; //(this.vars.remove( functionName ) != null);
+    }
+    public Map<String, Function> getFunctions() {
+        Map<String, Function> map = new HashMap<String, Function>();
+        //        for ( Iterator it = this.vars.entrySet().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
+        //            Entry entry = (Entry) it.next();
+        //            if ( entry.getValue() instanceof Function ) {
+        //                map.put( (String) entry.getKey(),
+        //                         (Function) entry.getValue() );
+        //            }
+        //        }
+        return map;
+    }
+    public void addRouter(String name,
+                          PrintStream out) {
+        Map routers = (Map) this.vars.get( "printrouters" );
+        if ( routers == null ) {
+            routers = new HashMap();
+            this.factory.createVariable( "printrouters",
+                                         routers );
+        }
+        routers.put( name,
+                     out );
+    }
+    public boolean removeRouter(String name) {
+        return false; //(this.vars.remove( name ) != null);
+    }
+    //    public Map<String, PrintStream> getRouters() {
+    //        Map<String, PrintStream> map = new HashMap<String, PrintStream>();
+    //        for ( Iterator it = this.vars.entrySet().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
+    //            Entry entry = (Entry) it.next();
+    //            if ( entry.getValue() instanceof Function ) {
+    //                map.put( (String) entry.getKey(),
+    //                         (PrintStream) entry.getValue() );
+    //            }
+    //        }
+    //        return map;
+    //    }
+    public void addVariable(String name,
+                            Object value) {
+        if ( name.startsWith( "?" ) ) {
+            name = name.substring( 1 );
+        }
+        this.factory.createVariable( name,
+                                     value );
+        //        this.session.setGlobal( name,
+        //                                value );
+    }
+    //    public void removeVariable(String name) {
+    //        String temp = this.varNameMap.get( name );
+    //        if ( temp != null ) {
+    //            name = temp;
+    //        }
+    //        this.session.getGlobal( identifier ).remove( name );
+    //    }
+    private PackageDescr createPackageDescr(String moduleName) {
+        PackageDescr pkg = new PackageDescr( moduleName );
+        pkg.addAttribute( new AttributeDescr( "dialect",
+                                              "clips" ) );
+        //        for ( Iterator it = this.typeResolver.getImports().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
+        //            pkg.addImport( new ImportDescr( (String) it.next() ) );
+        //        }
+        return pkg;
+    }
\ No newline at end of file

Deleted: labs/jbossrules/trunk/drools-clips/src/main/java/org/drools/clips/Shell.java
--- labs/jbossrules/trunk/drools-clips/src/main/java/org/drools/clips/Shell.java	2008-06-26 20:09:07 UTC (rev 20822)
+++ labs/jbossrules/trunk/drools-clips/src/main/java/org/drools/clips/Shell.java	2008-06-26 20:41:43 UTC (rev 20823)
@@ -1,585 +0,0 @@
- *
- */
-package org.drools.clips;
-import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
-import java.io.File;
-import java.io.FileInputStream;
-import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
-import java.io.FileOutputStream;
-import java.io.IOException;
-import java.io.InputStream;
-import java.io.ObjectInput;
-import java.io.ObjectOutput;
-import java.io.PrintStream;
-import java.io.Reader;
-import java.io.Serializable;
-import java.io.StringReader;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.Iterator;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-import java.util.Map.Entry;
-import org.antlr.runtime.ANTLRReaderStream;
-import org.antlr.runtime.CommonTokenStream;
-import org.drools.FactHandle;
-import org.drools.RuleBase;
-import org.drools.RuleBaseFactory;
-import org.drools.StatefulSession;
-import org.drools.base.ClassTypeResolver;
-import org.drools.base.mvel.DroolsMVELFactory;
-import org.drools.clips.functions.AssertFunction;
-import org.drools.clips.functions.BindFunction;
-import org.drools.clips.functions.CallFunction;
-import org.drools.clips.functions.CreateListFunction;
-import org.drools.clips.functions.EqFunction;
-import org.drools.clips.functions.GetFunction;
-import org.drools.clips.functions.IfFunction;
-import org.drools.clips.functions.LessThanFunction;
-import org.drools.clips.functions.MinusFunction;
-import org.drools.clips.functions.ModifyFunction;
-import org.drools.clips.functions.MoreThanFunction;
-import org.drools.clips.functions.MultiplyFunction;
-import org.drools.clips.functions.NewFunction;
-import org.drools.clips.functions.PlusFunction;
-import org.drools.clips.functions.PrintoutFunction;
-import org.drools.clips.functions.PrognFunction;
-import org.drools.clips.functions.ReturnFunction;
-import org.drools.clips.functions.RunFunction;
-import org.drools.clips.functions.SetFunction;
-import org.drools.clips.functions.SwitchFunction;
-import org.drools.common.InternalRuleBase;
-import org.drools.compiler.PackageBuilder;
-import org.drools.lang.descr.AttributeDescr;
-import org.drools.lang.descr.FunctionDescr;
-import org.drools.lang.descr.ImportDescr;
-import org.drools.lang.descr.PackageDescr;
-import org.drools.lang.descr.RuleDescr;
-import org.drools.lang.descr.TypeDeclarationDescr;
-import org.drools.rule.ImportDeclaration;
-import org.drools.rule.MVELDialectRuntimeData;
-import org.drools.rule.Namespaceable;
-import org.drools.rule.Package;
-import org.drools.rule.TypeDeclaration;
-import org.drools.spi.GlobalResolver;
-import org.mvel.MVEL;
-import org.mvel.ParserContext;
-import org.mvel.ast.Function;
-import org.mvel.compiler.ExpressionCompiler;
- * An interactive Clips session shell.
- * You can launch this as a Main class, no parameters are required.
- * @author Michael Neale
- *
- */
-public class Shell
-    implements
-    ParserHandler,
-    VariableContext,
-    FunctionContext,
-    PrintRouterContext {
-    private Map<String, Object> vars;
-    private PackageBuilder      packageBuilder;
-    private RuleBase            ruleBase;
-    private StatefulSession     session;
-    // private Map                 functions;
-    //    private Map                 directImports;
-    //    private Set                 dynamicImports;
-    private ClassTypeResolver   typeResolver;
-    private String              moduleName;
-    private static final String MAIN = "MAIN";
-    private DroolsMVELFactory   factory;
-    public Shell() {
-        this( RuleBaseFactory.newRuleBase() );
-    }
-    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
-        StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
-        FunctionHandlers handlers = FunctionHandlers.getInstance();
-        handlers.registerFunction( new PlusFunction() );
-        handlers.registerFunction( new MinusFunction() );
-        handlers.registerFunction( new MultiplyFunction() );
-        handlers.registerFunction( new ModifyFunction() );
-        handlers.registerFunction( new CreateListFunction() );
-        handlers.registerFunction( new PrintoutFunction() );
-        handlers.registerFunction( new PrognFunction() );
-        handlers.registerFunction( new IfFunction() );
-        handlers.registerFunction( new LessThanFunction() );
-        handlers.registerFunction( new MoreThanFunction() );
-        handlers.registerFunction( new EqFunction() );
-        handlers.registerFunction( new SwitchFunction() );
-        //handlers.registerFunction( new DeffunctionFunction() );
-        handlers.registerFunction( new ReturnFunction() );
-        handlers.registerFunction( new RunFunction() );
-        handlers.registerFunction( new BindFunction() );
-        handlers.registerFunction( new NewFunction() );
-        handlers.registerFunction( new SetFunction() );
-        handlers.registerFunction( new GetFunction() );
-        handlers.registerFunction( new CallFunction() );
-        handlers.registerFunction( new AssertFunction() );
-        Shell shell = new Shell();
-        ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
-        shell.addRouter( "t", new PrintStream( out ) );
-        System.out.print("Drools>");
-        StringBuffer sessionLog = new StringBuffer();
-        while(true) {
-            byte name[] = new byte[256];
-	        System.in.read(name);
-	        String cmd = (new String(name)).trim();
-	        //System.out.println("ECHO:" + cmd);
-	        if (cmd.equals("(exit)") || cmd.equals("(quit)")) {
-	        	sessionLog.append(cmd);
-	        	break;
-	        }
-	        buf.append(cmd);
-	        if (isBalancedBrackets(buf)) {
-	        	String exp = buf.toString();
-	        	if (exp.startsWith("(save ")) {
-	        		String file = getFileName(exp);
-	        		System.out.println("Saving transcript to [" + file + "]");
-	        		writeFile(file, sessionLog);
-	        		sessionLog = new StringBuffer();
-	        		System.out.print("Drools>");
-	        	} else {
-	        		sessionLog.append(cmd + "\n");
-	        		if (exp.startsWith("(load ")) {
-	        			String file = getFileName(exp);
-	        			System.out.println("Loading transcript from [" + file + "]");
-	        			exp = loadFile(file);
-	        		}
-		        	shell.eval(exp);
-		        	String output = new String(out.toByteArray());
-		        	if (output != null && output.trim().length() > 0) {
-		        		System.out.println(output);
-		        	}
-		        	out.reset();
-		        	System.out.print("Drools>");
-		        	buf = new StringBuffer();
-	        	}
-	        }
-        }
-        System.out.println("Goodbye, and good luck !");
-    }
-	private static String loadFile(String fileName) throws IOException {
-		File f = new File(fileName);
-        InputStream is = new FileInputStream(f);
-        long length = f.length();
-        byte[] bytes = new byte[(int)length];
-        int offset = 0;
-        int numRead = 0;
-        while (offset < bytes.length
-               && (numRead=is.read(bytes, offset, bytes.length-offset)) >= 0) {
-            offset += numRead;
-        }
-        if (offset < bytes.length) {
-            throw new IOException("Could not completely read file "+f.getName());
-        }
-        is.close();
-		return new String(bytes);
-	}
-	private static String getFileName(String exp) {
-		char qt = '\'';
-		if (exp.contains("\"")) {
-			qt = '"';
-		}
-		String file = exp.substring(exp.indexOf(qt) + 1, exp.lastIndexOf(qt));
-		return file;
-	}
-    private static void writeFile(String file, StringBuffer sessionLog) {
-    	FileOutputStream fout;
-		try {
-			File f = new File(file);
-			if (!f.exists()) {
-				f.createNewFile();
-			}
-			fout = new FileOutputStream(f);
-			fout.write(sessionLog.toString().getBytes());
-			fout.flush();
-			fout.close();
-		} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
-			System.err.println("File " + file + " does not exist.");
-		} catch (IOException e) {
-			e.printStackTrace();
-		}
-	}
-	private static boolean isBalancedBrackets(StringBuffer buf) {
-		char[] cs = buf.toString().toCharArray();
-		int stack = 0;
-		for (int i = 0; i < cs.length; i++) {
-			if (cs[i] == '(') stack++;
-			if (cs[i] == ')') stack--;
-		}
-		return stack == 0;
-	}
-	public Shell(RuleBase ruleBase) {
-        this.moduleName = MAIN;
-        this.ruleBase = ruleBase;
-        this.packageBuilder = new PackageBuilder( this.ruleBase );
-        this.session = this.ruleBase.newStatefulSession();
-        // this.functions = new HashMap();
-        //        this.directImports = new HashMap();
-        //        this.dynamicImports = new HashSet();
-        //        this.typeResolver = new ClassTypeResolver( new HashSet(),
-        //                                                   ((InternalRuleBase) this.ruleBase).getConfiguration().getClassLoader() );
-        this.factory = (DroolsMVELFactory) new DroolsMVELFactory( null,
-                                                                  null,
-                                                                  ((InternalRuleBase) this.ruleBase).getGlobals() );
-        this.vars = new HashMap<String, Object>();
-        GlobalResolver2 globalResolver = new GlobalResolver2( this.vars,
-                                                              this.session.getGlobalResolver() );
-        this.session.setGlobalResolver( globalResolver );
-        this.factory.setContext( null,
-                                 null,
-                                 null,
-                                 this.session,
-                                 this.vars );
-        addRouter( "t",
-                   System.out );
-    }
-    public StatefulSession getStatefulSession() {
-        return this.session;
-    }
-    public static class GlobalResolver2
-        implements
-        GlobalResolver {
-        private Map<String, Object> vars;
-        private GlobalResolver      resolver;
-        public GlobalResolver2() {
-        }
-        public GlobalResolver2(Map<String, Object> vars,
-                               GlobalResolver resolver) {
-            this.vars = vars;
-            this.resolver = resolver;
-        }
-        public void readExternal(ObjectInput in) throws IOException,
-                                                ClassNotFoundException {
-            vars = (Map<String, Object>) in.readObject();
-            resolver = (GlobalResolver) in.readObject();
-        }
-        public void writeExternal(ObjectOutput out) throws IOException {
-            out.writeObject( vars );
-            out.writeObject( resolver );
-        }
-        public Object resolveGlobal(String identifier) {
-            Object object = this.vars.get( identifier );
-            if ( object == null ) {
-                object = resolver.resolveGlobal( identifier );
-            }
-            return object;
-        }
-        public void setGlobal(String identifier,
-                              Object value) {
-            this.resolver.setGlobal( identifier,
-                                     value );
-        }
-    }
-    public void importHandler(ImportDescr descr) {
-        // use the current focus as the default namespace for these imports
-        PackageDescr pkgDescr = createPackageDescr( this.session.getAgenda().getFocus().getName() );
-        pkgDescr.addImport( descr );
-        this.packageBuilder.addPackage( pkgDescr );
-    }
-    public void functionHandler(FunctionDescr functionDescr) {
-        // for now all functions are in MAIN
-        //setModuleName( functionDescr );
-        functionDescr.setNamespace( "MAIN" );
-        Appendable builder = new StringBuilderAppendable();
-        // strip lead/trailing quotes
-        String name = functionDescr.getName().trim();
-        if ( name.charAt( 0 ) == '"' ) {
-            name = name.substring( 1 );
-        }
-        if ( name.charAt( name.length() - 1 ) == '"' ) {
-            name = name.substring( 0,
-                                   name.length() - 1 );
-        }
-        builder.append( "function " + name + "(" );
-        for ( int i = 0, length = functionDescr.getParameterNames().size(); i < length; i++ ) {
-            builder.append( functionDescr.getParameterNames().get( i ) );
-            if ( i < length - 1 ) {
-                builder.append( ", " );
-            }
-        }
-        builder.append( ") {\n" );
-        List list = (List) functionDescr.getContent();
-        for ( Iterator it = list.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
-            FunctionHandlers.dump( (LispForm) it.next(),
-                                   builder );
-        }
-        builder.append( "}" );
-        functionDescr.setContent( builder.toString() );
-        functionDescr.setDialect( "clips" );
-        PackageDescr pkgDescr = createPackageDescr( functionDescr.getNamespace() );
-        pkgDescr.addFunction( functionDescr );
-        this.packageBuilder.addPackage( pkgDescr );
-    }
-    public void lispFormHandler(LispForm lispForm) {
-        StringBuilderAppendable appendable = new StringBuilderAppendable();
-        FunctionHandlers.dump( lispForm,
-                               appendable );
-        ParserContext context = new ParserContext();
-        String namespace = this.session.getAgenda().getFocus().getName();
-        Package pkg = this.ruleBase.getPackage( namespace );
-        if ( pkg == null ) {
-            this.packageBuilder.addPackage( createPackageDescr( namespace ) );
-            pkg = this.ruleBase.getPackage( namespace );
-        }
-        if ( pkg != null ) {
-            // only time this will be null is if we have yet to do any packagedescr work
-            try {
-                for ( Iterator it = pkg.getImports().entrySet().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
-                    Entry entry = (Entry) it.next();
-                    String importName = ((ImportDeclaration) entry.getValue()).getTarget();
-                    if ( importName.endsWith( "*" )) {
-                        context.addPackageImport( importName.substring( 0,
-                                                                        importName.length() - 2 ) );
-                    } else {
-                        Class cls = pkg.getDialectRuntimeRegistry().getClassLoader().loadClass( importName );
-                        context.addImport( cls.getSimpleName(),
-                                           (Class) cls );
-                    }
-                }
-            } catch ( Exception e ) {
-                e.printStackTrace();
-            }
-            MVELDialectRuntimeData data = (MVELDialectRuntimeData) pkg.getDialectRuntimeRegistry().getDialectData( "clips" );
-            this.factory.setNextFactory( data.getFunctionFactory() );
-        }
-        ClassLoader tempClassLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
-        Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader( pkg.getPackageScopeClassLoader() );
-        ExpressionCompiler expr = new ExpressionCompiler( appendable.toString() );
-        Serializable executable = expr.compile( context );
-        MVEL.executeExpression( executable,
-                                this,
-                                this.factory );
-        Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader( tempClassLoader );
-    }
-    public void templateHandler(TypeDeclarationDescr typeDescr) {
-        setModuleName( typeDescr );
-        PackageDescr pkg = createPackageDescr( typeDescr.getNamespace() );
-        //pkg.addRule( ruleDescr );
-        pkg.addTypeDeclaration( typeDescr );
-        this.packageBuilder.addPackage( pkg );
-        //        try {
-        //            this.ruleBase.addPackage( builder.getPackage() );
-        //        } catch ( Exception e ) {
-        //            e.printStackTrace();
-        //        }
-    }
-    public void ruleHandler(RuleDescr ruleDescr) {
-        setModuleName( ruleDescr );
-        PackageDescr pkg = createPackageDescr( ruleDescr.getNamespace() );
-        pkg.addRule( ruleDescr );
-        this.packageBuilder.addPackage( pkg );
-        this.session.fireAllRules();
-        //        try {
-        //            this.ruleBase.addPackage( builder.getPackage() );
-        //        } catch ( Exception e ) {
-        //            e.printStackTrace();
-        //        }
-    }
-    public void setModuleName(Namespaceable namespaceable) {
-        // if the namespace is not set, set it to the current focus module
-        if ( isEmpty( namespaceable.getNamespace() ) ) {
-            namespaceable.setNamespace( this.session.getAgenda().getFocus().getName() );
-        }
-    }
-    public boolean isEmpty(String string) {
-        return (string == null || string.trim().length() == 0);
-    }
-    public void eval(String string) {
-        eval( new StringReader( string ) );
-    }
-    public void eval(Reader reader) {
-        ClipsParser parser;
-        try {
-            parser = new ClipsParser( new CommonTokenStream( new ClipsLexer( new ANTLRReaderStream( reader ) ) ) );
-            parser.eval( this );
-        } catch ( Exception e ) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-        }
-    }
-    public void run() {
-        this.session.fireAllRules();
-    }
-    public void run(int fireLimit) {
-        this.session.fireAllRules( fireLimit );
-    }
-    public FactHandle insert(Object object) {
-        return this.session.insert( object );
-    }
-    public void importEntry(String importEntry) {
-    }
-    public void addFunction(Function function) {
-        this.factory.createVariable( function.getAbsoluteName(),
-                                     function );
-    }
-    public boolean removeFunction(String functionName) {
-        return false; //(this.vars.remove( functionName ) != null);
-    }
-    public Map<String, Function> getFunctions() {
-        Map<String, Function> map = new HashMap<String, Function>();
-        //        for ( Iterator it = this.vars.entrySet().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
-        //            Entry entry = (Entry) it.next();
-        //            if ( entry.getValue() instanceof Function ) {
-        //                map.put( (String) entry.getKey(),
-        //                         (Function) entry.getValue() );
-        //            }
-        //        }
-        return map;
-    }
-    public void addRouter(String name,
-                          PrintStream out) {
-        Map routers = (Map) this.vars.get( "printrouters" );
-        if ( routers == null ) {
-            routers = new HashMap();
-            this.factory.createVariable( "printrouters",
-                                         routers );
-        }
-        routers.put( name,
-                     out );
-    }
-    public boolean removeRouter(String name) {
-        return false; //(this.vars.remove( name ) != null);
-    }
-    //    public Map<String, PrintStream> getRouters() {
-    //        Map<String, PrintStream> map = new HashMap<String, PrintStream>();
-    //        for ( Iterator it = this.vars.entrySet().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
-    //            Entry entry = (Entry) it.next();
-    //            if ( entry.getValue() instanceof Function ) {
-    //                map.put( (String) entry.getKey(),
-    //                         (PrintStream) entry.getValue() );
-    //            }
-    //        }
-    //        return map;
-    //    }
-    public void addVariable(String name,
-                            Object value) {
-        if ( name.startsWith( "?" ) ) {
-            name = name.substring( 1 );
-        }
-        this.factory.createVariable( name,
-                                     value );
-        //        this.session.setGlobal( name,
-        //                                value );
-    }
-    //    public void removeVariable(String name) {
-    //        String temp = this.varNameMap.get( name );
-    //        if ( temp != null ) {
-    //            name = temp;
-    //        }
-    //        this.session.getGlobal( identifier ).remove( name );
-    //    }
-    private PackageDescr createPackageDescr(String moduleName) {
-        PackageDescr pkg = new PackageDescr( moduleName );
-        pkg.addAttribute( new AttributeDescr( "dialect",
-                                              "clips" ) );
-        //        for ( Iterator it = this.typeResolver.getImports().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
-        //            pkg.addImport( new ImportDescr( (String) it.next() ) );
-        //        }
-        return pkg;
-    }
\ No newline at end of file

Copied: labs/jbossrules/trunk/drools-clips/src/test/java/org/drools/clips/ClipsShellTest.java (from rev 20820, labs/jbossrules/trunk/drools-clips/src/test/java/org/drools/clips/ShellTest.java)
--- labs/jbossrules/trunk/drools-clips/src/test/java/org/drools/clips/ClipsShellTest.java	                        (rev 0)
+++ labs/jbossrules/trunk/drools-clips/src/test/java/org/drools/clips/ClipsShellTest.java	2008-06-26 20:41:43 UTC (rev 20823)
@@ -0,0 +1,394 @@
+package org.drools.clips;
+import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import java.io.PrintStream;
+import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
+import java.lang.reflect.Method;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.List;
+import junit.framework.TestCase;
+import org.drools.Person;
+import org.drools.WorkingMemory;
+import org.drools.clips.FunctionHandlers;
+import org.drools.clips.ClipsShell;
+import org.drools.clips.functions.AssertFunction;
+import org.drools.clips.functions.BindFunction;
+import org.drools.clips.functions.CallFunction;
+import org.drools.clips.functions.CreateListFunction;
+import org.drools.clips.functions.EqFunction;
+import org.drools.clips.functions.GetFunction;
+import org.drools.clips.functions.IfFunction;
+import org.drools.clips.functions.LessThanFunction;
+import org.drools.clips.functions.MinusFunction;
+import org.drools.clips.functions.ModifyFunction;
+import org.drools.clips.functions.MoreThanFunction;
+import org.drools.clips.functions.MultiplyFunction;
+import org.drools.clips.functions.NewFunction;
+import org.drools.clips.functions.PlusFunction;
+import org.drools.clips.functions.PrintoutFunction;
+import org.drools.clips.functions.PrognFunction;
+import org.drools.clips.functions.ReturnFunction;
+import org.drools.clips.functions.RunFunction;
+import org.drools.clips.functions.SetFunction;
+import org.drools.clips.functions.SwitchFunction;
+import org.drools.rule.Package;
+import org.drools.rule.Rule;
+public class ClipsShellTest extends TestCase {
+    private ByteArrayOutputStream baos;
+    ClipsShell                         shell;
+    public void setUp() {
+        FunctionHandlers handlers = FunctionHandlers.getInstance();
+        handlers.registerFunction( new PlusFunction() );
+        handlers.registerFunction( new MinusFunction() );
+        handlers.registerFunction( new MultiplyFunction() );
+        handlers.registerFunction( new ModifyFunction() );
+        handlers.registerFunction( new CreateListFunction() );
+        handlers.registerFunction( new PrintoutFunction() );
+        handlers.registerFunction( new PrognFunction() );
+        handlers.registerFunction( new IfFunction() );
+        handlers.registerFunction( new LessThanFunction() );
+        handlers.registerFunction( new MoreThanFunction() );
+        handlers.registerFunction( new EqFunction() );
+        handlers.registerFunction( new SwitchFunction() );
+        //handlers.registerFunction( new DeffunctionFunction() );
+        handlers.registerFunction( new ReturnFunction() );
+        handlers.registerFunction( new RunFunction() );
+        handlers.registerFunction( new BindFunction() );
+        handlers.registerFunction( new NewFunction() );
+        handlers.registerFunction( new SetFunction() );
+        handlers.registerFunction( new GetFunction() );
+        handlers.registerFunction( new CallFunction() );
+        handlers.registerFunction( new AssertFunction() );
+        this.shell = new ClipsShell();
+        this.baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
+        shell.addRouter( "t",
+                         new PrintStream( baos ) );
+    }
+    //    public void test1() {
+    //        String expr = "(* (+ 4 4 ) 2) (create$ 10 20 (+ 10 10) a) (modify ?p (name mark) (location \"london\")(age (+ 16 16) ) ) (printout t a b c (+ 4 4) )";
+    //
+    //        SExpression[] lisplists = evalString( expr );
+    //
+    //        StringBuilderAppendable appendable = new StringBuilderAppendable();
+    //        MVELClipsContext context = new MVELClipsContext();
+    //        for ( SExpression sExpression : lisplists ) {
+    //            FunctionHandlers.dump( sExpression, appendable, context );
+    //        }
+    //
+    //        System.out.println( appendable );
+    //    }
+    public void testBind() {
+        String expr = "(bind ?x (create$ 10 20 30) ) (printout t ?x)";
+        this.shell.eval( expr );
+        assertEquals( "[10, 20, 30]",
+                      new String( baos.toByteArray() ) );
+    }
+    public void testProgn() {
+        String expr = "(progn (?x (create$ 10 20 30) ) (printout t ?x) )";
+        this.shell.eval( expr );
+        assertEquals( "102030",
+                      new String( baos.toByteArray() ) );
+    }
+    public void testIf() {
+        String expr = "(if (< 1 3) then (printout t hello) (printout t hello) )";
+        this.shell.eval( expr );
+        assertEquals( "hellohello",
+                      new String( baos.toByteArray() ) );
+    }
+    public void testIfElse() {
+        String expr = "(if (eq 1 3) then (printout t hello)  (printout t 1) else (printout t hello)  (printout t 2))";
+        this.shell.eval( expr );
+        assertEquals( "hello2",
+                      new String( baos.toByteArray() ) );
+    }
+    public void testSwitch() throws IOException {
+        String expr = "(switch (?x) (case a then (printout t hello)(printout t 1)) (case b then (printout t hello)(printout t 2)) (default (printout t hello)(printout t 3)) )";
+        // check case a
+        this.shell.addVariable( "$x",
+                                "a" );
+        this.shell.eval( expr );
+        assertEquals( "hello1",
+                      new String( baos.toByteArray() ) );
+        // check default
+        this.shell.addVariable( "$x",
+                                "M" );
+        this.shell.eval( expr );
+        assertEquals( "hello1hello3",
+                      new String( baos.toByteArray() ) );
+        // check case b
+        this.shell.addVariable( "$x",
+                                "b" );
+        this.shell.eval( expr );
+        assertEquals( "hello1hello3hello2",
+                      new String( baos.toByteArray() ) );
+    }
+    // @FIXME - org.mvel.CompileException: unable to resolve property: unable to resolve method: org.drools.clips.Shell.max(java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Integer) [arglength=2]
+    public void testDeffunction() {
+        String function = "(deffunction max (?a ?b) (if (> ?a ?b) then (return ?a) else (return ?b) ) )";
+        this.shell.eval( function );
+        String expr = "(if (eq (max 3 5) 5) then (printout t hello) )";
+        this.shell.eval( expr );
+        assertEquals( "hello",
+                      new String( baos.toByteArray() ) );
+        expr = "(if (eq (max ?a ?b) 5) then (printout t hello) )";
+        this.shell.addVariable( "$a",
+                                "3" );
+        this.shell.addVariable( "$b",
+                                "5" );
+        this.shell.eval( expr );
+        assertEquals( "hellohello",
+                      new String( baos.toByteArray() ) );
+    }
+    public void testDirectImportAndNew() {
+        String t = "(import org.drools.Person) (bind ?p (new Person mark cheddar) ) (printout t ?p)";
+        this.shell.eval( t );
+        assertEquals( "[Person name='mark']",
+                      new String( this.baos.toByteArray() ) );
+    }
+    public void testDynamicImportAndNew() {
+        String t = "(import org.drools.*) (bind ?p (new Person mark cheddar) ) (printout t ?p)";
+        this.shell.eval( t );
+        assertEquals( "[Person name='mark']",
+                      new String( this.baos.toByteArray() ) );
+    }
+    public void testSet() {
+        String t = "(import org.drools.*) (bind ?p (new Person mark cheddar) ) (set ?p name bob) (printout t ?p)";
+        this.shell.eval( t );
+        assertEquals( "[Person name='bob']",
+                      new String( this.baos.toByteArray() ) );
+    }
+    public void testGet() {
+        String t = "(import org.drools.*) (bind ?p (new Person mark cheddar) )(printout t (get ?p name))";
+        this.shell.eval( t );
+        assertEquals( "mark",
+                      new String( this.baos.toByteArray() ) );
+    }
+    public void testExplicitCall() {
+        String t = "(import org.drools.*) (bind ?p (new Person mark cheddar) ) (call ?p setFields bob stilton 35)  (printout t (call ?p toLongString))";
+        this.shell.eval( t );
+        assertEquals( "[Person name='bob' likes='stilton' age='35']",
+                      new String( this.baos.toByteArray() ) );
+    }
+    public void testImplicitCall() {
+        String t = "(import org.drools.*) (bind ?p (new Person mark cheddar) ) (?p setFields bob stilton 35)  (printout t (call ?p toLongString))";
+        this.shell.eval( t );
+        assertEquals( "[Person name='bob' likes='stilton' age='35']",
+                      new String( this.baos.toByteArray() ) );
+    }
+    public void testRuleCreation() {
+        this.shell.eval( "(import org.drools.Person)" );
+        this.shell.eval( "(defrule yyy  => (printout t yy \" \" (eq 1 1) ) ) )" );
+        Package pkg = shell.getStatefulSession().getRuleBase().getPackage( "MAIN" );
+        Rule rule = pkg.getRule( "yyy" );
+        assertEquals( "yyy",
+                      rule.getName() );
+        this.shell.eval( "(defrule xxx (Person (name ?name&bob) (age 30) ) (Person  (name ?name) (age 35)) => (printout t xx \" \" (eq 1 1) ) )" );
+        rule = pkg.getRule( "xxx" );
+        assertEquals( "xxx",
+                      rule.getName() );
+        assertEquals( 2,
+                      pkg.getRules().length );
+        assertTrue( pkg.getImports().containsKey( "org.drools.Person" ) );
+        WorkingMemory wm = shell.getStatefulSession();
+        wm.insert( new Person( "bob",
+                               "cheddar",
+                               30 ) );
+        wm.insert( new Person( "bob",
+                               "stilton",
+                               35 ) );
+        wm.fireAllRules();
+        assertEquals( "yy truexx true",
+                      new String( this.baos.toByteArray() ) );
+    }
+    public void FIXME_testTemplateCreation2() throws Exception {
+    	this.shell.eval( "(deftemplate PersonTemplate (slot name (type String) ) (slot age (type int) ) )" );
+        this.shell.eval( "(defrule xxx (PersonTemplate (name ?name&bob) (age 30) ) (PersonTemplate  (name ?name) (age 35)) => (printout t xx \" \" (eq 1 1) ) )" );
+        this.shell.eval( "(assert (PersonTemplate (name 'mike') (age 34)))");
+        Class personClass = this.shell.getStatefulSession().getRuleBase().getPackage( "MAIN" ).getPackageScopeClassLoader().loadClass( "MAIN.PersonTemplate" );
+        assertNotNull(personClass);
+    }
+    public void testTemplateCreation() throws Exception {
+        this.shell.eval( "(deftemplate Person (slot name (type String) ) (slot age (type int) ) )" );
+        this.shell.eval( "(defrule xxx (Person (name ?name&bob) (age 30) ) => (printout t hello bob ) )" );
+        this.shell.eval( "(assert (Person (name bob) (age 30) ) )" );
+        this.shell.eval( "(run)" );
+        assertEquals( "hellobob",
+                      new String( this.baos.toByteArray() ) );          
+    }    
+    public void testTemplateCreationWithJava() throws Exception {
+        this.shell.eval( "(deftemplate Person (slot name (type String) ) (slot age (type int) ) )" );
+        this.shell.eval( "(defrule yyy  => (printout t yy \" \" (eq 1 1) ) ) )" );
+        Package pkg = shell.getStatefulSession().getRuleBase().getPackage( "MAIN" );
+        Rule rule = pkg.getRule( "yyy" );
+        assertEquals( "yyy",
+                      rule.getName() );
+        this.shell.eval( "(defrule xxx (Person (name ?name&bob) (age 30) ) (Person  (name ?name) (age 35)) => (printout t xx \" \" (eq 1 1) ) )" );
+        rule = pkg.getRule( "xxx" );
+        assertEquals( "xxx",
+                      rule.getName() );
+        assertEquals( 2,
+                      pkg.getRules().length );
+        WorkingMemory wm = shell.getStatefulSession();
+        Class personClass = this.shell.getStatefulSession().getRuleBase().getPackage( "MAIN" ).getPackageScopeClassLoader().loadClass( "MAIN.Person" );
+        Method nameMethod = personClass.getMethod( "setName", new Class[] { String.class } );
+        Method ageMethod = personClass.getMethod( "setAge", new Class[] { int.class } );
+        Object bob1 = personClass.newInstance();
+        nameMethod.invoke( bob1, "bob" );
+        ageMethod.invoke( bob1, 30 );
+        Object bob2 = personClass.newInstance();
+        nameMethod.invoke( bob2, "bob" );
+        ageMethod.invoke( bob2, 35 );
+        //Constructor constructor = personClass.getConstructor( new Class[] { String.class,String.class, int.class} );
+        wm.insert( bob1 );
+        wm.insert( bob2 );
+        wm.fireAllRules();
+        assertEquals( "yy truexx true",
+                      new String( this.baos.toByteArray() ) );
+    }
+    public void testEmptyLHSRule() {
+        String rule1 = "(defrule testRule => (printout t hello) (printout t goodbye))";
+        this.shell.eval( rule1 );
+        assertEquals( "hellogoodbye",
+                      new String( this.baos.toByteArray() ) );
+    }
+    public void testSimpleLHSRule() {
+        this.shell.eval( "(import org.drools.*)" );
+        this.shell.eval( "(defrule testRule (Person (name ?name&mark) ) => (printout t hello) (printout t \" \" ?name))" );
+        this.shell.eval( "(assert (Person (name mark) ) )" );
+        this.shell.eval( "(run)" );
+        assertEquals( "hello mark",
+                      new String( this.baos.toByteArray() ) );
+    }
+    public void testRuleCallDeftemplate() {
+        String function = "(deffunction max (?a ?b) (if (> ?a ?b) then (return ?a) else (return ?b) ) )";
+        this.shell.eval( function );
+        this.shell.eval( "(import org.drools.*)" );
+        this.shell.eval( "(defrule testRule (Person (age ?age) ) => (printout t hello) (printout t \" \" (max 3 ?age) ) )" );
+        this.shell.eval( "(assert (Person (name mark) (age 32) ) )" );
+        this.shell.eval( "(run)" );
+        assertEquals( "hello 32",
+                      new String( this.baos.toByteArray() ) );
+    }
+    public void testTwoSimpleRulesWithModify() {
+        this.shell.eval( "(import org.drools.*)" );
+        this.shell.eval( "(defrule testRule1 ?p <- (Person (name ?name&mark) ) => (printout t hello) (printout t \" \" ?name) (modify ?p (name bob) ) )" );
+        this.shell.eval( "(defrule testRule2 (Person (name ?name&bob) ) => (printout t hello) (printout t \" \" ?name))" );
+        this.shell.eval( "(assert (Person (name mark) ) )" );
+        this.shell.eval( "(run)" );
+        assertEquals( "hello markhello bob",
+                      new String( this.baos.toByteArray() ) );
+    }
+    public void testBlockEval() {
+        String text = "(import org.drools.*)";
+        text += "(defrule testRule1 ?p <- (Person (name ?name&mark) ) => (printout t hello) (printout t \" \" ?name) (modify ?p (name bob) ) )";
+        text += "(defrule testRule2 (Person (name ?name&bob) ) => (printout t hello) (printout t \" \" ?name))";
+        text += "(assert (Person (name mark) ) )";
+        text += "(run)";
+        this.shell.eval( text );
+        assertEquals( "hello markhello bob",
+                      new String( this.baos.toByteArray() ) );
+    }
+    public void testPredicate() {
+        this.shell.eval( "(import org.drools.Person)" );
+        this.shell.eval( "(defrule testRule1 (Person (name ?name) (age ?age&:(> ?age 30)) ) => (printout t hello) (printout t \" \" ?name) )" );
+        this.shell.eval( "(assert (Person (name mark) (age 27) ) )" );
+        this.shell.eval( "(assert (Person (name bob) (age 35) ) )" );
+        this.shell.eval( "(run)" );
+        assertEquals( "hello bob",
+                      new String( this.baos.toByteArray() ) );
+    }
+    public void testReturnValue() {
+        this.shell.eval( "(import org.drools.Person)" );
+        this.shell.eval( "(defrule testRule1 (Person (age ?age) ) (Person (name ?name) (age =(- ?age 3)) ) => (printout t hello) (printout t \" \" ?name) )" );
+        this.shell.eval( "(assert (Person (name mark) (age 32) ) )" );
+        this.shell.eval( "(assert (Person (name bob) (age 35) ) )" );
+        this.shell.eval( "(run)" );
+        assertEquals( "hello mark",
+                      new String( this.baos.toByteArray() ) );
+    }
+    public void testTest() {
+        this.shell.eval( "(import org.drools.Person)" );
+        this.shell.eval( "(defrule testRule1 (Person (age ?age1) ) (Person (name ?name) (age ?age2) ) (test(eq ?age1 (+ ?age2 3) )) => (printout t hello) )" );
+        this.shell.eval( "(assert (Person (name mark) (age 32) ) )" );
+        this.shell.eval( "(assert (Person (name bob) (age 35) ) )" );
+        this.shell.eval( "(run)" );
+        assertEquals( "hello",
+                      new String( this.baos.toByteArray() ) );
+    }
+    public void testRun() {
+        this.shell.eval( "(run)" );
+    }

Deleted: labs/jbossrules/trunk/drools-clips/src/test/java/org/drools/clips/ShellTest.java
--- labs/jbossrules/trunk/drools-clips/src/test/java/org/drools/clips/ShellTest.java	2008-06-26 20:09:07 UTC (rev 20822)
+++ labs/jbossrules/trunk/drools-clips/src/test/java/org/drools/clips/ShellTest.java	2008-06-26 20:41:43 UTC (rev 20823)
@@ -1,394 +0,0 @@
-package org.drools.clips;
-import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
-import java.io.IOException;
-import java.io.PrintStream;
-import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
-import java.lang.reflect.Method;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.List;
-import junit.framework.TestCase;
-import org.drools.Person;
-import org.drools.WorkingMemory;
-import org.drools.clips.FunctionHandlers;
-import org.drools.clips.Shell;
-import org.drools.clips.functions.AssertFunction;
-import org.drools.clips.functions.BindFunction;
-import org.drools.clips.functions.CallFunction;
-import org.drools.clips.functions.CreateListFunction;
-import org.drools.clips.functions.EqFunction;
-import org.drools.clips.functions.GetFunction;
-import org.drools.clips.functions.IfFunction;
-import org.drools.clips.functions.LessThanFunction;
-import org.drools.clips.functions.MinusFunction;
-import org.drools.clips.functions.ModifyFunction;
-import org.drools.clips.functions.MoreThanFunction;
-import org.drools.clips.functions.MultiplyFunction;
-import org.drools.clips.functions.NewFunction;
-import org.drools.clips.functions.PlusFunction;
-import org.drools.clips.functions.PrintoutFunction;
-import org.drools.clips.functions.PrognFunction;
-import org.drools.clips.functions.ReturnFunction;
-import org.drools.clips.functions.RunFunction;
-import org.drools.clips.functions.SetFunction;
-import org.drools.clips.functions.SwitchFunction;
-import org.drools.rule.Package;
-import org.drools.rule.Rule;
-public class ShellTest extends TestCase {
-    private ByteArrayOutputStream baos;
-    Shell                         shell;
-    public void setUp() {
-        FunctionHandlers handlers = FunctionHandlers.getInstance();
-        handlers.registerFunction( new PlusFunction() );
-        handlers.registerFunction( new MinusFunction() );
-        handlers.registerFunction( new MultiplyFunction() );
-        handlers.registerFunction( new ModifyFunction() );
-        handlers.registerFunction( new CreateListFunction() );
-        handlers.registerFunction( new PrintoutFunction() );
-        handlers.registerFunction( new PrognFunction() );
-        handlers.registerFunction( new IfFunction() );
-        handlers.registerFunction( new LessThanFunction() );
-        handlers.registerFunction( new MoreThanFunction() );
-        handlers.registerFunction( new EqFunction() );
-        handlers.registerFunction( new SwitchFunction() );
-        //handlers.registerFunction( new DeffunctionFunction() );
-        handlers.registerFunction( new ReturnFunction() );
-        handlers.registerFunction( new RunFunction() );
-        handlers.registerFunction( new BindFunction() );
-        handlers.registerFunction( new NewFunction() );
-        handlers.registerFunction( new SetFunction() );
-        handlers.registerFunction( new GetFunction() );
-        handlers.registerFunction( new CallFunction() );
-        handlers.registerFunction( new AssertFunction() );
-        this.shell = new Shell();
-        this.baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
-        shell.addRouter( "t",
-                         new PrintStream( baos ) );
-    }
-    //    public void test1() {
-    //        String expr = "(* (+ 4 4 ) 2) (create$ 10 20 (+ 10 10) a) (modify ?p (name mark) (location \"london\")(age (+ 16 16) ) ) (printout t a b c (+ 4 4) )";
-    //
-    //        SExpression[] lisplists = evalString( expr );
-    //
-    //        StringBuilderAppendable appendable = new StringBuilderAppendable();
-    //        MVELClipsContext context = new MVELClipsContext();
-    //        for ( SExpression sExpression : lisplists ) {
-    //            FunctionHandlers.dump( sExpression, appendable, context );
-    //        }
-    //
-    //        System.out.println( appendable );
-    //    }
-    public void testBind() {
-        String expr = "(bind ?x (create$ 10 20 30) ) (printout t ?x)";
-        this.shell.eval( expr );
-        assertEquals( "[10, 20, 30]",
-                      new String( baos.toByteArray() ) );
-    }
-    public void testProgn() {
-        String expr = "(progn (?x (create$ 10 20 30) ) (printout t ?x) )";
-        this.shell.eval( expr );
-        assertEquals( "102030",
-                      new String( baos.toByteArray() ) );
-    }
-    public void testIf() {
-        String expr = "(if (< 1 3) then (printout t hello) (printout t hello) )";
-        this.shell.eval( expr );
-        assertEquals( "hellohello",
-                      new String( baos.toByteArray() ) );
-    }
-    public void testIfElse() {
-        String expr = "(if (eq 1 3) then (printout t hello)  (printout t 1) else (printout t hello)  (printout t 2))";
-        this.shell.eval( expr );
-        assertEquals( "hello2",
-                      new String( baos.toByteArray() ) );
-    }
-    public void testSwitch() throws IOException {
-        String expr = "(switch (?x) (case a then (printout t hello)(printout t 1)) (case b then (printout t hello)(printout t 2)) (default (printout t hello)(printout t 3)) )";
-        // check case a
-        this.shell.addVariable( "$x",
-                                "a" );
-        this.shell.eval( expr );
-        assertEquals( "hello1",
-                      new String( baos.toByteArray() ) );
-        // check default
-        this.shell.addVariable( "$x",
-                                "M" );
-        this.shell.eval( expr );
-        assertEquals( "hello1hello3",
-                      new String( baos.toByteArray() ) );
-        // check case b
-        this.shell.addVariable( "$x",
-                                "b" );
-        this.shell.eval( expr );
-        assertEquals( "hello1hello3hello2",
-                      new String( baos.toByteArray() ) );
-    }
-    // @FIXME - org.mvel.CompileException: unable to resolve property: unable to resolve method: org.drools.clips.Shell.max(java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Integer) [arglength=2]
-    public void testDeffunction() {
-        String function = "(deffunction max (?a ?b) (if (> ?a ?b) then (return ?a) else (return ?b) ) )";
-        this.shell.eval( function );
-        String expr = "(if (eq (max 3 5) 5) then (printout t hello) )";
-        this.shell.eval( expr );
-        assertEquals( "hello",
-                      new String( baos.toByteArray() ) );
-        expr = "(if (eq (max ?a ?b) 5) then (printout t hello) )";
-        this.shell.addVariable( "$a",
-                                "3" );
-        this.shell.addVariable( "$b",
-                                "5" );
-        this.shell.eval( expr );
-        assertEquals( "hellohello",
-                      new String( baos.toByteArray() ) );
-    }
-    public void testDirectImportAndNew() {
-        String t = "(import org.drools.Person) (bind ?p (new Person mark cheddar) ) (printout t ?p)";
-        this.shell.eval( t );
-        assertEquals( "[Person name='mark']",
-                      new String( this.baos.toByteArray() ) );
-    }
-    public void testDynamicImportAndNew() {
-        String t = "(import org.drools.*) (bind ?p (new Person mark cheddar) ) (printout t ?p)";
-        this.shell.eval( t );
-        assertEquals( "[Person name='mark']",
-                      new String( this.baos.toByteArray() ) );
-    }
-    public void testSet() {
-        String t = "(import org.drools.*) (bind ?p (new Person mark cheddar) ) (set ?p name bob) (printout t ?p)";
-        this.shell.eval( t );
-        assertEquals( "[Person name='bob']",
-                      new String( this.baos.toByteArray() ) );
-    }
-    public void testGet() {
-        String t = "(import org.drools.*) (bind ?p (new Person mark cheddar) )(printout t (get ?p name))";
-        this.shell.eval( t );
-        assertEquals( "mark",
-                      new String( this.baos.toByteArray() ) );
-    }
-    public void testExplicitCall() {
-        String t = "(import org.drools.*) (bind ?p (new Person mark cheddar) ) (call ?p setFields bob stilton 35)  (printout t (call ?p toLongString))";
-        this.shell.eval( t );
-        assertEquals( "[Person name='bob' likes='stilton' age='35']",
-                      new String( this.baos.toByteArray() ) );
-    }
-    public void testImplicitCall() {
-        String t = "(import org.drools.*) (bind ?p (new Person mark cheddar) ) (?p setFields bob stilton 35)  (printout t (call ?p toLongString))";
-        this.shell.eval( t );
-        assertEquals( "[Person name='bob' likes='stilton' age='35']",
-                      new String( this.baos.toByteArray() ) );
-    }
-    public void testRuleCreation() {
-        this.shell.eval( "(import org.drools.Person)" );
-        this.shell.eval( "(defrule yyy  => (printout t yy \" \" (eq 1 1) ) ) )" );
-        Package pkg = shell.getStatefulSession().getRuleBase().getPackage( "MAIN" );
-        Rule rule = pkg.getRule( "yyy" );
-        assertEquals( "yyy",
-                      rule.getName() );
-        this.shell.eval( "(defrule xxx (Person (name ?name&bob) (age 30) ) (Person  (name ?name) (age 35)) => (printout t xx \" \" (eq 1 1) ) )" );
-        rule = pkg.getRule( "xxx" );
-        assertEquals( "xxx",
-                      rule.getName() );
-        assertEquals( 2,
-                      pkg.getRules().length );
-        assertTrue( pkg.getImports().containsKey( "org.drools.Person" ) );
-        WorkingMemory wm = shell.getStatefulSession();
-        wm.insert( new Person( "bob",
-                               "cheddar",
-                               30 ) );
-        wm.insert( new Person( "bob",
-                               "stilton",
-                               35 ) );
-        wm.fireAllRules();
-        assertEquals( "yy truexx true",
-                      new String( this.baos.toByteArray() ) );
-    }
-    public void FIXME_testTemplateCreation2() throws Exception {
-    	this.shell.eval( "(deftemplate PersonTemplate (slot name (type String) ) (slot age (type int) ) )" );
-        this.shell.eval( "(defrule xxx (PersonTemplate (name ?name&bob) (age 30) ) (PersonTemplate  (name ?name) (age 35)) => (printout t xx \" \" (eq 1 1) ) )" );
-        this.shell.eval( "(assert (PersonTemplate (name 'mike') (age 34)))");
-        Class personClass = this.shell.getStatefulSession().getRuleBase().getPackage( "MAIN" ).getPackageScopeClassLoader().loadClass( "MAIN.PersonTemplate" );
-        assertNotNull(personClass);
-    }
-    public void testTemplateCreation() throws Exception {
-        this.shell.eval( "(deftemplate Person (slot name (type String) ) (slot age (type int) ) )" );
-        this.shell.eval( "(defrule xxx (Person (name ?name&bob) (age 30) ) => (printout t hello bob ) )" );
-        this.shell.eval( "(assert (Person (name bob) (age 30) ) )" );
-        this.shell.eval( "(run)" );
-        assertEquals( "hellobob",
-                      new String( this.baos.toByteArray() ) );          
-    }    
-    public void testTemplateCreationWithJava() throws Exception {
-        this.shell.eval( "(deftemplate Person (slot name (type String) ) (slot age (type int) ) )" );
-        this.shell.eval( "(defrule yyy  => (printout t yy \" \" (eq 1 1) ) ) )" );
-        Package pkg = shell.getStatefulSession().getRuleBase().getPackage( "MAIN" );
-        Rule rule = pkg.getRule( "yyy" );
-        assertEquals( "yyy",
-                      rule.getName() );
-        this.shell.eval( "(defrule xxx (Person (name ?name&bob) (age 30) ) (Person  (name ?name) (age 35)) => (printout t xx \" \" (eq 1 1) ) )" );
-        rule = pkg.getRule( "xxx" );
-        assertEquals( "xxx",
-                      rule.getName() );
-        assertEquals( 2,
-                      pkg.getRules().length );
-        WorkingMemory wm = shell.getStatefulSession();
-        Class personClass = this.shell.getStatefulSession().getRuleBase().getPackage( "MAIN" ).getPackageScopeClassLoader().loadClass( "MAIN.Person" );
-        Method nameMethod = personClass.getMethod( "setName", new Class[] { String.class } );
-        Method ageMethod = personClass.getMethod( "setAge", new Class[] { int.class } );
-        Object bob1 = personClass.newInstance();
-        nameMethod.invoke( bob1, "bob" );
-        ageMethod.invoke( bob1, 30 );
-        Object bob2 = personClass.newInstance();
-        nameMethod.invoke( bob2, "bob" );
-        ageMethod.invoke( bob2, 35 );
-        //Constructor constructor = personClass.getConstructor( new Class[] { String.class,String.class, int.class} );
-        wm.insert( bob1 );
-        wm.insert( bob2 );
-        wm.fireAllRules();
-        assertEquals( "yy truexx true",
-                      new String( this.baos.toByteArray() ) );
-    }
-    public void testEmptyLHSRule() {
-        String rule1 = "(defrule testRule => (printout t hello) (printout t goodbye))";
-        this.shell.eval( rule1 );
-        assertEquals( "hellogoodbye",
-                      new String( this.baos.toByteArray() ) );
-    }
-    public void testSimpleLHSRule() {
-        this.shell.eval( "(import org.drools.*)" );
-        this.shell.eval( "(defrule testRule (Person (name ?name&mark) ) => (printout t hello) (printout t \" \" ?name))" );
-        this.shell.eval( "(assert (Person (name mark) ) )" );
-        this.shell.eval( "(run)" );
-        assertEquals( "hello mark",
-                      new String( this.baos.toByteArray() ) );
-    }
-    public void testRuleCallDeftemplate() {
-        String function = "(deffunction max (?a ?b) (if (> ?a ?b) then (return ?a) else (return ?b) ) )";
-        this.shell.eval( function );
-        this.shell.eval( "(import org.drools.*)" );
-        this.shell.eval( "(defrule testRule (Person (age ?age) ) => (printout t hello) (printout t \" \" (max 3 ?age) ) )" );
-        this.shell.eval( "(assert (Person (name mark) (age 32) ) )" );
-        this.shell.eval( "(run)" );
-        assertEquals( "hello 32",
-                      new String( this.baos.toByteArray() ) );
-    }
-    public void testTwoSimpleRulesWithModify() {
-        this.shell.eval( "(import org.drools.*)" );
-        this.shell.eval( "(defrule testRule1 ?p <- (Person (name ?name&mark) ) => (printout t hello) (printout t \" \" ?name) (modify ?p (name bob) ) )" );
-        this.shell.eval( "(defrule testRule2 (Person (name ?name&bob) ) => (printout t hello) (printout t \" \" ?name))" );
-        this.shell.eval( "(assert (Person (name mark) ) )" );
-        this.shell.eval( "(run)" );
-        assertEquals( "hello markhello bob",
-                      new String( this.baos.toByteArray() ) );
-    }
-    public void testBlockEval() {
-        String text = "(import org.drools.*)";
-        text += "(defrule testRule1 ?p <- (Person (name ?name&mark) ) => (printout t hello) (printout t \" \" ?name) (modify ?p (name bob) ) )";
-        text += "(defrule testRule2 (Person (name ?name&bob) ) => (printout t hello) (printout t \" \" ?name))";
-        text += "(assert (Person (name mark) ) )";
-        text += "(run)";
-        this.shell.eval( text );
-        assertEquals( "hello markhello bob",
-                      new String( this.baos.toByteArray() ) );
-    }
-    public void testPredicate() {
-        this.shell.eval( "(import org.drools.Person)" );
-        this.shell.eval( "(defrule testRule1 (Person (name ?name) (age ?age&:(> ?age 30)) ) => (printout t hello) (printout t \" \" ?name) )" );
-        this.shell.eval( "(assert (Person (name mark) (age 27) ) )" );
-        this.shell.eval( "(assert (Person (name bob) (age 35) ) )" );
-        this.shell.eval( "(run)" );
-        assertEquals( "hello bob",
-                      new String( this.baos.toByteArray() ) );
-    }
-    public void testReturnValue() {
-        this.shell.eval( "(import org.drools.Person)" );
-        this.shell.eval( "(defrule testRule1 (Person (age ?age) ) (Person (name ?name) (age =(- ?age 3)) ) => (printout t hello) (printout t \" \" ?name) )" );
-        this.shell.eval( "(assert (Person (name mark) (age 32) ) )" );
-        this.shell.eval( "(assert (Person (name bob) (age 35) ) )" );
-        this.shell.eval( "(run)" );
-        assertEquals( "hello mark",
-                      new String( this.baos.toByteArray() ) );
-    }
-    public void testTest() {
-        this.shell.eval( "(import org.drools.Person)" );
-        this.shell.eval( "(defrule testRule1 (Person (age ?age1) ) (Person (name ?name) (age ?age2) ) (test(eq ?age1 (+ ?age2 3) )) => (printout t hello) )" );
-        this.shell.eval( "(assert (Person (name mark) (age 32) ) )" );
-        this.shell.eval( "(assert (Person (name bob) (age 35) ) )" );
-        this.shell.eval( "(run)" );
-        assertEquals( "hello",
-                      new String( this.baos.toByteArray() ) );
-    }
-    public void testRun() {
-        this.shell.eval( "(run)" );
-    }

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