[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Javascript/Seam and Facelets has me baffled!

tony.herstell@gmail.com do-not-reply at jboss.com
Sat Apr 14 04:27:15 EDT 2007

A couple of questions on the code below:

1. Why are my varibales being renamed _id9:? can I guarentee that they will always be prefixied by this and if not how do I reference them?

2. How on earth do I reference the advertType; as document.getElementById("_id9:advertType"); brigs back something strange... that I cannot pass into the javascript function.

On page load I want to fire the script to disable the relevant section.

I think I have to disable it as "display=none" seems to not stop it being validated!

I must be misunderstanding something fundemental about seam, facelets and javascript as they seem at odds... this is weired!

  | <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
  | <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
  | 	xmlns:h="http://java.sun.com/jsf/html"
  | 	xmlns:ui="http://java.sun.com/jsf/facelets"
  | 	xmlns:f="http://java.sun.com/jsf/core"
  | 	xmlns:c="http://java.sun.com/jstl/core"
  | 	xmlns:s="http://jboss.com/products/seam/taglib">
  | <script language="JavaScript" src="../../javascript/setstyle/setstyle.js"/>
  | <script language="JavaScript">
  | 	function checkAdvertType(radioButtons)	{
  | 		var buttonClicked = radioButtons.value;
  | 		if (buttonClicked.toString() == "Lineage") {
  |    		   	document.getElementById("_id9:goToUpload").disabled = true;
  |    		   	document.getElementById("_id9:textArea").disabled = false;
  |    		} else if (buttonClicked.toString() == "BannerAd") {
  | 		   	document.getElementById("_id9:goToUpload").disabled = false;
  |     	  	document.getElementById("_id9:textArea").disabled = true;
  |   	 	} else {
  |   	 		alert("Internal Error - Unsupported Ad Type");
  |   	 	}
  | 	}
  | </script>
  | 	<table>
  | 		<!-- Advert Type -->
  | 		<tr>
  | 			<td align="right">
  | 				<h:outputLabel for="advertType" value="#{messages.label_ad_type}" />
  | 				<h:outputText value="#{messages.label_field_marker}" />
  | 			</td>
  | 			<td align="left">
  | 				<table>
  | 					<tr>
  | 						<td>
  | 							<s:decorate>
  | 								<h:selectOneRadio id="advertType" required="true" value="#{advertisingCampaignController.campaign.advert.type}" onclick="checkAdvertType(this)">
  | 	   								<s:selectItems id="choices" value="#{advertisingCampaignController.campaign.advert.advertTypes}" var="advertType" label="#{messages[advertType.label]}"/>
  |    									<s:convertEnum />
  | 								</h:selectOneRadio>
  | 							</s:decorate>
  | 						</td>
  | 					</tr>
  | 				</table>
  | 			</td>
  | 		</tr>
  | 		<!-- Text Lines -->
  | 		<tr id="textLines">
  | 			<td align="right">
  | 				<h:outputLabel for="advertType" value="#{messages.label_text_lines}" />
  | 				<h:outputText value="#{messages.label_field_marker}" />
  | 			</td>
  | 			<td align="left">
  | 				<table>
  | 					<tr>
  | 						<td>
  | 							<s:decorate>
  | 								<h:inputTextarea id="textArea" required="true" rows="4" cols="20" value="#{advertisingCampaignController.campaign.advert.textLines}">
  | 									<s:validate/>
  | 								</h:inputTextarea>
  | 							</s:decorate>
  | 						</td>
  | 					</tr>
  | 				</table>
  | 			</td>
  | 			<td>
  | 				<h:outputText value="#{messages.tag_mandatory}"
  | 					styleClass="mandatory" />
  | 			</td>
  | 		</tr>
  | 		<tr>
  | 			<td>
  | 				<h:outputText value="" />
  | 			</td>
  | 			<td>
  | 				<h:message styleClass="error" for="textArea" />
  | 			</td>
  | 			<td>
  | 				<h:outputText value="" />
  | 			</td>
  | 		</tr>
  | 		<!-- Upload Image Component -->
  | 		<tr id="upload">
  | 			<td align="right">
  | 				<h:outputLabel for="goToUpload" value="#{messages.label_upload}" />
  | 				<h:outputText value="#{messages.label_field_marker}" />
  | 			</td>
  | 			<td align="left">
  | 				<h:commandButton id="goToUpload"
  | 								action="#{advertisingCampaignController.goToUploadBanner}"
  | 								value="#{messages.button_add_banner}"/>
  | 			</td>
  | 			<td>
  | 				<h:outputText value="#{messages.tag_mandatory}"
  | 					styleClass="mandatory" />
  | 			</td>
  | 		</tr>
  | 		<tr>
  | 			<td>
  | 				<h:outputText value="" />
  | 			</td>
  | 			<td>
  | 				<h:message styleClass="error" for="goToUpload" />
  | 			</td>
  | 			<td>
  | 				<h:outputText value="" />
  | 			</td>
  | 		</tr>
  | 		<tr>
  | 			<td colspan="3" align="center">
  | 				<s:graphicImage value="#{advertisingCampaignController.campaign.advert.image.imageBytes}" rendered="#{(advertisingCampaignController.campaign.advert.image.name != null) and (advertisingCampaignController.campaign.advert.image.name != '')}"/>
  | 			</td>
  | 		</tr>
  | 		<tr>
  | 			<td colspan="3" align="center">
  | 				<h:outputText value="#{advertisingCampaignController.campaign.advert.image.name}" rendered="#{(advertisingCampaignController.campaign.advert.image.name != null) and (advertisingCampaignController.campaign.advert.image.name != '')}"/>
  | 			</td>
  | 		</tr>
  | 	</table>
  | </html>
  | <script language="JavaScript">
  | 	var radioButtons = document.getElementById("_id9:advertType");
  | 	checkAdvertType(radioButtons);
  | </script>

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