[jboss-user] [Installation, Configuration & Deployment] - Isolated EAR deployment and endorsed jars

jardia do-not-reply at jboss.com
Wed Jun 6 03:50:02 EDT 2007


Currently trying to deploy two ears into jboss (they deploy fine in weblogic).

I have followed the steps on the wiki to ensure that i have two isolated deployments (ear-deployer, call-by-value, jbossweb etc).

One of the ears uses fop/batik to generate pdfs. In order for this to work, we have always had to upgrade the xml libraries in the jdk (by creating jre/lib/endorsed or using endorsed.dirs system property).

I've tried everything i can think of to get this working in JBoss but have so far failed. Here is what i've tried:
 - put our new xml jars in jboss/lib/endorsed
 - delete jboss/lib/endorsed and comment out in run.bat and create JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/endorsed and put the xml jars there

I always get the fop/batik error indicating wrong xml jar versions.

THE THING IS, if i turn of isolated deployments (ear-deployer) then it all works as expected (although i get all sorts of other errors because the ears are no longer isolated).

Question: do you expect what i'm trying to do to work?
Question: any ideas how to solve/workround the problem?


JBoss 4.2.0.GA

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