[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Starting a pageflow using s:link with no action binding...

shea.phillips do-not-reply at jboss.com
Tue Nov 7 20:07:44 EST 2006


I am wondering if it is possible to initiate a pageflow simply using s:link and providing  only a pageflow name and a propagation attribute( ie. no action binding).

The doco indicates shows the example below:

anonymous wrote : If the link begins a conversation, you can even specify a pageflow to be used:
  | <s:link action=?#{documentEditor.getDocument}? propagation=?begin? 
  |         pageflow=?EditDocument?/>

I want to do the same, but without the action=... bit.  

I currently am experimenting using the following <s:link>:

<s:link propagation="begin" pageflow="dummyFlow">Dummy Flow</s:link>

With the following pageflow:

  |         name="dummyFlow">
  |     <start-state>
  |         <transition to="studyList"/>                    
  |     </start-state>
  |     <page name="studyList" view-id="/pages/study_list.xhtml" redirect="true">        
  |         <transition name="pick" to="studyDetails"/>
  |         <transition name="addNewStudy" to="studyCreationForm"/>            
  |         <transition name="done" to="done"/>
  |     </page>
  | ...

The error I am getting when clicking the s:link-generate link is:

javax.servlet.ServletException: pageflow has not yet started
  | 	javax.faces.webapp.FacesServlet.service(FacesServlet.java:121)
  | 	org.jboss.seam.servlet.SeamRedirectFilter.doFilter(SeamRedirectFilter.java:30)

Any thoughts appreciated.


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