[jboss-user] [EJB 3.0] - Local and Remote interfaces required in EJB3

esfahan do-not-reply at jboss.com
Mon Oct 16 13:17:37 EDT 2006

Hi there,

I am trying to get started with EJB3 and Seam and have a question regarding remote and local interfaces. It seems to define a stateful bean I have to do something along this lines:

public interface Foo

public class FooBean implements Foo

I have to specify and interface which I annoate with @Local and then I need an actual bean implementation which I annoate with @Stateful. However, I thought that in EJB3 I don't need interfaces anymore. I hoped to be able to annoate a simple POJO. I recall reading somewhere that if eg I annotate a POJO as Stateful with no other annotation per default all public methods become part of the business interface. If I try to put the @Local annotation on FooBean itself removing the 'implements Foo' I get 

java.lang.RuntimeException: bean class has no local, webservice, or remote interfaces defined and does not implement at least one business interface

Why are these interfaces still required. I could imagine something like this

public class FooBean implements Foo
   public void foo();

   public void bar();

Why can I not annotate in a simple POJO which of my methods are exposed in the local/remote business interface.  Of course I realize how much simpler EJB3 had become compared to EJB2, but without beeing able to annotate the buisness interface in the actual POJO it seems to be a half hearted apporach.

Am I missing something?


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