[jboss-user] [JBossCache] - Re: Problem running PojoCache in JBoss AS

jcollins914 do-not-reply at jboss.com
Thu Jan 18 11:23:42 EST 2007

I don't know why the forum represses xml-information if you don't wrap it in a code tag, but I've pasted the various bits here for completeness...

Code under step 8:

<mbean code="org.jboss.cache.aop.PojoCache"  name="jboss.cache:service=PojoCache">

Code under step 10:

  | <aop>
  | <prepare expr="field(* @org.jboss.cache.aop.annotation.PojoCacheable->*)" />
  | </aop>

ant build bits referred to in question 1:

  | 	<fileset dir="${cache.lib}">
  | 		<include name="**/*.jar" />
  | 		<exclude name="jboss-cache.jar" />
  | 		<exclude name="jboss-aop.jar" />
  | 	</fileset>
  | 	<fileset dir="${cache.lib-50}">
  | 		<include name="**/*.jar" />
  | 	</fileset>
  | 	<path id="pojocache.lib.classpath">
  | 		<fileset dir="${cache.lib}">
  | 			<include name="jboss-common.jar" />
  | 			<include name="concurrent.jar" />
  | 			<include name="javassist.jar" />
  | 			<include name="trove.jar" />
  | 		</fileset>
  | 		<fileset dir="${cache.lib-50}">
  | 			<include name="jboss-cache-jdk50.jar" />
  | 			<include name="jboss-aop-jdk50.jar" />
  | 		</fileset>
  | 	</path>
  | 	<target name="aopc" description="Precompile aop test classes" depends="copyclasses">
  | 		<taskdef name="aopc" classname="org.jboss.aop.ant.AopC" classpathref="pojocache.lib.classpath" />
  | 		<aopc compilerclasspathref="lib.classpath" verbose="true">
  | 			<classpath path="${aop.class.dir}"/>
  | 			<src path="${aop.class.dir}" />
  | 			<!-- <include name="${UserInfoTEST.class}"/>
  | 			<aoppath path="${aop.path}"/> -->
  | 			<aopclasspath path="${aop.class.dir}"/>
  | 		</aopc>
  | 	</target>

details from question 2:

instead of as follows:

  | <classpath codebase="./lib" archives="jboss-cache.jar, jgroups.jar" />    

 it would appear as follows:

  | <classpath codebase="./lib" archives="jboss-cache-jdk50.jar, jgroups.jar" />


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