[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Seam-Managed Persistence Context

rjstanford do-not-reply at jboss.com
Tue Sep 4 15:07:07 EDT 2007

Fantastic, that's the way I'll proceed then.  For something like this, where would you suggest having the factory?  I don't really like adding that into the datamodel piece (although that seems to be very common for example-scale apps); is it more realistic to have a generic Factory class that contains all of these types of factories, or is it better to have smaller, more specific ones (or should I just embrace the future and have a factory method on the entity bean)?

Thanks for the advice, by the way.  Very useful.  It also seems like for most conversations I should be using SMPC rather than PersistenceContext (from this and other threads) - is that a valid take-away from this as well?

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