[jboss-user] [EJB 3.0] - Exception handling

martin ganserer do-not-reply at jboss.com
Wed Sep 13 03:33:54 EDT 2006

Hello experts,

could you please take a look at my code. I am really not sure if my exception handling is correct or maybe completely wrong. 
As you can see I catch every exception log what happened and throw a new RuntimeException!
Could you give me a hand how I should implement exception handling in my DAO beans?

  | public class CustomerServiceBean implements CustomerService, CustomerServiceRemote
  | {
  | 	private @PersistenceContext(unitName = "order") EntityManager em;
  | 	private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(Customer.class);
  | 	/**
  | 	* Persist customer object
  | 	* @param customer the customer to persist
  | 	* @return the persisted customer object
  | 	* @throws GenericServiceException
  | 	*/
  | 	@PermitAll
  | 	public Customer persistCustomer(Customer customer) throws GenericServiceException
  | 	{
  | 		if(customer == null)
  | 		{
  | 			String errorMessage = "Can not persist empty object!";
  | 			logger.warn(errorMessage);
  | 			throw new GenericServiceException(errorMessage);
  | 		}
  | 		try
  | 		{
  | 			if(logger.isDebugEnabled())
  | 				logger.debug("Persist customer " + customer.toString() + ".");
  | 			em.persist(customer);
  | 			if(logger.isDebugEnabled())
  | 				logger.debug("Customer " + customer.toString() + " with id " + customer.getId() + " persisted!");
  | 			return customer;
  | 		}
  | 		catch(Throwable e)
  | 		{
  | 			logger.error("Could not persist customer " + customer.toString(),e);
  | 			throw new GenericServiceException(e.getMessage(),e.getCause());
  | 		}
  | 	}
  | 	/**
  | 	* Merge customer object
  | 	* @param customer the customer to persist
  | 	* @return the merged customer object
  | 	* @throws GenericServiceException
  | 	*/
  | 	@PermitAll
  | 	public Customer mergeCustomer(Customer customer) throws GenericServiceException
  | 	{
  | 		if(customer == null)
  | 		{
  | 			String errorMessage = "Can not merge empty object!";
  | 			logger.warn(errorMessage);
  | 			throw new GenericServiceException(errorMessage);
  | 		}
  | 		try
  | 		{
  | 			if(logger.isDebugEnabled())
  | 				logger.debug("Merge customer " + customer.toString() + ".");
  | 			return em.merge(customer);
  | 		}
  | 		catch(Throwable e)
  | 		{
  | 			logger.error("Could not merge customer " + customer.toString(),e);
  | 			throw new GenericServiceException(e.getMessage(),e.getCause());
  | 		}
  | 	}
  | 	/**
  | 	* Find customer
  | 	* @param id
  | 	* @return the customer object
  | 	* @throws GenericServiceException
  | 	*/
  | 	@PermitAll
  | 	public Customer findCustomerById(int id) throws GenericServiceException
  | 	{
  | 		try
  | 		{
  | 			if(logger.isDebugEnabled())
  | 				logger.debug("Find customer " + id);
  | 			return em.find(Customer.class, id);
  | 		}
  | 		catch(Throwable e)
  | 		{
  | 			logger.error("Could not find customer " + id,e);
  | 			throw new GenericServiceException(e.getMessage(),e.getCause());
  | 		}
  | 	}
  | 	/**
  | 	* Find customer
  | 	* @param id
  | 	* @param mustExist if true an exception will be thrown if the object does not exist.
  | 	* @return a customer object.
  | 	* @throws GenericServiceException
  | 	*/
  | 	@PermitAll
  | 	public Customer findCustomerById(int id, boolean mustExist) throws GenericServiceException
  | 	{
  | 		try
  | 		{
  | 			if(logger.isDebugEnabled())
  | 				logger.debug("Find customer " + id);
  | 			if(mustExist)
  | 			{
  | 				Customer customer = new Customer(id);
  | 				em.refresh(customer);
  | 				return customer;
  | 			}
  | 			else
  | 				return em.find(Customer.class, id);
  | 		}
  | 		catch(Throwable e)
  | 		{
  | 			logger.error("Could not find customer " + id,e);
  | 			throw new GenericServiceException(e.getMessage(),e.getCause());
  | 		}
  | 	}
  | 	/**
  | 	* Find customer
  | 	* @param customer the customer to search for 
  | 	* @return the customer object
  | 	* @throws GenericServiceException
  | 	*/
  | 	@PermitAll
  | 	public Customer findCustomerById(Customer customer) throws GenericServiceException
  | 	{
  | 		if(customer == null)
  | 		{
  | 			String errorMessage = "Can not search by using an empty object!";
  | 			logger.warn(errorMessage);
  | 			throw new GenericServiceException(errorMessage);
  | 		}
  | 		try
  | 		{
  | 			if(logger.isDebugEnabled())
  | 				logger.debug("Find customer " + customer.getId());
  | 			return em.find(Customer.class,customer.getId());
  | 		}
  | 		catch(Throwable e)
  | 		{
  | 			logger.error("Could not find customer " + customer.getId(),e);
  | 			throw new GenericServiceException(e.getMessage(),e.getCause());
  | 		}
  | 	}
  | 	/**
  | 	* Remove all customers
  | 	* @return the number of removed customer objects
  | 	* @throws GenericServiceException
  | 	*/
  | 	@PermitAll
  | 	public long removeAllCustomers() throws GenericServiceException
  | 	{
  | 		try
  | 		{
  | 			if(logger.isDebugEnabled())
  | 				logger.debug("Remove all customer objects!");
  | 			return em.createQuery("delete from Customer").executeUpdate();
  | 		}
  | 		catch(Throwable e)
  | 		{
  | 			logger.error("Could not remove all customer objects!",e);
  | 			throw new GenericServiceException(e.getMessage(),e.getCause());
  | 		}
  | 	}
  | 	/**
  | 	* Get all customers
  | 	* @return a collection of customers objects
  | 	* @throws GenericServiceException
  | 	*/
  | 	@PermitAll
  | 	public Collection<Customer> getAllCustomers() throws GenericServiceException
  | 	{
  | 		try
  | 		{
  | 			if(logger.isDebugEnabled())
  | 				logger.debug("Find all customer objects!");
  | 			return (Collection<Customer>) em.createQuery("from Customer").getResultList();
  | 		}
  | 		catch(Throwable e)
  | 		{
  | 			logger.error("Could not find customer objects!",e);
  | 			throw new GenericServiceException(e.getMessage(),e.getCause());
  | 		}
  | 	}
  | 	/**
  | 	* Get all customers
  | 	* @param noOfObjects
  | 	* @param startIndex
  | 	* @return a collection of customer objects
  | 	* @throws GenericServiceException
  | 	*/
  | 	@PermitAll
  | 	public Collection<Customer> getAllCustomers(int noOfObjects, int startIndex) throws GenericServiceException
  | 	{
  | 		try
  | 		{
  | 			if(logger.isDebugEnabled())
  | 				logger.debug("Find all customer objects with paging!");
  | 			Query query = em.createQuery("from Customer");
  | 			query.setMaxResults(noOfObjects);
  | 			query.setFirstResult(startIndex);
  | 			return (Collection<Customer>) query.getResultList();
  | 		}
  | 		catch(Throwable e)
  | 		{
  | 			logger.error("Could not find customer objects with paging!",e);
  | 			throw new GenericServiceException(e.getMessage(),e.getCause());
  | 		}
  | 	}
  | 	/**
  | 	* Remove customer
  | 	* @param id the identifier of the object to be removed
  | 	* @throws GenericServiceException
  | 	*/
  | 	@PermitAll
  | 	public void removeCustomer(int id) throws GenericServiceException
  | 	{
  | 		Customer customer;
  | 		try
  | 		{
  | 			if(logger.isDebugEnabled())
  | 				logger.debug("Remove customer " + id);
  | 			customer = em.find(Customer.class,id);
  | 		}
  | 		catch(Throwable e)
  | 		{
  | 			logger.error("Could not remove customer " + id,e);
  | 			throw new GenericServiceException(e.getMessage(),e.getCause());
  | 		}
  | 		if(customer == null)
  | 		{
  | 			String errorMessage = "Can not remove a non existing object!";
  | 			logger.warn(errorMessage);
  | 			throw new GenericServiceException(errorMessage);
  | 		}
  | 		try
  | 		{
  | 			em.remove(customer);
  | 		}
  | 		catch(Throwable e)
  | 		{
  | 			logger.error("Could not remove customer " + id,e);
  | 			throw new GenericServiceException(e.getMessage(),e.getCause());
  | 		}
  | 	}
  | 	/**
  | 	* Get customer
  | 	* @param name
  | 	* @return the customer object
  | 	* @throws GenericServiceException
  | 	*/
  | 	@PermitAll
  | 	public Customer getCustomerByName(String name) throws GenericServiceException
  | 	{
  | 		try
  | 		{
  | 			if(logger.isDebugEnabled())
  | 				logger.debug("Search for customer!");
  | 			String ejbQL = " from Customer a where a.name = :param1";
  | 			Query query = em.createQuery(ejbQL);
  | 			query.setParameter("param1",name);
  | 			return (Customer) query.getSingleResult();
  | 		}
  | 		catch(Throwable e)
  | 		{
  | 			logger.error("Could not search for customer!",e);
  | 			throw new GenericServiceException(e.getMessage(),e.getCause());
  | 		}
  | 	}
  | 	/**
  | 	* Search customer
  | 	* @param name
  | 	* @return a collection of customer objects
  | 	* @throws GenericServiceException
  | 	*/
  | 	@PermitAll
  | 	public Collection<Customer> searchCustomerByName(String name) throws GenericServiceException
  | 	{
  | 		try
  | 		{
  | 			if(logger.isDebugEnabled())
  | 				logger.debug("Search for customers!");
  | 			String ejbQL = " from Customer a where a.name like :param1";
  | 			Query query = em.createQuery(ejbQL);
  | 			query.setParameter("param1",name);
  | 			return (Collection<Customer>) query.getResultList();
  | 		}
  | 		catch(Throwable e)
  | 		{
  | 			logger.error("Could not search for customers!",e);
  | 			throw new GenericServiceException(e.getMessage(),e.getCause());
  | 		}
  | 	}
  | 	/**
  | 	* Search for customers objects via an ejb query string
  | 	* @param ejbQL the ejb query string
  | 	* @return a collection of customer objects
  | 	* @throws GenericServiceException
  | 	*/
  | 	@PermitAll
  | 	public Collection<Customer> searchCustomers(String ejbQL) throws GenericServiceException
  | 	{
  | 		if(ejbQL == null || ejbQL.equals(""))
  | 		{
  | 			String errorMessage = "Query string must not be empty!";
  | 			logger.warn(errorMessage);
  | 			throw new GenericServiceException(errorMessage);
  | 		}
  | 		try
  | 		{
  | 			if(logger.isDebugEnabled())
  | 				logger.debug("Search for customer objects!");
  | 			return (Collection<Customer>) em.createQuery(ejbQL).getResultList();
  | 		}
  | 		catch(Throwable e)
  | 		{
  | 			logger.error("Could not search for customers by using query: " + ejbQL,e);
  | 			throw new GenericServiceException(e.getMessage(),e.getCause());
  | 		}
  | 	}
  | 	/**
  | 	* Search for customers objects via an ejb query string
  | 	* @param ejbQL
  | 	* @param noOfObjects
  | 	* @param startIndex
  | 	* @return a collection of customer objects
  | 	* @throws GenericServiceException
  | 	*/
  | 	@PermitAll
  | 	public Collection<Customer> searchCustomers(String ejbQL, int noOfObjects, int startIndex) throws GenericServiceException
  | 	{
  | 		if(ejbQL == null || ejbQL.equals(""))
  | 		{
  | 			String errorMessage = "Query string must not be empty!";
  | 			logger.warn(errorMessage);
  | 			throw new GenericServiceException(errorMessage);
  | 		}
  | 		try
  | 		{
  | 			if(logger.isDebugEnabled())
  | 				logger.debug("Search for customer objects!");
  | 			Query query = em.createQuery(ejbQL);
  | 			query.setMaxResults(noOfObjects);
  | 			query.setFirstResult(startIndex);
  | 			return (Collection<Customer>) query.getResultList();
  | 		}
  | 		catch(Throwable e)
  | 		{
  | 			logger.error("Could not search for customers by using query: " + ejbQL,e);
  | 			throw new GenericServiceException(e.getMessage(),e.getCause());
  | 		}
  | 	}
  | 	/**
  | 	* Check if customer already exists
  | 	* @param id
  | 	* @return true if the customer already exists
  | 	* @throws GenericServiceException
  | 	*/
  | 	@PermitAll
  | 	public boolean checkCustomer(int id) throws GenericServiceException
  | 	{
  | 		try
  | 		{
  | 			if(logger.isDebugEnabled())
  | 				logger.debug("Check customer " + id + "!");
  | 			long counter = (Long) em.createQuery("select count(a) from Customer a where a.id = :param").setParameter("param",id).getSingleResult();
  | 			if(counter == 0)
  | 				return false;
  | 			return true;
  | 		}
  | 		catch(Throwable e)
  | 		{
  | 			logger.error("Could not check customer!",e);
  | 			throw new GenericServiceException(e.getMessage(),e.getCause());
  | 		}
  | 	}
  | 	/**
  | 	* Remove a list of customers
  | 	* @param customers a list of objects to be removed
  | 	* @throws GenericServiceException
  | 	*/
  | 	@PermitAll
  | 	public void removeCustomers(Collection<Customer> customers) throws GenericServiceException
  | 	{
  | 		try
  | 		{
  | 			if(logger.isDebugEnabled())
  | 				logger.debug("Remove a list of customers!");
  | 			for(Customer listItem : customers)
  | 			{
  | 				Customer customer = em.find(Customer.class,listItem.getId());
  | 				em.remove(customer);
  | 			}
  | 		}
  | 		catch(Throwable e)
  | 		{
  | 			logger.error("Could not remove customers!",e);
  | 			throw new GenericServiceException(e.getMessage(),e.getCause());
  | 		}
  | 	}
  | 	/**
  | 	* Persist a list of customers
  | 	* @param customers a list of objects to be persistet
  | 	* @return a list of persisted customers
  | 	* @throws GenericServiceException
  | 	*/
  | 	@PermitAll
  | 	public Collection<Customer> persistCustomers(Collection<Customer> customers) throws GenericServiceException
  | 	{
  | 		Collection<Customer> itemList = new ArrayList();
  | 		try
  | 		{
  | 			if(logger.isDebugEnabled())
  | 				logger.debug("Persist a list of customers!");
  | 			for(Customer item : customers)
  | 			{
  | 				em.persist(item);
  | 				itemList.add(item);
  | 			}
  | 			return itemList;
  | 		}
  | 		catch(Throwable e)
  | 		{
  | 			logger.error("Could not persist customers!",e);
  | 			throw new GenericServiceException(e.getMessage(),e.getCause());
  | 		}
  | 	}
  | 	/**
  | 	* Merge a list of customers
  | 	* @param customers a list of objects to be merged
  | 	* @return a list of merged customers
  | 	* @throws GenericServiceException
  | 	*/
  | 	@PermitAll
  | 	public Collection<Customer> mergeCustomers(Collection<Customer> customers) throws GenericServiceException
  | 	{
  | 		Collection<Customer> itemList = new ArrayList();
  | 		if(logger.isDebugEnabled())
  | 			logger.debug("Merge a list of customers!");
  | 		try
  | 		{
  | 			for(Customer item : customers)
  | 			{
  | 				em.merge(item);
  | 				itemList.add(item);
  | 			}
  | 			return itemList;
  | 		}
  | 		catch(Throwable e)
  | 		{
  | 			logger.error("Could not merge customers!",e);
  | 			throw new GenericServiceException(e.getMessage(),e.getCause());
  | 		}
  | 	}
  | 	/**
  | 	* Count customers
  | 	* @return the number of persistent customers
  | 	* @throws GenericServiceException
  | 	*/
  | 	@PermitAll
  | 	@TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.NOT_SUPPORTED)
  | 	public Long countCustomers() throws GenericServiceException
  | 	{
  | 		try
  | 		{
  | 			if(logger.isDebugEnabled())
  | 				logger.debug("Count customers!");
  | 			return (Long) em.createQuery("select count (a) from Customer a").getSingleResult();
  | 		}
  | 		catch(Throwable e)
  | 		{
  | 			logger.error("Could not count customers!",e);
  | 			throw new GenericServiceException(e.getMessage(),e.getCause());
  | 		}
  | 	}
  | 	/**
  | 	* Count customers
  | 	* @param criteria the query criteria(s)
  | 	* @return the number of persistent customers
  | 	* @throws GenericServiceException
  | 	*/
  | 	@PermitAll
  | 	@TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.NOT_SUPPORTED)
  | 	public Long countCustomers(String criteria) throws GenericServiceException
  | 	{
  | 		if(criteria == null)
  | 			criteria = "";
  | 		try
  | 		{
  | 			if(logger.isDebugEnabled())
  | 				logger.debug("Count customers!");
  | 			if(criteria.toLowerCase().contains("where"))
  | 				return (Long) em.createQuery("select count (a) from Customer a " + criteria).getSingleResult();
  | 			else
  | 				return (Long) em.createQuery("select count (a) from Customer a where " + criteria).getSingleResult();
  | 		}
  | 		catch(Throwable e)
  | 		{
  | 			logger.error("Could not count customers by using criteria: " + criteria,e);
  | 			throw new GenericServiceException(e.getMessage(),e.getCause());
  | 		}
  | 	}
  | 	/**
  | 	* Get country of this customer
  | 	* @param id
  | 	* @return the country of this customer
  | 	* @throws GenericServiceException
  | 	*/
  | 	@PermitAll
  | 	public Country getCountryOfCustomer(int id) throws GenericServiceException
  | 	{
  | 		try
  | 		{
  | 			if(logger.isDebugEnabled())
  | 				logger.debug("Find country of customer " + id);
  | 			return (Country) em.createQuery("select b from Customer a join a.country b where a.id =" + id).getSingleResult();
  | 		}
  | 		catch(Throwable e)
  | 		{
  | 			logger.error("Could not find country of customer " + id,e);
  | 			throw new GenericServiceException(e.getMessage(),e.getCause());
  | 		}
  | 	}
  | }

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