[jboss-svn-commits] JBL Code SVN: r31675 - labs/jbossrules/branches/camel_jaxb_marshaller2-lucaz/drools-pipeline/drools-camel/src/test/java/org/drools/camel/component.

jboss-svn-commits at lists.jboss.org jboss-svn-commits at lists.jboss.org
Mon Feb 15 08:54:58 EST 2010

Author: lucazamador
Date: 2010-02-15 08:54:57 -0500 (Mon, 15 Feb 2010)
New Revision: 31675

test with XSD Models

Added: labs/jbossrules/branches/camel_jaxb_marshaller2-lucaz/drools-pipeline/drools-camel/src/test/java/org/drools/camel/component/CamelEndpointWithJaxbXSDModelTest.java
--- labs/jbossrules/branches/camel_jaxb_marshaller2-lucaz/drools-pipeline/drools-camel/src/test/java/org/drools/camel/component/CamelEndpointWithJaxbXSDModelTest.java	                        (rev 0)
+++ labs/jbossrules/branches/camel_jaxb_marshaller2-lucaz/drools-pipeline/drools-camel/src/test/java/org/drools/camel/component/CamelEndpointWithJaxbXSDModelTest.java	2010-02-15 13:54:57 UTC (rev 31675)
@@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
+package org.drools.camel.component;
+import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Arrays;
+import java.util.List;
+import javax.xml.bind.JAXBContext;
+import org.apache.camel.builder.RouteBuilder;
+import org.drools.KnowledgeBase;
+import org.drools.builder.KnowledgeBuilder;
+import org.drools.builder.ResourceType;
+import org.drools.builder.help.KnowledgeBuilderHelper;
+import org.drools.command.runtime.rule.InsertObjectCommand;
+import org.drools.io.ResourceFactory;
+import org.drools.pipeline.camel.Person;
+import org.drools.runtime.ExecutionResults;
+import org.drools.runtime.StatefulKnowledgeSession;
+import org.drools.runtime.rule.FactHandle;
+import com.sun.tools.xjc.Language;
+import com.sun.tools.xjc.Options;
+ * 
+ * @author Lucas Amador
+ * @author Pablo Nussembaum
+ *
+ */
+public class CamelEndpointWithJaxbXSDModelTest extends DroolsCamelTestSupport {
+	private String handle;
+	private JAXBContext jaxbContext;
+	public void testSessionInsert() throws Exception {
+		String cmd = "";
+		cmd += "<batch-execution lookup='ksession1'>\n";
+		cmd += "   <insert out-identifier='lucaz'>\n";
+		cmd += "    <object>\n";
+		cmd += "      <Person xmlns='http://drools.org/model' >\n";
+		cmd += "         <name>lucaz</name>\n";
+		cmd += "         <age>25</age>\n";
+		cmd += "      </Person>\n";
+		cmd += "    </object>\n";
+		cmd += "   </insert>\n";
+		cmd += "   <insert out-identifier='baunax'>\n";
+		cmd += "    <object>\n";
+		cmd += "      <Person xmlns='http://drools.org/model' >\n";
+		cmd += "         <name>baunax</name>\n";
+		cmd += "         <age>21</age>\n";
+		cmd += "      </Person>\n";
+		cmd += "    </object>\n";
+		cmd += "   </insert>\n";
+		cmd += "   <fire-all-rules />";
+		cmd += "</batch-execution>\n";
+		byte[] xmlResp = (byte[]) template.requestBodyAndHeader("direct:test-with-session", cmd, "jaxb-context", jaxbContext);
+		assertNotNull(xmlResp);
+		System.out.println(new String(xmlResp));
+		ExecutionResults resp = (ExecutionResults) jaxbContext.createUnmarshaller().unmarshal(new ByteArrayInputStream(xmlResp));
+		assertNotNull(resp);
+		assertEquals(2, resp.getIdentifiers().size());
+		assertNotNull(resp.getValue("lucaz"));
+		assertNotNull(resp.getValue("baunax"));
+		assertNotNull(resp.getFactHandle("lucaz"));
+		assertNotNull(resp.getFactHandle("baunax"));
+	}
+	@Override
+	protected RouteBuilder createRouteBuilder() throws Exception {
+		return new RouteBuilder() {
+			public void configure() throws Exception {
+				from("direct:test-with-session").to("drools:sm/ksession1?dataFormat=drools-jaxb");
+				from("direct:test-no-session").to("drools:sm?dataFormat=drools-jaxb");
+			}
+		};
+	}
+	@Override
+	protected void configureDroolsContext() {
+		Person me = new Person();
+		me.setName("Hadrian");
+		String rule = "";
+		rule += "package org.drools \n";
+		rule += "import org.drools.model.Person \n";
+		rule += "global java.util.List list \n";
+		rule += "query persons \n";
+		rule += "   $p : Person(name != null) \n";
+		rule += "end \n";
+		rule += "query personWithName(String param)\n";
+		rule += "   $p : Person(name == param) \n";
+		rule += "end \n";
+		rule += "rule rule1 \n";
+		rule += "  when \n";
+		rule += "    $p : Person() \n";
+		rule += " \n";
+		rule += "  then \n";
+		rule += "    System.out.println(\"executed\"); \n";
+		rule += "end\n";
+		StatefulKnowledgeSession ksession = registerKnowledgeRuntime("ksession1", rule);
+		InsertObjectCommand cmd = new InsertObjectCommand(me);
+		cmd.setOutIdentifier("camel-rider");
+		cmd.setReturnObject(false);
+		ExecutionResults results = ksession.execute(cmd);
+		handle = ((FactHandle)results.getFactHandle("camel-rider")).toExternalForm();
+	}
+	@Override
+	protected StatefulKnowledgeSession registerKnowledgeRuntime(String identifier, String rule) {
+		KnowledgeBuilder kbuilder = serviceManager.getKnowledgeBuilderFactoryService().newKnowledgeBuilder();
+		Options xjcOpts = new Options();
+		xjcOpts.setSchemaLanguage( Language.XMLSCHEMA );
+		String classNames[] = null;
+		try {
+			classNames = KnowledgeBuilderHelper.addXsdModel( ResourceFactory.newClassPathResource("person.xsd", getClass()),
+					kbuilder,
+					xjcOpts,
+			"xsd" );
+		} catch (IOException e) {
+			LOG.error("Errors while adding xsd model. ", kbuilder.getErrors());
+		}
+		assertFalse( kbuilder.hasErrors() );
+		if (rule != null && rule.length() > 0) {
+			kbuilder.add(ResourceFactory.newByteArrayResource(rule.getBytes()), ResourceType.DRL);
+			if (kbuilder.hasErrors()) {
+				LOG.info("Errors while adding rule. ", kbuilder.getErrors());
+			}
+		}
+		String process1 = "";
+        process1 += "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n";
+        process1 += "<process xmlns=\"http://drools.org/drools-5.0/process\"\n";
+        process1 += "         xmlns:xs=\"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance\"\n";
+        process1 += "         xs:schemaLocation=\"http://drools.org/drools-5.0/process drools-processes-5.0.xsd\"\n";
+        process1 += "         type=\"RuleFlow\" name=\"flow\" id=\"org.drools.actions\" package-name=\"org.drools\" version=\"1\" >\n";
+        process1 += "\n";
+        process1 += "  <header>\n";
+        process1 += "    <imports>\n";
+        process1 += "      <import name=\"org.drools.model.Person\" />\n";
+        process1 += "    </imports>\n";
+        process1 += "    <globals>\n";
+        process1 += "      <global identifier=\"list\" type=\"java.util.List\" />\n";
+        process1 += "    </globals>\n";
+        process1 += "    <variables>\n";
+        process1 += "      <variable name=\"person\" >\n";
+        process1 += "        <type name=\"org.drools.process.core.datatype.impl.type.ObjectDataType\" className=\"Person\" />\n";
+        process1 += "      </variable>\n";
+        process1 += "    </variables>\n";
+        process1 += "  </header>\n";
+        process1 += "\n";
+        process1 += "  <nodes>\n";
+        process1 += "    <start id=\"1\" name=\"Start\" />\n";
+        process1 += "    <actionNode id=\"2\" name=\"MyActionNode\" >\n";
+        process1 += "      <action type=\"expression\" dialect=\"mvel\" >System.out.println(\"Triggered\");\n";
+//        process1 += "list.add(person.name);\n";
+        process1 += "</action>\n";
+        process1 += "    </actionNode>\n";
+        process1 += "    <end id=\"3\" name=\"End\" />\n";
+        process1 += "  </nodes>\n";
+        process1 += "\n";
+        process1 += "  <connections>\n";
+        process1 += "    <connection from=\"1\" to=\"2\" />\n";
+        process1 += "    <connection from=\"2\" to=\"3\" />\n";
+        process1 += "  </connections>\n" + "\n";
+        process1 += "</process>";
+        kbuilder.add(ResourceFactory.newByteArrayResource(process1.getBytes()), ResourceType.DRF);
+        if (kbuilder.hasErrors()) {
+        	System.out.println("Errors while adding process rule 1. " + kbuilder.getErrors());
+        }
+		assertFalse(kbuilder.hasErrors());
+        String process2 = "";
+        process2 += "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n";
+        process2 += "<process xmlns=\"http://drools.org/drools-5.0/process\"\n";
+        process2 += "         xmlns:xs=\"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance\"\n";
+        process2 += "         xs:schemaLocation=\"http://drools.org/drools-5.0/process drools-processes-5.0.xsd\"\n";
+        process2 += "         type=\"RuleFlow\" name=\"flow\" id=\"org.drools.event\" package-name=\"org.drools\" version=\"1\" >\n";
+        process2 += "\n";
+        process2 += "  <header>\n";
+        process2 += "    <variables>\n";
+        process2 += "      <variable name=\"MyVar\" >\n";
+        process2 += "        <type name=\"org.drools.process.core.datatype.impl.type.StringDataType\" />\n";
+        process2 += "        <value>SomeText</value>\n";
+        process2 += "      </variable>\n";
+        process2 += "    </variables>\n";
+        process2 += "  </header>\n";
+        process2 += "\n";
+        process2 += "  <nodes>\n";
+        process2 += "    <start id=\"1\" name=\"Start\" />\n";
+        process2 += "    <eventNode id=\"2\" name=\"Event\" variableName=\"MyVar\" >\n";
+        process2 += "      <eventFilters>\n";
+        process2 += "        <eventFilter type=\"eventType\" eventType=\"MyEvent\" />\n";
+        process2 += "      </eventFilters>\n";
+        process2 += "    </eventNode>\n";
+        process2 += "    <join id=\"3\" name=\"Join\" type=\"1\" />\n";
+        process2 += "    <end id=\"4\" name=\"End\" />\n";
+        process2 += "  </nodes>\n";
+        process2 += "\n";
+        process2 += "  <connections>\n";
+        process2 += "    <connection from=\"1\" to=\"3\" />\n";
+        process2 += "    <connection from=\"2\" to=\"3\" />\n";
+        process2 += "    <connection from=\"3\" to=\"4\" />\n";
+        process2 += "  </connections>\n";
+        process2 += "\n";
+        process2 += "</process>";
+        kbuilder.add(ResourceFactory.newByteArrayResource(process2.getBytes()), ResourceType.DRF);
+        if (kbuilder.hasErrors()) {
+        	LOG.info("Errors while adding process rule 2. ", kbuilder.getErrors());
+        }
+		assertFalse(kbuilder.hasErrors());
+		KnowledgeBase kbase = serviceManager.getKnowledgeBaseFactoryService().newKnowledgeBase();
+		kbase.addKnowledgePackages(kbuilder.getKnowledgePackages());
+		// Add object model to classes array
+		List<String> allClasses = new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList(classNames));		
+		allClasses.add("org.drools.pipeline.camel.Person");
+		try {
+			jaxbContext = KnowledgeBuilderHelper.newJAXBContext( allClasses.toArray(new String[allClasses.size()]), kbase );
+		} catch (Exception e) {
+			LOG.info("Errors while creating JAXB Context. ", e);
+			e.printStackTrace();
+			throw new RuntimeException(e);
+		}
+		StatefulKnowledgeSession session = kbase.newStatefulKnowledgeSession();
+		serviceManager.register(identifier, session);
+		return session;
+	}

Property changes on: labs/jbossrules/branches/camel_jaxb_marshaller2-lucaz/drools-pipeline/drools-camel/src/test/java/org/drools/camel/component/CamelEndpointWithJaxbXSDModelTest.java
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

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