[jboss-user] [Installation, Configuration & DEPLOYMENT] - Re: jboss server is not cmng in redhat linux editor

PeterJ do-not-reply at jboss.com
Wed Aug 22 11:19:53 EDT 2007

What do you mean by "redhat linux as an IDE", RedHat Linux is an operating system, not an IDE. (I think I know what the answer is to this question, I just want to point out that unless you state exactly what software you are using, people can make assumptions which could be wrong, in which case their time is wasted and you won't get the help you need.) Therefore, please state the exact name and version of the IDE that you are using.

Second, I cannot believe that the exact error message that was displayed  to you was "jboss server is not cmng in redhat linux editor". How can we help you if you do not give the exact error text? What is "cmng"? Coming? Commanding? Commissioning? Also, please indicate what it was that you were doing when you got the error. 

By the way, my replying to this thread does not mean that I will be able to help with the problem. But after you reply with the necessary information maybe someone else will be able to help.

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