[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - DataModel

lightbulb432 do-not-reply at jboss.com
Sat Feb 10 15:14:58 EST 2007

I'm removing an entity from a DataModel, so I do an em.remove(selectedEntity), where selectedEntity is the value of the DataModelSelection.

There's a problem: the entity gets removed and the page gets refreshed with the correct FacesMessage. However, the entity still shows up in the dataTable. Only when I do another refresh of the page does it get removed.

What are possible reasons for this? I'm not using browser caching... I'm using an SFSB:

  | 	@Out(required=false)
  | 	private Entity selectedEntity;
  | 	@DataModel
  | 	private List<Entity> data;
  | 	@Factory("data")
  | 	public void initData() {
  | 		// init the data...
  | 	}

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