[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: touble with messages.properites

gringalet do-not-reply at jboss.com
Wed Jul 18 10:31:48 EDT 2007

i have forgot these:
my home.jsp
<%@ page contentType="text/html;charset=utf-8"%>
  | <%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsf/html" prefix="h"%>
  | <%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsf/core" prefix="f"%>
  | <%@ taglib uri="http://myfaces.apache.org/tomahawk" prefix="t"%>
  | <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
  | <html>
  | <body>
  | <f:view>
  | 	<head>
  | 	<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=gb2312" />
  | 	<style type="text/css" media="all">
  | 	@import "s.css";
  |   </style>
  | 	</head>
  | 	<div>
  | 		<h:form rendered="#{not identity.loggedIn}">
  | 			<div class="loginwindow">
  | 			<div class="title"><h:outputText value="user login" /></div>
  | 			<div class="username"><h:outputText value="user name" /></div>
  | 			<div class="ut"><h:inputText value="#{identity.username}" size="15" /></div>
  | 			<div class="password"><h:outputText value="password" /></div>
  | 			<div class="pt"><h:inputSecret value="#{identity.password}" size="17" /></div>
  | 			<div class="btn"><h:commandLink value="#{messages.m_enter}"	action="#{identity.login}" /></div>
  | 			<div class="loginbk"><h:graphicImage value="img/loginwindow.gif" /></div>
  | 			</div>
  | 		</h:form> 
  | 		<h:form rendered="#{identity.loggedIn}" id="f">
  | 			<div class="logout"><h:commandLink value="#{messages.m_out}"	action="#{identity.logout}" /></div>
  | 		</h:form>
  | 		<h:form id="f2"  rendered="#{identity.loggedIn}">
  | 			<div class="upcomponent">
  | 				<div class="upbk"><h:graphicImage value="img/upbk.gif" /></div>
  | 				<div class="upwave"><h:graphicImage value="img/upwave.gif" /></div>
  | 				<div class="computer"><h:graphicImage value="img/computer.gif" /></div>
  | 				<div class="recentprj"><h:graphicImage value="img/recentprj.gif" /></div>
  | 			</div>
  | 			<div class="menu">
  |       		 	<div class="bk">
  |         			<h:graphicImage value="img/menu.gif" />
  |       			</div>
  |       			<div class="n1">
  |         			<h:commandLink  value="#{messages.m_customer}"	action="#{customerFinder.findCustomers}"></h:commandLink>
  |       			</div>
  |       			<div class="n2">
  |         			<h:graphicImage value="img/menu_seperate.gif" />
  |       			</div>
  |       			<div class="n3">
  |        				 <h:outputText value="" />
  |       			</div>
  |       			<div class="n4">
  |        				 <h:graphicImage value="img/menu_seperate.gif" />
  |       			</div>
  |     		</div>
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  | 	  			<div class="comingnewsbk">
  | 	    			<h:graphicImage value="img/comingnews.gif" />
  | 	  			</div>
  | 	  			<div class="title">
  | 	    			<h:outputText value="comingnews"/>
  | 	  			</div>
  | 	  			<div class="param1_title">
  | 	    			<h:outputText value="comingnews"/>
  | 	  			</div>
  | 	  			<div class="param1">
  | 	    			<h:outputText value="comingnews"/>
  | 	  			</div>
  | 	  			<div class="param1_submit">
  | 	    			<h:outputText value="more"/>
  | 	  			</div>
  | 	  			<div class="param1bk">
  | 	    			<h:graphicImage value="img/button.gif"/>
  | 	  			</div>
  | 	  			<div class="param2_title">
  | 	    			<h:outputText value="comingnews"/>
  | 	  			</div>
  | 	  			<div class="param2">
  | 	    			<h:outputText value="comingnews"/>
  | 	  			</div>
  | 	  			<div class="param2_submit">
  | 	    			<h:outputText value="more"/>
  | 	  			</div>
  | 	  			<div class="param2bk">
  | 	    			<h:graphicImage value="img/button.gif"/>
  | 	  			</div>
  | 		     	<div class="param3_title">
  | 		        	<h:outputText value="comingnews"/>
  | 		      	</div>
  | 		      	<div class="param3">
  | 		        	<h:outputText value="comingnews"/>
  | 		      	</div>
  | 		      	<div class="param3_submit">
  | 		        	<h:outputText value="more"/>
  | 		      	</div>
  |      		 	<div class="param3bk">
  |         			<h:graphicImage value="img/button.gif"/>
  |       			</div>
  |     		</div>
  |   			<div class="aboutus">
  |     			<div class="imgbk">
  |       				<h:graphicImage value="img/aboutus.gif" width="456" height="433" />
  |    				</div>
  |     			<div class="title"><strong>
  |       				<h:outputText value="aboutus"/>
  |       				</strong>
  |       			</div>
  |     			<div class="content"><strong>
  |       				<h:outputText value="aboutus"/>
  |       				</strong><br />
  |     			</div>
  |     			<div class="learnmore">
  |       				<h:outputText value="more"/>
  |     			</div>
  | 				<div class="learnmorebk">
  |         			<h:graphicImage value="img/button.gif"/>
  |       			</div>
  |     			<div class="img">
  |       				<h:graphicImage value="img/ourimg.jpg" width="160px" />
  |     			</div>
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  |     			<div class="gradientimg">
  |      				<h:graphicImage value="img/gradient.gif" width="780px" height="691px" />
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  |     			<div class="downwaveL">
  |       				<h:graphicImage value="img/downwaveL.gif" />
  |     			</div>
  |     			<div class="downwaveM">
  |       				<h:graphicImage
  | 						value="img/downwaveM.gif" />
  |     			</div>
  |     			<div class="downwaveR">
  |       				<h:graphicImage
  | 						value="img/downwaveR.gif" />
  |     			</div>
  |   			</div>
  |   			<div class="version">
  |    				 <h:outputText value=" webmaster at sap.com. " />    <br />
  |     			<h:outputText value="SAPCRM.CN @ 2001-2005. " />
  |   			</div>
  |   		</h:form>
  |   	</div>
  | </f:view>
  | </body>
  | </html>

my customer.jsp
<%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsf/html" prefix="h"%>
  | <%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsf/core" prefix="f"%>
  | <%@ taglib uri="http://myfaces.apache.org/tomahawk" prefix="t"%>
  | <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
  | <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
  | <f:view>
  |   <head>
  |   <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=gb2312" />
  |   <title>
  |   <h:outputText value="#{messages.Home}" />
  |   </title>
  |   <style type="text/css" media="all">
  | 	@import "customer.css";
  |   </style>
  |   </head>
  |   <body>
  |   <h:form rendered="true">
  |     <div class="customer" >
  |       <!---------three buttons on top-------------->
  |       <div class="customerbkup">
  | 	  	<div class="bk">
  |         	<h:graphicImage value="../img/customerdetail/bkup.gif" />
  |      	</div>
  |         <div class="newcustomer">
  |           <h:commandLink action="#{customerEditor.createCustomer}"
  | 			value="#{messages.m_new}"  style="text-decoration:none" />
  |         </div >
  |         <div class="deletecustomer">
  |           <h:commandLink value="#{messages.m_delete}"
  | 			action="#{customerEditor.deleteData}"  style="text-decoration:none" />
  |         </div>
  |         <div class="editcustomer">
  |           <h:commandLink  value="#{messages.m_edit}"
  | 			action="#{customerSelector.select}" style="text-decoration:none"> </h:commandLink>
  |         </div>
  |         <div class="menu">
  |           <div class="n1">
  |             <h:commandLink  value="#{messages.m_homepage}"
  | 			action="home" style="text-decoration:none"> </h:commandLink>
  |           </div>
  |           <div class="n2">
  |             <h:commandLink  value="#{messages.m_customer}"
  | 			action="#{customerFinder.findCustomers}" style="text-decoration:none"> </h:commandLink>
  |           </div>
  | 		            <div class="n3">
  |             <h:outputText value="c" />
  |           </div>
  |           <div class="n4">
  |             <h:outputText value="d" />
  |           </div>
  |         </div>
  |       </div>
  |       <!----------cus----list--------------------->
  |       <div class="customerbkmid">
  |       	<div class="page">
  |         <h:dataTable value="#{customerList}" var="project"
  | 			rendered="#{customerList.rowCount>0}"
  | 						 styleClass="dvdtable" 
  |                                      headerClass="dvdtablehead"
  |                                      rowClasses="results"
  |                                      columnClasses="dvdtablecol">
  |           <h:column>
  |             <f:facet name="header">
  |               <h:outputText value="id" />
  |             </f:facet>
  |             <h:outputText value="#{project.custId}" />
  |           </h:column>
  |           <h:column>
  |             <f:facet name="header">
  |               <h:outputText value="#{messages.m_customername}" />
  |             </f:facet>
  |             <h:commandLink value="#{project.custName}"
  | 					action="#{customerSelector.select1}" style="text-decoration:none"/>
  |           </h:column>
  |           <h:column>
  |             <f:facet name="header">
  |               <h:outputText value="#{messages.m_customercity}" />
  |             </f:facet>
  |             <h:outputText value="#{project.custCity}" />
  |           </h:column> 
  |           <h:column>
  |             <f:facet name="header">
  |               <h:outputText value=" \u56FD  \u5BB6" />
  |             </f:facet>
  |             <h:outputText value="#{project.custCountry}" />
  |           </h:column> 
  |           <h:column>
  |             <f:facet name="header">
  |               <h:outputText value="#{messages.m_customerdesc}" />
  |             </f:facet>
  |             <h:outputText value="#{project.custDesc}" />
  |           </h:column>    
  |           <h:column>
  |             <f:facet name="header">
  |               <h:outputText value="#{messages.m_customeremployeenum}" />
  |             </f:facet>
  |             <h:outputText value="#{project.custEmployeeNum}" />
  |           </h:column>  
  |           <h:column>
  |             <f:facet name="header">
  |               <h:outputText value="#{messages.m_customerfax}" />
  |             </f:facet>
  |             <h:outputText value="#{project.custFax}" />
  |           </h:column>  
  |           <h:column>
  |             <f:facet name="header">
  |               <h:outputText value="#{messages.m_customerphone}" />
  |             </f:facet>
  |             <h:outputText value="#{project.custPhone}" />
  |           </h:column>  
  |           <h:column>
  |             <f:facet name="header">
  |               <h:outputText value="#{messages.m_customerprovince}" />
  |             </f:facet>
  |             <h:outputText value="#{project.custProvince}" />
  |           </h:column>  
  |           <h:column>
  |             <f:facet name="header">
  |               <h:outputText value="#{messages.m_customerlocation}" />
  |             </f:facet>
  |             <h:outputText value="#{project.custLocation}" />
  |           </h:column> 
  |           <h:column>
  |             <f:facet name="header">
  |               <h:outputText value="#{messages.m_customertype}" />
  |             </f:facet>
  |             <h:outputText value="#{project.custType}" />
  |           </h:column> 
  |           <h:column>
  |             <h:selectBooleanCheckbox value="#{customerSelections[project]}" />
  |           </h:column>
  |         </h:dataTable>
  |         </div>
  |         <!-----------------prev and next buttons on bottom---------------------->
  |         <div class="customerbtn">
  |           <div class="nextpage">
  |             <h:commandLink action="#{customerFinder.nextPage}"
  | 			rendered="#{!customerFinder.lastPage}" style="text-decoration:none">
  |               <h:outputText value="lastPage" />
  |             </h:commandLink>
  |           </div>
  |           <div class="prevpage">
  |             <h:commandLink action="#{customerFinder.prevPage}"
  | 			rendered="#{!customerFinder.firstPage}" style="text-decoration:none">
  |               <h:outputText value="firstPage"  />
  |             </h:commandLink>
  |           </div>
  |           <div class="customerbkbottom" >
  |         		<h:graphicImage value="../img/customerdetail/bkbottom.gif" />
  | 		  </div>
  |         </div>
  |        </div>
  |       </div>
  |     </div>
  |   </h:form>
  |   </body>
  | </f:view>
  | </html>

When i click the home.jsp and invoke " action='#{customerFinder.findCustomers}'", so it will be lead to customer.jsp. and this time i will see "???" in the customer.jsp,so i refresh the page by the button on the internet exploer,so everything is ok. tell me why?

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