[jboss-user] validationQuery and jboss

bmilbratz at outstart.com bmilbratz at outstart.com
Fri Nov 17 11:01:10 EST 2006


Does 'validationQuery' work w/ jboss?

One of our customers has an intermittent 'connection reset by peer' 
error when connecting from the app server to the database.

I search a bit and found some posts/articles suggesting using a 
'validationQuery' property on the data source to force the driver to 

The documentation, however, was less than-complete.

Furthermore, I'm not sure I can specify this information using the  
jboss  datasource configuration file (-ds.xml ). 

I've grepped the jboss-3.2.6 source and see no reference whatsoever to 
'validationquery' --so hence my query to the list.

We're running Jboss-3-2.6


*validationQuery* - SQL query that can be used by the pool to validate 
connections before they are returned to the application. If specified, 
this query MUST be an SQL SELECT statement that returns at least one row.

the Commons DBCP (Database Connection Pool) which is used by the Tomcat 
application server (and hence JIRA Standalone) can validate connections 
(by running a simple SQL query) before issueing them, and if a broken 
connection is detected, a new one is created to replace it. To do this 
you will need to set the "validationQuery" option on the database 
connection pool.


bill m

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