[jboss-user] [News & Announcements] - JBossCache 2.0.0.BETA2 released

rrajesh do-not-reply at jboss.com
Mon Apr 2 15:08:05 EDT 2007

JBossCache 2.0.0.BETA2 has been released and is available for download on Sourceforge at


Release 2.0.0.BETA2 (April 02, 2007)

Release Notes for JBoss Cache Habanero 2.0.0.BETA2

* Sub-task
    *  [ JBCACHE-542 ] Fix initialization of Node.IdentityLock to actually lazy create
    *  [ JBCACHE-543 ] Consider synchronized(this) instead of a separate lock
    *  [ JBCACHE-545 ] Consider removing TreeCache, parent, and name
    *  [ JBCACHE-546 ] Move lock related operations to a separate utility, such as NodeLock
    *  [ JBCACHE-547 ] Remove TreeNode and DataNode interfaces
    *  [ JBCACHE-822 ] Reconsider validation of EvictionPolicyConfig objects
    *  [ JBCACHE-831 ] Port multiplexer integration unit tests to HEAD
    *  [ JBCACHE-882 ] Migrating JBC 1.x java serialized data to 2.x VAM format
    *  [ JBCACHE-914 ] Adapt JBCACHE-913 fix for JBC 2.0
    *  [ JBCACHE-958 ] Add unit tests of JBCACHE-955

** Feature Request
    *  [ JBCACHE-9 ] Streaming state transfer, for large states
    *  [ JBCACHE-57 ] Interfaces for accessing JBossCache
    *  [ JBCACHE-529 ] Improve performance of JDBC CacheLoader
    *  [ JBCACHE-541 ] Create one true Node class; that's lean and mean and stuff
    *  [ JBCACHE-629 ] SELECT FOR UPDATE semantics
    *  [ JBCACHE-735 ] Append the cluster name to the TreeCache log category
    *  [ JBCACHE-802 ] NonManagedConnectionFactory does not place new connections in ThreadLocal (JDBCCacheLoader)
    *  [ JBCACHE-834 ] Combine eviction RegionManager with generic RegionManager
    *  [ JBCACHE-848 ] Implement putFromExternalRead()
    *  [ JBCACHE-869 ] Use Marshaller for all forms of serialization, not just replication.
    *  [ JBCACHE-879 ] Improving serialization in JDBCCacheLoader
    *  [ JBCACHE-880 ] Add expiration policy for nodes based on a node's expiration key
    *  [ JBCACHE-908 ] Marshalling for state transfer should go thru the VersionAwareMarshaller fwk
    *  [ JBCACHE-918 ] Investigate Serializable interfaces for classes that are not streamed.
    *  [ JBCACHE-921 ] Eviction should eventually clean up nodes that are cleared but not removed
    *  [ JBCACHE-950 ] Expose information about buddy group membership
    *  [ JBCACHE-955 ] Restore ability to insert and remove child nodes with only a read lock on the parent
    *  [ JBCACHE-956 ] Use LockParentForChildInsertRemove flag to control Optimistic node versioning
    *  [ JBCACHE-961 ] Optimistic locking to support more sophisticated merging of child maps
    *  [ JBCACHE-962 ] optimisticValidation unnecessarily checks DataVersion types during simpleValidate() - should delegate this to the DataVersion impl
    *  [ JBCACHE-969 ] Move transaction classes to org.jboss.cache.transaction

** Bug
    *  [ JBCACHE-565 ] Optimistic locking - cache.exists() refers to the tree while cache.get() refers to the workspace
    *  [ JBCACHE-693 ] TreeCache configuration bombs with InvocationTargetException when JVM locale is set to Turkish.
    *  [ JBCACHE-740 ] Optimistic Locking Scheme: Occasional IllegalStateExceptions on commit
    *  [ JBCACHE-814 ] Concurrency issue with eviction
    *  [ JBCACHE-858 ] Investigate POJOCACHE failures
    *  [ JBCACHE-859 ] Known failures in 2.0.0.Alpha1 need cleaning up
    *  [ JBCACHE-861 ] JDBC tests failing on the packaged distribution
    *  [ JBCACHE-862 ] PojoCache tutorial broken
    *  [ JBCACHE-863 ] Plain Cache tutorial broken
    *  [ JBCACHE-864 ] PojoCache loadtime example broken
    *  [ JBCACHE-865 ] PojoCache passivation example broken
    *  [ JBCACHE-866 ] PojoCache sensor example broken
    *  [ JBCACHE-872 ] Lock release methods should produce similar log messages to lock acquire methods
    *  [ JBCACHE-885 ] Bug when calling putObject() with array as argument
    *  [ JBCACHE-904 ] PojoCache Collection list returns wrong size if using optimistic locking
    *  [ JBCACHE-923 ] Acquired node lock never released after transaction timeout
    *  [ JBCACHE-926 ] PojoCache local concurrent test produced lock timeout exception
    *  [ JBCACHE-927 ] Repeated remove and put under optimistic locking produces exception
    *  [ JBCACHE-929 ] MRU eviction algorithm test failures
    *  [ JBCACHE-935 ] Data gravitation throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundException with FLUSH based stack
    *  [ JBCACHE-936 ] Replication of user defined Collections translate to standard Collections in target node
    *  [ JBCACHE-938 ] OptimisticNodeInterceptor may NPE if node cannot be created
    *  [ JBCACHE-940 ] Creating a child with explicit data version under a parent also with an explicit data version causes the parent to be added with DefaultDataVersion
    *  [ JBCACHE-945 ] Post-activation nodeActivated notification sent before node added to tree
    *  [ JBCACHE-951 ] IdentityLock logs at too high a level
    *  [ JBCACHE-963 ] Eviction thread timer is not a daemon
    *  [ JBCACHE-972 ] Microcontainer deps introduced too early
    *  [ JBCACHE-982 ] WARN logged if app calls into cache during tx's afterCompletion() phase.
    *  [ JBCACHE-984 ] Cache loader concurrent creation deadlocks
    *  [ JBCACHE-985 ] build failed under jboss distribution
    *  [ JBCACHE-986 ] Race condition (concurrent evict + access) with optimistic locking
    *  [ JBCACHE-987 ] Deleting a large tree from JDBC creates too many expressions for Oracle
    *  [ JBCACHE-990 ] PojoCache leaks memory
    *  [ JBCACHE-993 ] Test failure - org.jboss.cache.marshall.AsyncReplTest, org.jboss.cache.marshall.SyncReplTest
    *  [ JBCACHE-994 ] Test failure - org.jboss.cache.loader.AdjListJDBCClassLoaderCompatibilityTest
    *  [ JBCACHE-996 ] Test failure - org.jboss.cache.multiplexer.BuddyGroupAssignmentTest
    *  [ JBCACHE-995 ] Test failure - org.jboss.cache.multiplexer.BuddyGroupAssignmentTest
    *  [ JBCACHE-998 ] Plain Cache tutorial example broken
    *  [ JBCACHE-999 ] Remove operations on ROOT cause problems with pessimistic locks and rollbacks
    *  [ JBCACHE-1003 ] Missing extention attribute when running some test targets
    *  [ JBCACHE-1006 ] Removal of parent node before removal of child node causes parent not to be found in optimistic tx workspace
    *  [ JBCACHE-1012 ] ReplicationQueue invokes callRemoteMethods even when empty

** Task
    *  [ JBCACHE-156 ] Refactor the docs directory
    *  [ JBCACHE-593 ] JBoss Cache features for JBoss AS 5.0
    *  [ JBCACHE-595 ] Merge API interfaces
    *  [ JBCACHE-664 ] Add JBossRetro jars, baseline to Java5 and create a Java1.4 compat binary
    *  [ JBCACHE-752 ] Look into using JBC Marshaller implementations for responses as well as requests
    *  [ JBCACHE-787 ] Documentation: Add a chapter on extending JBoss Cache
    *  [ JBCACHE-852 ] PojoCache implementation class AOP instrumentation is version dependent
    *  [ JBCACHE-867 ] Refactor use of TreeCacheProxyImpl
    *  [ JBCACHE-868 ] Renamed PojoCache annotation
    *  [ JBCACHE-870 ] Make Marshallers pluggable
    *  [ JBCACHE-874 ] Use performant ordered collections in TransactionEntry
    *  [ JBCACHE-884 ] Upgrade to JGroups 2.4.1
    *  [ JBCACHE-888 ] Remove TreeCache.UNITIALIZED, add NodeSPI.get/setDataLoaded()
    *  [ JBCACHE-889 ] EvictionPolicy methods for 2.0, consider revising
    *  [ JBCACHE-919 ] PojoCache to optimize access to __JBossInternal__ region
    *  [ JBCACHE-920 ] Port multiplexer integration unit tests to HEAD
    *  [ JBCACHE-922 ] Merge src-50 into src
    *  [ JBCACHE-924 ] PojoCache to re-throw Cache exception
    *  [ JBCACHE-930 ] Better encapsulation: make CacheImpl, VersionedNode and UnversionedNode constructors protected, move CacheFactory and NodeFactory to o.j.cache package.
    *  [ JBCACHE-939 ] Improve the quality of JavaDoc for JBossCache
    *  [ JBCACHE-952 ] Replace calls to Throwable.printStackTace with logging
    *  [ JBCACHE-954 ] FileCacheLoader to use VersionAwareMarshaller
    *  [ JBCACHE-959 ] Change logging level if no TransactionManagerLookupClass is configured
    *  [ JBCACHE-960 ] Reduce logging when TxInterceptor catches exception
    *  [ JBCACHE-967 ] Upgrade to JGroups 2.4.SP1
    *  [ JBCACHE-973 ] qdox.jar
    *  [ JBCACHE-979 ] Tighten up rethrowing of exceptions
    *  [ JBCACHE-981 ] PojoCache to add additional internal mapping to promote concurrent access
    *  [ JBCACHE-992 ] Make JBoss Cache build and run under JDK6
    *  [ JBCACHE-1005 ] Genericise public interfaces

** Patch
    *  [ JBCACHE-891 ] Patch to use Java 1.5 concurrent lock classes
    *  [ JBCACHE-948 ] Patch to add return value (boolean) to removeChild*() and removeNode*() methods 

* For releases prior to 2.0.0, see http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBCACHE
* For releases prior to 1.2.1, see http://viewvc.jboss.org/cgi-bin/viewvc.cgi/jboss/JBossCache/docs/Changelog.txt

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