[jboss-svn-commits] JBL Code SVN: r26763 - labs/jbossesb/workspace/dbevenius/jbossas5/product/rosetta/tests/src/org/jboss/soa/esb/actions/routing.

jboss-svn-commits at lists.jboss.org jboss-svn-commits at lists.jboss.org
Thu May 28 07:44:56 EDT 2009

Author: beve
Date: 2009-05-28 07:44:55 -0400 (Thu, 28 May 2009)
New Revision: 26763

Moved the test from JmsRouterIntegrationTest to JMSRouterUnitTest.

Modified: labs/jbossesb/workspace/dbevenius/jbossas5/product/rosetta/tests/src/org/jboss/soa/esb/actions/routing/JMSRouterUnitTest.java
--- labs/jbossesb/workspace/dbevenius/jbossas5/product/rosetta/tests/src/org/jboss/soa/esb/actions/routing/JMSRouterUnitTest.java	2009-05-28 11:39:32 UTC (rev 26762)
+++ labs/jbossesb/workspace/dbevenius/jbossas5/product/rosetta/tests/src/org/jboss/soa/esb/actions/routing/JMSRouterUnitTest.java	2009-05-28 11:44:55 UTC (rev 26763)
@@ -22,11 +22,17 @@
 package org.jboss.soa.esb.actions.routing;
 import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
+import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
+import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull;
+import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
 import static org.junit.Assert.fail;
+import java.io.Serializable;
 import java.lang.reflect.InvocationHandler;
 import java.lang.reflect.Method;
 import java.lang.reflect.Proxy;
+import java.net.URI;
+import java.net.URISyntaxException;
 import javax.jms.Destination;
 import javax.jms.ExceptionListener;
@@ -36,20 +42,33 @@
 import javax.jms.QueueConnection;
 import javax.jms.QueueSession;
 import javax.jms.Session;
+import javax.jms.TextMessage;
 import javax.naming.Context;
+import javax.naming.InitialContext;
+import javax.naming.NamingException;
 import junit.framework.JUnit4TestAdapter;
+import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
+import org.jboss.internal.soa.esb.rosetta.pooling.ConnectionException;
+import org.jboss.soa.esb.ConfigurationException;
 import org.jboss.soa.esb.actions.ActionProcessingException;
+import org.jboss.soa.esb.addressing.eprs.JMSEpr;
 import org.jboss.soa.esb.common.Environment;
 import org.jboss.soa.esb.helpers.ConfigTree;
+import org.jboss.soa.esb.helpers.NamingContextException;
 import org.jboss.soa.esb.helpers.NamingContextPool;
+import org.jboss.soa.esb.listeners.gateway.DefaultESBPropertiesSetter;
 import org.jboss.soa.esb.message.format.MessageFactory;
+import org.jboss.soa.esb.notification.jms.JMSPropertiesSetter;
+import org.jboss.soa.esb.testutils.SerializableMockQueue;
 import org.junit.After;
 import org.junit.Before;
 import org.junit.Test;
 import org.mockejb.jms.MockQueue;
+import org.mockejb.jms.ObjectMessageImpl;
 import org.mockejb.jms.QueueConnectionFactoryImpl;
+import org.mockejb.jms.TextMessageImpl;
 import org.mockejb.jndi.MockContextFactory;
@@ -61,6 +80,11 @@
     private static final String CONNECTION_FACTORY = "ConnectionFactory" ;
     private static final String QUEUE_NAME = "failQueue" ;
+    private static final String PROPERTY_SETTER_TEST_NAME = "MockJMSPropertiesSetter" ;
+    private final String messageID = "1234-junittest";
+    private final String bodyContent = "hello";
+    private org.jboss.soa.esb.message.Message msg;
+    private ConfigTree tree;
     public void setUp()
@@ -88,6 +112,13 @@
+    @Before
+    public void setup() throws URISyntaxException
+    {
+        msg = createESBMessageObject( messageID, bodyContent );
+        tree = createConfigTree();
+    }
     public void testRetry()
         throws Exception
@@ -116,6 +147,209 @@
         assertEquals("Original producer count", 3, MockQueueSessionInvocationHandler.producerCount) ;
+    @Test
+    public void processWithUnwrapFalse() throws ConfigurationException, NamingException, JMSException, ActionProcessingException, URISyntaxException
+    {
+        MockJMSRouter router = new MockJMSRouter(tree);
+        router.route( msg );
+        assertProcessContract( messageID, msg, router );
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void processWithUnwrapTrue() throws ConfigurationException, NamingException, JMSException, ActionProcessingException, URISyntaxException
+    {
+        tree.setAttribute( "unwrap", "true" );
+        MockJMSRouter router = new MockJMSRouter( tree );
+        router.route( msg );
+        assertProcessContract( messageID, msg, router );
+        final javax.jms.Message jmsMessage = ((MockJMSRouter) router).getJmsMessage();
+        assertTrue ( jmsMessage instanceof TextMessage );
+        final javax.jms.TextMessage textMessage = (TextMessage) jmsMessage;
+        assertEquals ( textMessage.getJMSCorrelationID(), messageID );
+        assertEquals ( textMessage.getText(), bodyContent );
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void constructorWithSecurity() throws ConfigurationException, NamingException, JMSException, ActionProcessingException, URISyntaxException
+    {
+        final String principal = "guest";
+        final String credential = "guest";
+        tree.setAttribute( "unwrap", "true" );
+        tree.setAttribute( JMSRouter.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, principal );
+        tree.setAttribute( JMSRouter.SECURITY_CREDITIAL, credential );
+        MockJMSRouter router = new MockJMSRouter( tree );
+        assertEquals (  principal, router.getSecurityPrincipal() );
+        assertEquals (  credential, router.getSecurityCredential() );
+    }
+    @Test ( expected = ConfigurationException.class )
+    public void shouldThrowIfPrincipalIsNull() throws ConfigurationException, NamingException, JMSException, ActionProcessingException, URISyntaxException
+    {
+        tree.setAttribute( JMSRouter.SECURITY_CREDITIAL, "testpassword" );
+        new MockJMSRouter( tree );
+    }
+    @Test ( expected = ConfigurationException.class )
+    public void shouldThrowIfCredentialIsNull() throws ConfigurationException, NamingException, JMSException, ActionProcessingException, URISyntaxException
+    {
+        tree.setAttribute( JMSRouter.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, "testuser" );
+        new MockJMSRouter( tree );
+    }
+    @Test ( expected = ActionProcessingException.class )
+    public void shouldThrowIfObjectIsNotAMessageObject() throws ConfigurationException, NamingException, JMSException, ActionProcessingException
+    {
+        ConfigTree tree = createConfigTree();
+        JMSRouter router = new MockJMSRouter(tree);
+        router.route( "test" );
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void setJMSReplyToQueue() throws JMSException, URISyntaxException, ConfigurationException, NamingException, ConnectionException, NamingContextException
+    {
+        try
+        {
+            MockContextFactory.setAsInitial();
+            Context context = new InitialContext();
+            MockContextFactory.setDelegateContext( context );
+            final MockQueue queue = new SerializableMockQueue( QUEUE_NAME );
+            context.rebind( QUEUE_NAME, queue );
+            // inbound is to simulate a jms message arriving at a gateway endpoint.
+            TextMessageImpl inBoundJmsMessage = new TextMessageImpl();
+            inBoundJmsMessage.setJMSReplyTo( queue );
+            new DefaultESBPropertiesSetter().setPropertiesFromJMSMessage( inBoundJmsMessage, msg );
+            JMSRouter router = new JMSRouter( createConfigTree() );
+            // outbound is to simulate a new jms message that is about to leave the ESB.
+            TextMessageImpl outBoundJmsMessage = new TextMessageImpl();
+            router.setJMSReplyTo( outBoundJmsMessage,  msg );
+        }
+        finally
+        {
+            MockContextFactory.revertSetAsInitial();
+        }
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void constructWithDefaultPersitentAttribute() throws ConfigurationException, NamingException, JMSException
+    {
+        ConfigTree config = createConfigTree();
+        JMSRouter router = new JMSRouter( config );
+        assertTrue( router.isDeliveryModePersistent() );
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void constructWithPersitentAttribute() throws ConfigurationException, NamingException, JMSException
+    {
+        ConfigTree config = createConfigTree();
+        config.setAttribute( JMSRouter.PERSISTENT_ATTR, "false" );
+        JMSRouter router = new JMSRouter( config );
+        assertFalse ( router.isDeliveryModePersistent() );
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void constructWithDefaultPriorityAttribute() throws ConfigurationException, NamingException, JMSException
+    {
+        ConfigTree config = createConfigTree();
+        JMSRouter router = new JMSRouter( config );
+        assertEquals( javax.jms.Message.DEFAULT_PRIORITY, router.getPriority() );
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void constructWithPriorityAttribute() throws ConfigurationException, NamingException, JMSException
+    {
+        final int expectedPriority = 9;
+        ConfigTree config = createConfigTree();
+        config.setAttribute( JMSRouter.PRIORITY_ATTR, String.valueOf( expectedPriority ) );
+        JMSRouter router = new JMSRouter( config );
+        assertEquals ( expectedPriority, router.getPriority() );
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void constructWithDefaultTimeToLiveAttribute() throws ConfigurationException, NamingException, JMSException
+    {
+        ConfigTree config = createConfigTree();
+        JMSRouter router = new JMSRouter( config );
+        assertEquals( javax.jms.Message.DEFAULT_TIME_TO_LIVE, router.getTimeToLive() );
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void constructWithTimeToLiveAttribute() throws ConfigurationException, NamingException, JMSException
+    {
+        final long ttl = 6000l;
+        ConfigTree config = createConfigTree();
+        config.setAttribute( JMSRouter.TIME_TO_LIVE_ATTR, String.valueOf( ttl ) );
+        JMSRouter router = new JMSRouter( config );
+        assertEquals ( ttl, router.getTimeToLive() );
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void specifyJNDIPropertiesInConfig() throws JMSException, URISyntaxException, ConfigurationException, NamingException, ConnectionException
+    {
+        final String jndiContextFactoryName = "org.jnp.interfaces.NamingContextFactory";
+        final String jndiURL = "localhost:1099";
+        final String jndiPkgPrefix = "org.jboss.naming";
+        final String connectionFactory = "ConnectionFactory";
+        ConfigTree config = createConfigTree();
+        config.setAttribute( JMSEpr.JNDI_CONTEXT_FACTORY_TAG, jndiContextFactoryName );
+        config.setAttribute( JMSEpr.JNDI_URL_TAG, jndiURL );
+        config.setAttribute( JMSEpr.JNDI_PKG_PREFIX_TAG, jndiPkgPrefix );
+        config.setAttribute( JMSEpr.CONNECTION_FACTORY_TAG, connectionFactory );
+        MockJMSRouter router = new MockJMSRouter( config );
+        assertEquals( jndiContextFactoryName, router.getContextFactoryName() );
+        assertEquals( jndiURL, router.getJndiURL() );
+        assertEquals( jndiPkgPrefix, router.getJndiPkgPrefix() );
+        assertEquals( connectionFactory, router.getConnectionFactory() );
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void usePropertyStrategy() throws ConfigurationException, NamingException, JMSException, ActionProcessingException
+    {
+        final ConfigTree tree = createConfigTree() ;
+        tree.setAttribute(JMSRouter.PROPERTY_STRATEGY, MockJMSPropertiesSetter.class.getName()) ;
+        final MockJMSRouter router = new MockJMSRouter(tree) ;
+        router.route(msg) ;
+        assertEquals("Property setter value", PROPERTY_SETTER_TEST_NAME, router.getJmsMessage().getStringProperty(PROPERTY_SETTER_TEST_NAME)) ;
+    }
+    private void assertProcessContract( final String messageID, final org.jboss.soa.esb.message.Message msg, JMSRouter router ) throws ActionProcessingException, JMSException
+    {
+        final org.jboss.soa.esb.message.Message message = router.process ( msg );
+        assertNull ( "Routers process should return null",  message );
+        final javax.jms.Message jmsMessage = ((MockJMSRouter) router).getJmsMessage();
+        assertEquals ( jmsMessage.getJMSCorrelationID(), messageID );
+    }
+    private org.jboss.soa.esb.message.Message createESBMessageObject( final String messageID, final String body) throws URISyntaxException
+    {
+        msg = MessageFactory.getInstance().getMessage();
+        msg.getHeader().getCall().setMessageID( new URI ( "1234-junittest" ) );
+        msg.getBody().add(body.getBytes());
+        return msg;
+    }
+    private static ConfigTree createConfigTree()
+    {
+        ConfigTree tree = new ConfigTree("test");
+        tree.setAttribute("jndiName", QUEUE_NAME);
+        return tree;
+    }
     private static final class MockQueueConnectionFactory extends QueueConnectionFactoryImpl
         static int queueConnectionCount ;
@@ -308,6 +542,83 @@
         public void setTimeToLive(long arg0) throws JMSException {}
+    private static class MockJMSRouter extends JMSRouter
+    {
+        @SuppressWarnings ( "unused" )
+        private Logger log = Logger.getLogger( MockJMSRouter.class );
+        private javax.jms.Message jmsMessage;
+        private String securityPrincipal;
+        private String securityCredential;
+        public MockJMSRouter(ConfigTree propertiesTree) throws ConfigurationException, NamingException, JMSException
+        {
+            super( propertiesTree );
+        }
+        @Override
+        protected void createQueueSetup( String queueName ) throws ConfigurationException { }
+        @Override
+        protected void createQueueSetup( String queueName,
+            String jndiContextFactory,
+            String jndiUrl,
+            String jndiPkgPrefix,
+            String connectionFactory,
+            String securityPrincipal,
+            String securityCredential) throws ConfigurationException
+        {
+            this.securityPrincipal = securityPrincipal;
+            this.securityCredential = securityCredential;
+        }
+        @Override
+        protected void send( javax.jms.Message jmsMessage ) throws JMSException
+        {
+            this.jmsMessage = jmsMessage;
+        }
+        public javax.jms.Message getJmsMessage()
+        {
+            return jmsMessage;
+        }
+        @Override
+        protected javax.jms.Message createJMSMessageWithObjectType( Object objectFromBody ) throws JMSException
+        {
+            TextMessageImpl textMessage = new TextMessageImpl();
+            textMessage.setText( new String ((byte[])objectFromBody) );
+            return textMessage;
+        }
+        @Override
+        protected javax.jms.Message createObjectMessage( Object message ) throws JMSException
+        {
+            ObjectMessageImpl impl = new ObjectMessageImpl();
+            impl.setObject( (Serializable) message );
+            return impl;
+        }
+        public String getSecurityPrincipal() 
+        {
+            return securityPrincipal;
+        }
+        public String getSecurityCredential() 
+        {
+            return securityCredential;
+        }
+    }
+    static class MockJMSPropertiesSetter implements JMSPropertiesSetter
+    {
+        public void setJMSProperties(final org.jboss.soa.esb.message.Message esbMsg, final javax.jms.Message jmsMessage) throws JMSException
+        {
+            jmsMessage.setStringProperty(PROPERTY_SETTER_TEST_NAME, PROPERTY_SETTER_TEST_NAME) ;
+        }
+    }
     public static junit.framework.Test suite()
         return new JUnit4TestAdapter(JMSRouterUnitTest.class);

Deleted: labs/jbossesb/workspace/dbevenius/jbossas5/product/rosetta/tests/src/org/jboss/soa/esb/actions/routing/JmsRouterIntegrationTest.java
--- labs/jbossesb/workspace/dbevenius/jbossas5/product/rosetta/tests/src/org/jboss/soa/esb/actions/routing/JmsRouterIntegrationTest.java	2009-05-28 11:39:32 UTC (rev 26762)
+++ labs/jbossesb/workspace/dbevenius/jbossas5/product/rosetta/tests/src/org/jboss/soa/esb/actions/routing/JmsRouterIntegrationTest.java	2009-05-28 11:44:55 UTC (rev 26763)
@@ -1,620 +0,0 @@
- * JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source
- * Copyright 2006, JBoss Inc., and individual contributors as indicated
- * by the @authors tag. See the copyright.txt in the distribution for a
- * full listing of individual contributors.
- *
- * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
- * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Lesser General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License along with this software; if not, write to the Free
- * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
- * 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site: http://www.fsf.org.
- */
-package org.jboss.soa.esb.actions.routing;
-import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
-import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
-import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull;
-import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
-import java.io.Serializable;
-import java.lang.reflect.InvocationHandler;
-import java.lang.reflect.Method;
-import java.lang.reflect.Proxy;
-import java.net.URI;
-import java.net.URISyntaxException;
-import javax.jms.Destination;
-import javax.jms.ExceptionListener;
-import javax.jms.JMSException;
-import javax.jms.MessageProducer;
-import javax.jms.QueueConnection;
-import javax.jms.QueueSession;
-import javax.jms.Session;
-import javax.jms.TextMessage;
-import javax.naming.Context;
-import javax.naming.InitialContext;
-import javax.naming.NamingException;
-import junit.framework.JUnit4TestAdapter;
-import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
-import org.jboss.internal.soa.esb.rosetta.pooling.ConnectionException;
-import org.jboss.soa.esb.ConfigurationException;
-import org.jboss.soa.esb.actions.ActionProcessingException;
-import org.jboss.soa.esb.addressing.eprs.JMSEpr;
-import org.jboss.soa.esb.common.Environment;
-import org.jboss.soa.esb.helpers.ConfigTree;
-import org.jboss.soa.esb.helpers.NamingContextException;
-import org.jboss.soa.esb.helpers.NamingContextPool;
-import org.jboss.soa.esb.listeners.gateway.DefaultESBPropertiesSetter;
-import org.jboss.soa.esb.message.Message;
-import org.jboss.soa.esb.message.format.MessageFactory;
-import org.jboss.soa.esb.notification.jms.JMSPropertiesSetter;
-import org.jboss.soa.esb.testutils.SerializableMockQueue;
-import org.junit.AfterClass;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.BeforeClass;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import org.mockejb.jms.MockQueue;
-import org.mockejb.jms.ObjectMessageImpl;
-import org.mockejb.jms.QueueConnectionFactoryImpl;
-import org.mockejb.jms.TextMessageImpl;
-import org.mockejb.jndi.MockContextFactory;
- * Integration test for {@link JMSRouter}
- * <p/>
- * @author John Doe
- * @author <a href="daniel.bevenius at redhat.com">Daniel Bevenius</a>             
- *
- */
-public class JmsRouterIntegrationTest
-    @SuppressWarnings ( "unused")
-    private Logger log = Logger.getLogger( JmsRouterIntegrationTest.class );
-    private final String messageID = "1234-junittest";
-    private final String bodyContent = "hello";
-    private Message msg;
-    private ConfigTree tree;
-    private static final String PROPERTY_SETTER_TEST_NAME = "MockJMSPropertiesSetter" ;
-    private static final String CONNECTION_FACTORY = "ConnectionFactory" ;
-    private static final String QUEUE_NAME = "jmsRouterQueue" ;
-    @BeforeClass
-    public static void setUp() throws Exception
-    {
-        MockContextFactory.setAsInitial();
-        final Context ctx = NamingContextPool.getNamingContext(null);
-        try
-        {
-            ctx.rebind(CONNECTION_FACTORY, new MockQueueConnectionFactory());
-            ctx.rebind(QUEUE_NAME, new MockQueue(QUEUE_NAME));
-        }
-        finally
-        {
-            NamingContextPool.releaseNamingContext(ctx) ;
-        }
-        System.setProperty(Environment.JNDI_SERVER_CONTEXT_FACTORY, System.getProperty(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY)) ;
-    }
-    @AfterClass
-    public static void tearDown() throws Exception
-    {
-        MockContextFactory.revertSetAsInitial();
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void processWithUnwrapFalse() throws ConfigurationException, NamingException, JMSException, ActionProcessingException, URISyntaxException
-    {
-        MockJMSRouter router = new MockJMSRouter(tree);
-        router.route( msg );
-        assertProcessContract( messageID, msg, router );
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void processWithUnwrapTrue() throws ConfigurationException, NamingException, JMSException, ActionProcessingException, URISyntaxException
-    {
-        tree.setAttribute( "unwrap", "true" );
-        MockJMSRouter router = new MockJMSRouter( tree );
-        router.route( msg );
-        assertProcessContract( messageID, msg, router );
-        final javax.jms.Message jmsMessage = ((MockJMSRouter) router).getJmsMessage();
-        assertTrue ( jmsMessage instanceof TextMessage );
-        final javax.jms.TextMessage textMessage = (TextMessage) jmsMessage;
-        assertEquals ( textMessage.getJMSCorrelationID(), messageID );
-        assertEquals ( textMessage.getText(), bodyContent );
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void constructorWithSecurity() throws ConfigurationException, NamingException, JMSException, ActionProcessingException, URISyntaxException
-    {
-        final String principal = "guest";
-        final String credential = "guest";
-        tree.setAttribute( "unwrap", "true" );
-        tree.setAttribute( JMSRouter.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, principal );
-        tree.setAttribute( JMSRouter.SECURITY_CREDITIAL, credential );
-        MockJMSRouter router = new MockJMSRouter( tree );
-        assertEquals (  principal, router.getSecurityPrincipal() );
-        assertEquals (  credential, router.getSecurityCredential() );
-    }
-    @Test ( expected = ConfigurationException.class )
-    public void shouldThrowIfPrincipalIsNull() throws ConfigurationException, NamingException, JMSException, ActionProcessingException, URISyntaxException
-    {
-        tree.setAttribute( JMSRouter.SECURITY_CREDITIAL, "testpassword" );
-        new MockJMSRouter( tree );
-    }
-    @Test ( expected = ConfigurationException.class )
-    public void shouldThrowIfCredentialIsNull() throws ConfigurationException, NamingException, JMSException, ActionProcessingException, URISyntaxException
-    {
-        tree.setAttribute( JMSRouter.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, "testuser" );
-        new MockJMSRouter( tree );
-    }
-    @Test ( expected = ActionProcessingException.class )
-    public void shouldThrowIfObjectIsNotAMessageObject() throws ConfigurationException, NamingException, JMSException, ActionProcessingException
-    {
-        ConfigTree tree = createConfigTree();
-        JMSRouter router = new MockJMSRouter(tree);
-        router.route( "test" );
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void setJMSReplyToQueue() throws JMSException, URISyntaxException, ConfigurationException, NamingException, ConnectionException, NamingContextException
-    {
-        try
-        {
-            MockContextFactory.setAsInitial();
-            Context context = new InitialContext();
-            MockContextFactory.setDelegateContext( context );
-            final MockQueue queue = new SerializableMockQueue( QUEUE_NAME );
-            context.rebind( QUEUE_NAME, queue );
-            // inbound is to simulate a jms message arriving at a gateway endpoint.
-            TextMessageImpl inBoundJmsMessage = new TextMessageImpl();
-            inBoundJmsMessage.setJMSReplyTo( queue );
-            new DefaultESBPropertiesSetter().setPropertiesFromJMSMessage( inBoundJmsMessage, msg );
-            JMSRouter router = new JMSRouter( createConfigTree() );
-            // outbound is to simulate a new jms message that is about to leave the ESB.
-            TextMessageImpl outBoundJmsMessage = new TextMessageImpl();
-            router.setJMSReplyTo( outBoundJmsMessage,  msg );
-        }
-        finally
-        {
-            MockContextFactory.revertSetAsInitial();
-        }
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void constructWithDefaultPersitentAttribute() throws ConfigurationException, NamingException, JMSException
-    {
-        ConfigTree config = createConfigTree();
-        JMSRouter router = new JMSRouter( config );
-        assertTrue( router.isDeliveryModePersistent() );
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void constructWithPersitentAttribute() throws ConfigurationException, NamingException, JMSException
-    {
-        ConfigTree config = createConfigTree();
-        config.setAttribute( JMSRouter.PERSISTENT_ATTR, "false" );
-        JMSRouter router = new JMSRouter( config );
-        assertFalse ( router.isDeliveryModePersistent() );
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void constructWithDefaultPriorityAttribute() throws ConfigurationException, NamingException, JMSException
-    {
-        ConfigTree config = createConfigTree();
-        JMSRouter router = new JMSRouter( config );
-        assertEquals( javax.jms.Message.DEFAULT_PRIORITY, router.getPriority() );
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void constructWithPriorityAttribute() throws ConfigurationException, NamingException, JMSException
-    {
-        final int expectedPriority = 9;
-        ConfigTree config = createConfigTree();
-        config.setAttribute( JMSRouter.PRIORITY_ATTR, String.valueOf( expectedPriority ) );
-        JMSRouter router = new JMSRouter( config );
-        assertEquals ( expectedPriority, router.getPriority() );
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void constructWithDefaultTimeToLiveAttribute() throws ConfigurationException, NamingException, JMSException
-    {
-        ConfigTree config = createConfigTree();
-        JMSRouter router = new JMSRouter( config );
-        assertEquals( javax.jms.Message.DEFAULT_TIME_TO_LIVE, router.getTimeToLive() );
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void constructWithTimeToLiveAttribute() throws ConfigurationException, NamingException, JMSException
-    {
-        final long ttl = 6000l;
-        ConfigTree config = createConfigTree();
-        config.setAttribute( JMSRouter.TIME_TO_LIVE_ATTR, String.valueOf( ttl ) );
-        JMSRouter router = new JMSRouter( config );
-        assertEquals ( ttl, router.getTimeToLive() );
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void specifyJNDIPropertiesInConfig() throws JMSException, URISyntaxException, ConfigurationException, NamingException, ConnectionException
-    {
-        final String jndiContextFactoryName = "org.jnp.interfaces.NamingContextFactory";
-        final String jndiURL = "localhost:1099";
-        final String jndiPkgPrefix = "org.jboss.naming";
-        final String connectionFactory = "ConnectionFactory";
-        ConfigTree config = createConfigTree();
-        config.setAttribute( JMSEpr.JNDI_CONTEXT_FACTORY_TAG, jndiContextFactoryName );
-        config.setAttribute( JMSEpr.JNDI_URL_TAG, jndiURL );
-        config.setAttribute( JMSEpr.JNDI_PKG_PREFIX_TAG, jndiPkgPrefix );
-        config.setAttribute( JMSEpr.CONNECTION_FACTORY_TAG, connectionFactory );
-        MockJMSRouter router = new MockJMSRouter( config );
-        assertEquals( jndiContextFactoryName, router.getContextFactoryName() );
-        assertEquals( jndiURL, router.getJndiURL() );
-        assertEquals( jndiPkgPrefix, router.getJndiPkgPrefix() );
-        assertEquals( connectionFactory, router.getConnectionFactory() );
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void usePropertyStrategy() throws ConfigurationException, NamingException, JMSException, ActionProcessingException
-    {
-        final ConfigTree tree = createConfigTree() ;
-        tree.setAttribute(JMSRouter.PROPERTY_STRATEGY, MockJMSPropertiesSetter.class.getName()) ;
-        final MockJMSRouter router = new MockJMSRouter(tree) ;
-        router.route(msg) ;
-        assertEquals("Property setter value", PROPERTY_SETTER_TEST_NAME, router.getJmsMessage().getStringProperty(PROPERTY_SETTER_TEST_NAME)) ;
-    }
-    @Before
-    public void setup() throws URISyntaxException
-    {
-        msg = createESBMessageObject( messageID, bodyContent );
-        tree = createConfigTree();
-    }
-    private void assertProcessContract( final String messageID, final Message msg, JMSRouter router ) throws ActionProcessingException, JMSException
-    {
-        final Message message = router.process ( msg );
-        assertNull ( "Routers process should return null",  message );
-        final javax.jms.Message jmsMessage = ((MockJMSRouter) router).getJmsMessage();
-        assertEquals ( jmsMessage.getJMSCorrelationID(), messageID );
-    }
-    private Message createESBMessageObject( final String messageID, final String body) throws URISyntaxException
-    {
-        Message msg = MessageFactory.getInstance().getMessage();
-        msg.getHeader().getCall().setMessageID( new URI ( "1234-junittest" ) );
-        msg.getBody().add(body.getBytes());
-        return msg;
-    }
-    private static ConfigTree createConfigTree()
-    {
-        ConfigTree tree = new ConfigTree("test");
-        tree.setAttribute("jndiName", QUEUE_NAME);
-        return tree;
-    }
-    private static class MockJMSRouter extends JMSRouter
-    {
-        @SuppressWarnings ( "unused" )
-        private Logger log = Logger.getLogger( MockJMSRouter.class );
-        private javax.jms.Message jmsMessage;
-        private String securityPrincipal;
-        private String securityCredential;
-        public MockJMSRouter(ConfigTree propertiesTree) throws ConfigurationException, NamingException, JMSException
-        {
-            super( propertiesTree );
-        }
-        @Override
-        protected void createQueueSetup( String queueName ) throws ConfigurationException { }
-        @Override
-        protected void createQueueSetup( String queueName,
-            String jndiContextFactory,
-            String jndiUrl,
-            String jndiPkgPrefix,
-            String connectionFactory,
-            String securityPrincipal,
-            String securityCredential) throws ConfigurationException
-        {
-            this.securityPrincipal = securityPrincipal;
-            this.securityCredential = securityCredential;
-        }
-        @Override
-        protected void send( javax.jms.Message jmsMessage ) throws JMSException
-        {
-            this.jmsMessage = jmsMessage;
-        }
-        public javax.jms.Message getJmsMessage()
-        {
-            return jmsMessage;
-        }
-        @Override
-        protected javax.jms.Message createJMSMessageWithObjectType( Object objectFromBody ) throws JMSException
-        {
-            TextMessageImpl textMessage = new TextMessageImpl();
-            textMessage.setText( new String ((byte[])objectFromBody) );
-            return textMessage;
-        }
-        @Override
-        protected javax.jms.Message createObjectMessage( Object message ) throws JMSException
-        {
-            ObjectMessageImpl impl = new ObjectMessageImpl();
-            impl.setObject( (Serializable) message );
-            return impl;
-        }
-        public String getSecurityPrincipal() 
-        {
-            return securityPrincipal;
-        }
-        public String getSecurityCredential() 
-        {
-            return securityCredential;
-        }
-    }
-    static class MockJMSPropertiesSetter implements JMSPropertiesSetter
-    {
-        public void setJMSProperties(final Message esbMsg, final javax.jms.Message jmsMessage)
-            throws JMSException
-        {
-            jmsMessage.setStringProperty(PROPERTY_SETTER_TEST_NAME, PROPERTY_SETTER_TEST_NAME) ;
-        }
-    }
-    private static final class MockQueueConnectionFactory extends QueueConnectionFactoryImpl
-    {
-        static int queueConnectionCount ;
-        @Override
-        public QueueConnection createQueueConnection() throws JMSException
-        {
-            queueConnectionCount++ ;
-            return (QueueConnection)Proxy.newProxyInstance(getClass().getClassLoader(), new Class[] {QueueConnection.class},
-                    new MockQueueExceptionHandlerInvocationHandler(super.createQueueConnection())) ;
-        }
-    }
-    private static final class MockQueueExceptionHandlerInvocationHandler implements InvocationHandler
-    {
-        private final QueueConnection queueConnection ;
-        private javax.jms.ExceptionListener exceptionListener ;
-        static int queueSessionCount ;
-        MockQueueExceptionHandlerInvocationHandler(final QueueConnection queueConnection)
-        {
-            this.queueConnection = queueConnection ;
-        }
-        public Object invoke(final Object proxy, final Method method, final Object[] args)
-            throws Throwable
-        {
-            final String methodName = method.getName() ;
-            if ("setExceptionListener".equals(methodName))
-            {
-                exceptionListener = (ExceptionListener)args[0] ;
-                return null ;
-            }
-            else if ("getExceptionListener".equals(methodName))
-            {
-                return exceptionListener ;
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                final Object response = method.invoke(queueConnection, args) ;
-                if (response instanceof QueueSession)
-                {
-                    queueSessionCount++ ;
-                    final QueueSession queueSession = (QueueSession)response ;
-                    return (QueueSession)Proxy.newProxyInstance(getClass().getClassLoader(), new Class[] {QueueSession.class},
-                            new MockQueueSessionInvocationHandler(this, queueSession)) ;
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                    return response ;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        void fireExceptionListener(final JMSException exception)
-        {
-            if (exceptionListener != null)
-            {
-                exceptionListener.onException(exception) ;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    private static final class MockQueueSessionInvocationHandler implements InvocationHandler
-    {
-        private final MockQueueExceptionHandlerInvocationHandler exceptionHandler ;
-        private final QueueSession queueSession ;
-        static int producerCount ;
-        MockQueueSessionInvocationHandler(final MockQueueExceptionHandlerInvocationHandler exceptionHandler, final QueueSession queueSession)
-        {
-            this.exceptionHandler = exceptionHandler ;
-            this.queueSession = queueSession ;
-        }
-        public Object invoke(final Object proxy, final Method method, final Object[] args)
-            throws Throwable
-        {
-            final String methodName = method.getName() ;
-            if ("recover".equals(methodName))
-            {
-                return null ;
-            }
-            else if ("createProducer".equals(methodName))
-            {
-                producerCount++ ;
-                return new MockFailMessageProducer(exceptionHandler) ;
-            }
-            else if ("getAcknowledgeMode".equals(methodName))
-            {
-                return Integer.valueOf(Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE) ;
-            }
-            else if ("getTransacted".equals(methodName))
-            {
-                return Boolean.FALSE ;
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                return method.invoke(queueSession, args) ;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    private static final class MockFailMessageProducer implements MessageProducer
-    {
-        private final MockQueueExceptionHandlerInvocationHandler exceptionHandler ;
-        public MockFailMessageProducer(final MockQueueExceptionHandlerInvocationHandler exceptionHandler)
-        {
-            this.exceptionHandler = exceptionHandler ;
-        }
-        public void close() throws JMSException {}
-        public int getDeliveryMode()
-            throws JMSException
-        {
-            return 0;
-        }
-        public Destination getDestination()
-            throws JMSException
-        {
-            return null;
-        }
-        public boolean getDisableMessageID()
-            throws JMSException
-        {
-            return false;
-        }
-        public boolean getDisableMessageTimestamp()
-            throws JMSException
-        {
-            return false;
-        }
-        public int getPriority() throws JMSException
-        {
-            return 0;
-        }
-        public long getTimeToLive() throws JMSException
-        {
-            return 0;
-        }
-        public void send(Message arg0) throws JMSException
-        {
-            exception() ;
-        }
-        public void send(Destination arg0, Message arg1) throws JMSException
-        {
-            throw new JMSException("Deliberate send exception") ;
-        }
-        public void send(Message arg0, int arg1, int arg2, long arg3) throws JMSException
-        {
-            throw new JMSException("Deliberate send exception") ;
-        }
-        private void exception() throws JMSException
-        {
-            final JMSException exception = new JMSException("Deliberate send exception") ;
-            exceptionHandler.fireExceptionListener(exception) ;
-            throw exception ;
-        }
-        public void send(Destination arg0, Message arg1, int arg2, int arg3, long arg4)
-            throws JMSException
-        {
-        }
-        public void setDeliveryMode(int arg0) throws JMSException {}
-        public void setDisableMessageID(boolean arg0) throws JMSException {}
-        public void setDisableMessageTimestamp(boolean arg0) throws JMSException {}
-        public void setPriority(int arg0) throws JMSException {}
-        public void setTimeToLive(long arg0) throws JMSException {}
-        public void send(javax.jms.Message arg0) throws JMSException
-        {
-        }
-        public void send(Destination arg0, javax.jms.Message arg1) throws JMSException
-        {
-        }
-        public void send(javax.jms.Message arg0, int arg1, int arg2, long arg3) throws JMSException
-        {
-        }
-        public void send(Destination arg0, javax.jms.Message arg1, int arg2, int arg3, long arg4) throws JMSException
-        {
-        }
-    }
-    /*
-     * Just here to help Ant to find annotated test.
-     */
-    public static junit.framework.Test suite()
-    {
-        return new JUnit4TestAdapter( JmsRouterIntegrationTest.class );
-    }

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