[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Simplest <s:fileUpload> usage

hispeedsurfer do-not-reply at jboss.com
Sat Jun 2 07:53:07 EDT 2007

in my case I see a upload field with button. But the values for file, filename and contenttype in the backing bean are always null and getter/setter are never called only I comment the s:fileupload. In ohter forms in my app there is no problem with fileupload only in this one.

  | <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" 
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  | <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
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  | 	xmlns:rich="http://richfaces.ajax4jsf.org/rich"
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  | 	<div id="bodycontent">
  | 		<div id="north">
  | 			<div id="info">
  | 				<div id="text" class="infos">| Imprint | Contact | 02/23/2007</div>
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  | 				<div id="hdrLogo"><img src="img/logo3.png" alt="logo" /></div>
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  | 		<div id="west">
  | 		<h:form>
  | 			<a:commandLink action="#{specialreleaseeditor.create}" value="New Specialrelease" reRender="center" immediate="true"></a:commandLink>
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  | 		</div>
  | 			<h:panelGroup id="center">
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  | 					<h:panelGrid id="upperPanelGrid" columns="1">
  | 						<s:decorate id="descriptionDecorator" template="edit.xhtml">
  | 							<ui:define name="label">Description:</ui:define>
  | 							<h:inputTextarea id="desc" value="#{specialreleaseeditor.description}" required="true">
  | 								<a:support event="onblur" reRender="descriptionDecorator"/>
  | 							</h:inputTextarea>
  | 							<br  />
  | 						</s:decorate>
  | 						<s:decorate>
  | 							<h:panelGrid id="fileugrid">
  | 				                <h:outputLabel for="fileupload">File</h:outputLabel>
  | 				                <s:fileUpload id="fileupload" data="#{specialreleaseeditor.file}" accept="*/*" fileName="#{specialreleaseeditor.fileName}" contentType="#{specialreleaseeditor.fileContentType}"/>
  | 				                <br  />
  | 								<s:message></s:message>
  | 							</h:panelGrid>
  | 			            </s:decorate>
  | 						<h:panelGrid columns="1" id="grid">
  | 							<a:commandLink id="reg" value="Save" action="#{specialreleaseeditor.save}" reRender="center"/>
  | 							<a:commandLink id="can" value="Cancel" action="#{specialreleaseeditor.cancel}" reRender="center" immediate="true"/>
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  | 	</div><!-- End content-->
  | -->					
  | 			</h:panelGroup>
  | 	</div>
  | </body>
  | </html>

If I fill the form an press save UIFileUpload.decode()  / processUpdates() called but they are no part of MultipartRequest.

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