[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Same element ID in many forms on the page

vanyatka do-not-reply at jboss.com
Thu Dec 13 09:34:19 EST 2007


When I use the following form alone on the page everything is fine, but if put it into some iteration element, like rich:dataTable then #{tagHome.instance.name} varibale isn't initialised. 

Can anyone suggest what could be the matter?

Any help is much appreciated,

					<a4j:form ajaxSubmit="true">
  | 						<rich:panel>
  | 							<h:panelGrid columns="2">
  | 								<h:panelGroup>
  | 									<h:inputText value="#{tagHome.instance.name}" id="suggestion" />
  | 									<rich:suggestionbox for="suggestion"
  | 										suggestionAction="#{tagHome.autocomplete}" var="tag"
  | 										tokens="," width="200" height="100"
  | 										frequency="1000"
  | 										>
  | 										<h:column>
  | 											<h:outputText value="#{tag.name}" />
  | 										</h:column>
  | 										<h:column>
  | 											<h:outputText value="#{tag.id}" />
  | 										</h:column>
  | 									</rich:suggestionbox>
  | 								</h:panelGroup>
  | 								<a4j:commandLink value="Add Tag" reRender="tagsPanel" action="#{tagHome.persist}">
  | 									<a4j:actionparam name="cardID" value="#{card.id}"
  | 										assignTo="#{tagHome.cardID}" />
  | 								</a4j:commandLink>
  | 							</h:panelGrid>
  | 						</rich:panel>
  | 					</a4j:form>

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