[jboss-user] [Installation, Configuration & Deployment] - Re: /client vs /lib

lightbulb432 do-not-reply at jboss.com
Wed Oct 4 19:01:48 EDT 2006

Thanks for the reply. 

If you want to share JARs among several different archives in a given server configuration, what could you do? In this case I'm guessing you'd place it in server/myConf/lib (though these JARs can only be read at server startup time and NOT hot-deployed)

What would you do if you wanted to share JARs between several server configurations? I'm lost on this one totally.

And is there anything apart from .jar files that would be placed in either the /client, /lib, or /server/myConf/lib folders? (I'm guessing .zip files that are organized exactly like .jar) -- But would anything else ever be placed there, like properties files, xml files, EARs/WARs/SARs/HARs, etc.....?

Clarification on these matters would be extremely helpful!

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