[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - JBPM Integration

amontobin do-not-reply at jboss.com
Sat May 5 17:07:26 EDT 2007


Currently, i'm studying usage of workflow mangament in particular for doing a big application. My application will have its own persistence (Hibernate or Ejb3), it's own user interface, it's own authentification, it's own task management .... My questions concerns integration between my application and jbpm because i want this integration to be as close as possible.

In domain model, i will have different type of entities that will possess their own workflows. 

1. Workflow Modelling and integration with jbpm
    Supposer i'm writing a worflow for entity E. Instances of entity E are stored in the database A. JBPM workflow is stored inn database B.
    If i want to create a workflow for entity E, do i have to store the id of each instance in the jbpm's context of the process instance in order to do the link between my application and jbpm process ?
   If i do that, my actions will do for instance :
      // retrieve context variable for id
      int id = context.get("entityid");
      // connect to database A and retrieve entity with id.
      // do some business on database A
      // eventually, modify context for adding/removing/changing values
    Is it good to do that ?
    If i want to find in which state is my object with id i. I will have to find all process instances, get the context for each one, and loook to find the one with the variable "entityid" containing the value i. Is this correct ?

2. User/Task Integration
    If my application have its own entities for (User, Group, Tasks, Rights ...) 
    How do i link with same entities of jbpm ?
    How  do i do for using my own definition instead of jbpm definitions ?
    Maybe should i create one user on the jbpm for each user i have in my application ?
    Maybe i can rewrite factory for doing my own persistence ?
    How could i do a good integration with my application ?

3. Maintenance
     Business has changed and i have added/removed some states to the process defintion. When deploying a new process definition, a new version is created.
     What happen to the objects (Ids) that where already in the workflow ?
     Do i have to do an sql patch procedure to move my objects already in the workflow to a consistent state according to the new prcocess  definition ? 

If you have any hints to answer theses questions or present how to integrate jbpm with an application, your help will be very appreciate.

I hope to explain my questions as clear as possible.

Thank you.
Sebastien Boutte

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