[jboss-user] [EJB 3.0] - Re: ManyToOne gives EntityNotFoundException

ingo77 do-not-reply at jboss.com
Wed Jan 3 07:21:21 EST 2007

Thanks for your answer.

I need to specify the columnnames because the databaseschema already exists and it's not an option to change this.

If I understand you correct, YES. 

  | Table A
  | a_pk1          a_pk2          col3
  | -----------------------------------
  | 1                 1         1
  | Table B
  | b_pk1          b_a_fk1      b_a_fk2
  | -----------------------------------
  | 1                 1         1234567890123 

With this lovely peace of art I want to show that table B has a reference to A, but the record doesn't exists i Table A. I would call this a error in the database but like a said it's not an option to change this.

Any ideas? 

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