[jboss-user] [JBoss Messaging] - Re: Message bridge

timfox do-not-reply at jboss.com
Wed Mar 7 11:29:18 EST 2007

Yes, 1.2 GA includes a fully functioning message bridge, although it's not currently included in the documentation due to time constraints on the 1.2 release. We will remedy this shortly.

It's pretty straightforward to setup. Basically it's installed as an MBean. Here's the xmbean description from the distro:

  | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  |    <!DOCTYPE mbean PUBLIC
  |       "-//JBoss//DTD JBOSS XMBEAN 1.2//EN"
  |       "http://www.jboss.org/j2ee/dtd/jboss_xmbean_1_2.dtd">
  | <mbean>
  |    <description>A JMS Message Bridge</description>
  |    <class>org.jboss.server.bridge.BridgeService</class>
  |    <!-- Managed constructors -->
  |    <!-- Managed attributes -->
  |    <attribute access="read-only" getMethod="getInstance">
  |       <description>Gets the underlying instance</description>
  |       <name>Instance</name>
  |       <type>org.jboss.messaging.core.plugin.contract.MessagingComponent</type>
  |    </attribute>
  | 	<attribute access="read-write" getMethod="getSourceProviderAdaptorLookup"
  | 	   setMethod="setSourceProviderAdaptorLookup">
  | 	   <description>JNDI lookup for the source JMS provider Adaptor</description>
  | 	   <name>SourceProviderAdaptorLookup</name>
  | 	   <type>java.lang.String</type>
  | 	</attribute>
  | 	<attribute access="read-write" getMethod="getTargetProviderAdaptorLookup"
  | 	   setMethod="setTargetProviderAdaptorLookup">
  | 	   <description>JNDI lookup for the target JMS provider Adaptor</description>
  | 	   <name>TargetProviderAdaptorLookup</name>
  | 	   <type>java.lang.String</type>
  | 	</attribute>	
  | 	<attribute access="read-write" getMethod="getSourceDestinationLookup"
  | 	   setMethod="setSourceDestinationLookup">
  | 	   <description>The source destination lookup</description>
  | 	   <name>SourceDestinationLookup</name>
  | 	   <type>java.lang.String</type>
  | 	</attribute>
  | 	<attribute access="read-write" getMethod="getTargetDestinationLookup"
  | 	   setMethod="setTargetDestinationLookup">
  | 	   <description>The target destination lookup</description>
  | 	   <name>TargetDestinationLookup</name>
  | 	   <type>java.lang.String</type>
  | 	</attribute>	
  | 	<attribute access="read-write" getMethod="getSourceUsername"
  | 	   setMethod="setSourceUsername">
  | 	   <description>The source username</description>
  | 	   <name>SourceUsername</name>
  | 	   <type>java.lang.String</type>
  | 	</attribute>	
  | 	<attribute access="read-write" getMethod="getSourcePassword"
  | 	   setMethod="setSourcePassword">
  | 	   <description>The source username</description>
  | 	   <name>SourcePassword</name>
  | 	   <type>java.lang.String</type>
  | 	</attribute>		
  | 	<attribute access="read-write" getMethod="getTargetUsername"
  | 	   setMethod="setTargetUsername">
  | 	   <description>The target username</description>
  | 	   <name>TargetUsername</name>
  | 	   <type>java.lang.String</type>
  | 	</attribute>	
  | 	<attribute access="read-write" getMethod="getTargetPassword"
  | 	   setMethod="setTargetPassword">
  | 	   <description>The target password</description>
  | 	   <name>TargetPassword</name>
  | 	   <type>java.lang.String</type>
  | 	</attribute>	
  | 	<attribute access="read-write" getMethod="getQualityOfServiceMode"
  | 	   setMethod="setQualityOfServiceMode">
  | 	   <description>The quality of service mode. 0 = at most once. 1 = duplicates ok, 2 = once and only once</description>
  | 	   <name>QualityOfServiceMode</name>
  | 	   <type>int</type>
  | 	</attribute>	
  | 	<attribute access="read-write" getMethod="getSelector"
  | 	   setMethod="setSelector">
  | 	   <description>The JMS selector to use when consuming messages from the source destination</description>
  | 	   <name>Selector</name>
  | 	   <type>java.lang.String</type>
  | 	</attribute>
  | 	<attribute access="read-write" getMethod="getMaxBatchSize"
  | 	   setMethod="setMaxBatchSize">
  | 	   <description>The maximum number of messages to forward at a time, must be >= 1</description>
  | 	   <name>MaxBatchSize</name>
  | 	   <type>int</type>
  | 	</attribute>	
  | 	<attribute access="read-write" getMethod="getMaxBatchTime"
  | 	   setMethod="setMaxBatchTime">
  | 	   <description>Number of milliseconds to wait after no messages arrive to forward batch of messages</description>
  | 	   <name>MaxBatchTime</name>
  | 	   <type>long</type>
  | 	</attribute>	
  | 	<attribute access="read-write" getMethod="getSubName"
  | 	   setMethod="setSubName">
  | 	   <description>If consuming from a durable subscription, this is the name of the durable subscrition</description>
  | 	   <name>SubName</name>
  | 	   <type>java.lang.String</type>
  | 	</attribute>
  | 	<attribute access="read-write" getMethod="getClientID"
  | 	   setMethod="setClientID">
  | 	   <description>If consuming from a durable subscription, this is the client id to use</description>
  | 	   <name>ClientID</name>
  | 	   <type>java.lang.String</type>
  | 	</attribute>		
  | 	<attribute access="read-write" getMethod="getFailureRetryInterval"
  | 	   setMethod="setFailureRetryInterval">
  | 	   <description>The amount of time to wait in milliseconds before retrying connection creation, after connection failure is detected, or -1 if no retries will be attempted</description>
  | 	   <name>FailureRetryInterval</name>
  | 	   <type>long</type>
  | 	</attribute>	
  | 	<attribute access="read-write" getMethod="getMaxRetries"
  | 	   setMethod="setMaxRetries">
  | 	   <description>The maximum number of attempts to retry connection creation after connection failure is detected</description>
  | 	   <name>MaxRetries</name>
  | 	   <type>int</type>
  | 	</attribute>		
  | 	<attribute access="read-only" getMethod="isFailed">
  | 	   <description>Has the bridge failed?</description>
  | 	   <name>Failed</name>
  | 	   <type>boolean</type>
  | 	</attribute>
  | 	<attribute access="read-only" getMethod="isPaused">
  | 	   <description>Is the bridge paused?</description>
  | 	   <name>Paused</name>
  | 	   <type>boolean</type>
  | 	</attribute>	
  | 	<attribute access="read-only" getMethod="isStarted">
  | 	   <description>Is the bridge started?</description>
  | 	   <name>Started</name>
  | 	   <type>boolean</type>
  | 	</attribute>	
  |    <!-- Managed operations -->
  |    <operation>
  |       <description>JBoss Service lifecycle operation</description>
  |       <name>create</name>
  |    </operation>
  |    <operation>
  |       <description>JBoss Service lifecycle operation</description>
  |       <name>start</name>
  |    </operation>
  |    <operation>
  |       <description>JBoss Service lifecycle operation</description>
  |       <name>stop</name>
  |    </operation>
  |    <operation>
  |       <description>JBoss Service lifecycle operation</description>
  |       <name>destroy</name>
  |    </operation>   
  |    <operation>
  |       <description>Pause the bridge</description>
  |       <name>pause</name>
  |    </operation> 
  |    <operation>
  |       <description>Resume the bridge</description>
  |       <name>resume</name>
  |    </operation> 
  | </mbean>

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