[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Excel support in Seam: any interest?

jarkko@jab.fi do-not-reply at jboss.com
Wed Feb 28 14:24:27 EST 2007

 I've used displayTag and it's been great and I've always missed a similar for JSF. So how about creating s:dataTable which extends h:dataTable and adds support for
1) Exporting to CSV,XML,Excel,PDF 
2) Sorting
3) Paging

I'd like to use those features from  some of the already available JSF libraries like  http://facestutorials.icefaces.org/tutorial/dataTable-tutorial.html , but unfortunately it's just too difficult and complex to use  those 3rd party  JSF stuff which you don't have full control of. 

Anyone has any information whether next version of h:dataTable will add support for exporting, sorting or paging? 

Maybe do both, x:worksheet etc just like in SeamPDF and then using that create s:dataTable for simple Excel export support. Then you could x: for more complex worksheets etc. 

+1 for SeamX (x:)

Btw, does JExcel also work in non-windows OSes?

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