[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: To Gavin.King--how to start a conversation from pages.xm

ybxiang.wolf do-not-reply at jboss.com
Sat Oct 27 08:31:22 EDT 2007

You are completely right!!!

I tried many times and found by accident that the beginning of pages.xml  is added with some unrecognized character!!! I re-wrote the beginning with "<?...", then the project is ok!!!

But everything is ok in English version OS.
I am really exhausted by those little things.

Thanks for your reply!!! It's very kind of you to explain those things in detail for me!!! Thanks again!!!

"modoc" wrote : I would rather think the issue is with the char set encoding differences between the English OS and the Chinese OS, given the error.  Windows does not use unicode by default afaik (I don't use Windows myself).  I suspect if you copy a non-unicode xhtml file from the english OS, the chinese OS will attempt to parse it perhaps using unicode, which would create a ton of garbage sequences.  Or perhaps it's something else.  However I suspect that OS language difference is the culprit.
  | Even if it were dom4j, that's not a Seam bug.
  | As a side note, just on forum etiquette, as Jason said, posting 6 times in 40 minutes isn't a good idea, also, try to keep your punctuation to a reasonable level.  Tripling everything and using exclamation points everywhere make it sound like you're shouting non-stop.

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