[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Bean access

urswag do-not-reply at jboss.com
Wed Aug 9 13:01:16 EDT 2006

How have I to call the categoryManager bean. I should call method before the data model is loaded into the table. With the following construction

anonymous wrote : 
  | xhtml @69,119 binding="#{categoryMangager.updateAssortmentCategories}": Target Unreachable, identifier 'categoryMangager' resolved to null

I get the error

anonymous wrote : 
  | 	<h:dataTable var="category" binding="#{categoryMangager.updateAssortmentCategories}" value="#{assortmentCategories}">
  | 		<h:column>
  | 			<h:outputLink value="">
  | 				<h:outputText value="#{category.description}" />
  | 			</h:outputLink>
  | 		</h:column>
  | 	</h:dataTable>

The bean code part

anonymous wrote : 
  | @Stateful
  | @Scope(SESSION)
  | @Name("categoryManager")
  | @Interceptors(SeamInterceptor.class)
  | public class CategoryManagerBean implements Serializable, CategoryManager {
  |    ...
  | 	public void updateAssortmentCategories() {
  | 		if (assortment != oldAssortment) {
  | 			Query query = em.createQuery("from Category c where c.assortment = :assortment");
  | 			query.setParameter("assortment", assortment);
  | 			assortmentCategories = query.getResultList();
  | 			oldAssortment = assortment;
  | 		}
  | 	}
  |    ...
  | }

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