[jboss-user] [Beginners Corner] - Re: Newbie Need Help :)

scout1lacno do-not-reply at jboss.com
Fri Oct 6 03:24:39 EDT 2006

Hi thank for the reply :)

I've downloaded the TcpView already. I've run it but I cant seem to find the 8083 and 1098.. Maybe the port is inside the firewall? 

Follow up question. I understand that to change the 8083 and 1098 port you need to go to the HOME:\jboss-4.0.4.GA\server\default\conf\jboss-service.xml(code below) but on my xml file here I cant see them.. 

Should I again manualy code the port here?


  | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  | <!-- ===================================================================== -->
  | <!--  JBoss Server Configuration                                           -->
  | <!-- ===================================================================== -->
  | <server>
  |    <!-- Load all jars from the JBOSS_DIST/server/<config>/lib directory. This
  |      can be restricted to specific jars by specifying them in the archives
  |      attribute.
  |     -->
  |    <classpath codebase="${jboss.server.lib.url:lib}" archives="*"/>
  |    <!-- A Thread pool service -->
  |    <mbean code="org.jboss.util.threadpool.BasicThreadPool"
  |       name="jboss.system:service=ThreadPool">
  |       <attribute name="Name">JBoss System Threads</attribute>
  |       <attribute name="ThreadGroupName">System Threads</attribute>
  |       <!-- How long a thread will live without any tasks in MS -->
  |       <attribute name="KeepAliveTime">60000</attribute>
  |       <!-- The max number of threads in the pool -->
  |       <attribute name="MaximumPoolSize">10</attribute>
  |       <!-- The max number of tasks before the queue is full -->
  |       <attribute name="MaximumQueueSize">1000</attribute>
  |       <!-- The behavior of the pool when a task is added and the queue is full.
  |       abort - a RuntimeException is thrown
  |       run - the calling thread executes the task
  |       wait - the calling thread blocks until the queue has room
  |       discard - the task is silently discarded without being run
  |       discardOldest - check to see if a task is about to complete and enque
  |          the new task if possible, else run the task in the calling thread
  |       -->
  |       <attribute name="BlockingMode">run</attribute>
  |    </mbean>
  |    <!-- ==================================================================== -->
  |    <!-- Log4j Initialization                                                 -->
  |    <!-- ==================================================================== -->
  |    <mbean code="org.jboss.logging.Log4jService"
  |       name="jboss.system:type=Log4jService,service=Logging"
  | 	  xmbean-dd="resource:xmdesc/Log4jService-xmbean.xml">
  |       <attribute name="ConfigurationURL">resource:log4j.xml</attribute>
  |       <!-- Set the org.apache.log4j.helpers.LogLog.setQuiteMode. As of log4j1.2.8
  |       this needs to be set to avoid a possible deadlock on exception at the
  |       appender level. See bug#696819.
  |       -->
  |       <attribute name="Log4jQuietMode">true</attribute>
  |       <!-- How frequently in seconds the ConfigurationURL is checked for changes -->
  |       <attribute name="RefreshPeriod">60</attribute>
  |    </mbean>
  |    <!-- ==================================================================== -->
  |    <!-- Monitoring and Management                                            -->
  |    <!-- ==================================================================== -->
  |    <!-- Uncomment to enable JMX monitoring of the bean cache
  |    <mbean code="org.jboss.monitor.BeanCacheMonitor"
  |           name="jboss.monitor:name=BeanCacheMonitor"/>
  |    -->
  |    <!-- Uncomment to enable JMX monitoring of the entity bean locking
  |    <mbean code="org.jboss.monitor.EntityLockMonitor"
  |           name="jboss.monitor:name=EntityLockMonitor"/>
  |    -->
  |    <!-- ==================================================================== -->
  |    <!-- Deployment Scanning                                                  -->
  |    <!-- ==================================================================== -->
  |    <!-- An mbean for hot deployment/undeployment of archives.
  |    -->
  |    <mbean code="org.jboss.deployment.scanner.URLDeploymentScanner"
  |       name="jboss.deployment:type=DeploymentScanner,flavor=URL">
  |       <!-- Uncomment (and comment/remove version below) to enable usage of the
  |         DeploymentCache
  |       <depends optional-attribute-name="Deployer">jboss.deployment:type=DeploymentCache</depends>
  |       -->
  |       <depends optional-attribute-name="Deployer">jboss.system:service=MainDeployer</depends>
  |       <!-- The URLComparator can be used to specify a deployment ordering
  |            for deployments found in a scanned directory.  The class specified
  |            must be an implementation of java.util.Comparator, it must be able
  |            to compare two URL objects, and it must have a no-arg constructor.
  |            Two deployment comparators are shipped with JBoss:
  |              - org.jboss.deployment.DeploymentSorter
  |                Sorts by file extension, as follows:
  |                  "sar", "service.xml", "rar", "jar", "war", "wsr", "ear", "zip",
  |                  "*"
  |              - org.jboss.deployment.scanner.PrefixDeploymentSorter
  |                If the name portion of the url begins with 1 or more digits, those
  |                digits are converted to an int (ignoring leading zeroes), and
  |                files are deployed in that order.  Files that do not start with
  |                any digits will be deployed first, and they will be sorted by
  |                extension as above with DeploymentSorter.
  |       -->
  |       <attribute name="URLComparator">org.jboss.deployment.DeploymentSorter</attribute>
  |       <!--
  |       <attribute name="URLComparator">org.jboss.deployment.scanner.PrefixDeploymentSorter</attribute>
  |       -->
  |       <!-- The FilterInstance specifies a URLLister.URLFilter for scanned
  |            directories. This DeploymentFilter is initialized with the given
  |            prefixes, suffixes and matches that define which URLs should be
  |            ignored.
  |       -->
  |       <attribute name="FilterInstance"
  |          attributeClass="org.jboss.deployment.scanner.DeploymentFilter"
  |          serialDataType="javaBean">
  |          <!-- Files starting with theses strings are ignored -->
  |          <property name="prefixes">#,%,\,,.,_$</property>
  |          <!-- Files ending with theses strings are ignored -->
  |          <property name="suffixes">#,$,%,~,\,v,.BAK,.bak,.old,.orig,.tmp,.rej,.sh</property>
  |          <!-- Files matching with theses strings are ignored -->
  |          <property name="matches">.make.state,.nse_depinfo,CVS,CVS.admin,RCS,RCSLOG,SCCS,TAGS,core,tags</property>
  |       </attribute>
  |       <!-- Frequency in milliseconds to rescan the URLs for changes -->
  |       <attribute name="ScanPeriod">5000</attribute>
  |       <!-- A flag to disable the scans -->
  |       <attribute name="ScanEnabled">true</attribute>
  |       <!-- URLs are comma separated and resolve relative to the server home URL
  |          unless the given path is absolute. If the URL ends in "/" it is
  |          considered a collection and scanned, otherwise it is simply deployed;
  |          this follows RFC2518 convention and allows discrimination between
  |          collections and directories that are simply unpacked archives.
  |          URLs may be local (file:) or remote (http:). Scanning is supported
  |          for remote URLs but unpacked deployment units are not.
  |          Example URLs:
  |             deploy/
  |                  scans ${jboss.server.url}/deploy/, which is local or remote
  |                  depending on the URL used to boot the server
  |             ${jboss.server.home}/deploy/
  |                  scans ${jboss.server.home}/deploy, which is always local
  |             file:/var/opt/myapp.ear
  |                  deploy myapp.ear from a local location
  |             file:/var/opt/apps/
  |                  scans the specified directory
  |             http://www.test.com/netboot/myapp.ear
  |                  deploys myapp.ear from a remote location
  |             http://www.test.com/netboot/apps/
  |                  scans the specified WebDAV location
  |        -->
  |       <attribute name="URLs">
  |          deploy/
  |       </attribute>
  |       <!-- Indicates if the scanner should recursively scan directories that
  |       contain no "." in their names. This can be used to group applications
  |       and services that must be deployed and that have the same
  |       logical function in the same directory i.e.
  |         deploy/JMX/
  |         deploy/JMS/
  |         ...
  |       -->
  |       <attribute name="RecursiveSearch">True</attribute>
  |    </mbean>
  | </server>

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