[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Injection of NULL immediately after outjection

dkane do-not-reply at jboss.com
Thu Jul 5 07:30:14 EDT 2007


I have implemented a checkbox column for table multi-select, like in dvd store example. 
When list is being updated (e.g.record is being removed), all checkboxes becomes unchecked with no depend on their previous state. I want checked positions to stay checked. 

XHTML (action and checkbox are in bold): 

  | <a:outputPanel id="cartPanel" rendered="#{cartList.rowCount>0}">
  | <div class="section">
  |   <h:form id="createOrder">
  |    <h1>Shopping cart</h1>
  |    <h:dataTable value="#{cartList}" var="item">
  |    <h:column>
  |       <f:facet name="header">Quantity</f:facet>
  |       <h:inputText value="#{item.quantity}" style="width: 30px;"/>
  |    </h:column>                        
  |    <h:column>
  |       <f:facet name="header">Name</f:facet>
  |         #{item.part.description}
  |    </h:column>                        
  |    <h:column>      
  | 	 <s:link id="cancel" value="Remove" action="#{cart.removeSelectedPosition}" reRender="cartPanel"/>
  |    </h:column>                        
  |    <h:column>                        
  |    <h:selectBooleanCheckbox value="#{cartSelections[item]}"/>                         
  |    </h:column>                        
  |    </h:dataTable>  
  |     <h:commandButton id="createOrderBtn" value="Create order" action="#{createOrder.createOrder}"/>    

Shopping cart code (I have added some debug code for injection-outjection) : 

  | package com.avtohouse.ejb;
  | import java.util.List;
  | import java.util.ArrayList;
  | import java.util.Map;
  | import java.util.HashMap;
  | import javax.ejb.Remove;
  | import org.jboss.seam.ScopeType;
  | import org.jboss.seam.annotations.*;
  | import org.jboss.seam.ScopeType;
  | import java.io.Serializable;
  | import org.jboss.seam.annotations.datamodel.DataModel;
  | import org.jboss.seam.annotations.datamodel.DataModelSelection;
  | import org.jboss.seam.annotations.security.Restrict;
  | import javax.ejb.Stateful;
  | @Stateful
  | @Name("cart")
  | @Scope(ScopeType.SESSION)
  | @Restrict("#{identity.loggedIn}")
  | public class ShoppingCartBean implements ShoppingCart, Serializable 
  | {  
  |     private List<OrderCMP> cartOrderList = new ArrayList<OrderCMP>();
  |     @DataModelSelection
  |     private OrderCMP selectedPosition;
  |     @In
  |     UserCMP user; 
  |     private Map<OrderCMP, Boolean> cartSelections;	
  | public ShoppingCartBean()
  | {
  |    cartSelections=new HashMap<OrderCMP, Boolean>();
  | }   
  | @In(required=false)
  | public void setCartSelections(Map selection)
  | {
  | System.out.print("Injected selection = "+selection);
  | if (selection==null) return ; 
  | cartSelections=selection ;
  | }
  | @Out(required=false)	
  | public Map getCartSelections()
  | {
  | if (cartSelections==null) cartSelections=new HashMap<OrderCMP, boolean>();
  | System.out.print("Outjected selection = "+cartSelections);
  | return cartSelections;
  | }
  | public void addPart(PartCMP part, int quantity)
  | {	
  |   for (OrderCMP order: cartOrderList)
  |   {
  | 	if (order.getPart().getPartId()==part.getPartId())
  | 	{
  | 		order.addQuantity(quantity);
  | 		return;
  | 	}
  |   }
  |   OrderCMP newOrder= new OrderCMP();
  |   newOrder.setUserId(user.getUserId());
  |   newOrder.setPart(part);
  |   newOrder.setQuantity(quantity);
  |   cartOrderList.add(newOrder);
  | }
  | public void addPart(PartCMP part)
  | {
  | 	this.addPart(part,1);
  | }
  | public void removeSelectedPosition()
  | {
  |  	if (selectedPosition!=null) removePart(selectedPosition);
  | }
  | public void removePart(OrderCMP order)
  | {		
  | 	cartOrderList.remove(order); 
  | }
  | @DataModel
  | public List<OrderCMP> getCartList()
  | {		
  | 	return(cartOrderList);
  | }	
  |        ............

After clicking "Remove" (removePart method is being called), position is properly removed but log says : 

15:20:07,640 INFO  [STDOUT] Injected selection = {}
15:20:07,640 INFO  [STDOUT] Outjected selection = {}
15:20:07,640 INFO  [STDOUT] Injected selection = null

So the problem is that cartSelections becomes null somehow. 
Will appreciate any hints how to solve this . 
Thanks !

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