[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - T or F? - <s:link/> in dataTable must use @DataModel or REST

jfrankman do-not-reply at jboss.com
Tue Oct 23 09:29:49 EDT 2007

Just a simple yes or no question. From my reading about s:link it looks like if you want to use it in a clickable list you must either use it conjunction with the @DataModel annotation in your session bean or you must use a RESTful approach by sending in the id of the component on the list and look it up again on the server side.

I found that if I used s:link in a dataTable it did not inject the object in the DataTable into the session bean. Once I changed the link to an <h:commandLink> the selected object on the data table would be properly injected into my session bean.

This injects the selected object from datatable:
<h:commandLink value="Edit" action="#{officeTransmittalAction.editClientTransmittalLineItem}" />

This does not inject the selected object from the datatable without @DataModel
<s:link value="Edit" action="#{officeTransmittalAction.editClientTransmittalLineItem}" />

							<rich:dataTable value="#{clientTransmittal.lineItemsList}"
  | 								var="lineItem"
  | 								rendered="#{not empty clientTransmittal.lineItemsList}"
  | 								rowClasses="rvgRowOne,rvgRowTwo"
  | 								id="countytranslineitemsesTable">
  | 								<h:column>
  | 									<f:facet name="header">description</f:facet>
  | 									<h:outputText value="#{lineItem.description}" />
  | 									<rich:spacer />
  | 								</h:column>
  | 								<h:column>
  | 									<f:facet name="header">
  | 										<rich:spacer />
  | 									</f:facet>
  | 									<h:commandLink value="Edit"
  | 										action="#{officeTransmittalAction.editClientTransmittalLineItem}" />
  | 								</h:column>
  | 							</rich:dataTable>
  | @Name("officeTransmittalAction")
  | @Scope(ScopeType.SESSION)
  | public class OfficeTransmittalsActionImpl implements OfficeTransmittalsAction {
  | 	@In(required=false,value = "lineItem") @Out(required = false, value = "lineItem")
  | 	private ClientTransmittalLineItemVO clientTransmittalLineItemx;	
  | 	public String editClientTransmittalLineItem()
  | 	{
  | 		return null;
  | 	}
  | }

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