[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - EL enhancements and EntityQuery

hispeedsurfer do-not-reply at jboss.com
Thu Sep 6 09:15:39 EDT 2007


I use a rich:datatabel component to display data from an class extending the EntityQuery class

  | @Name("recipientsList")
  | public class RecipientsList extends EntityQuery {

from datatable i use method expression

  | <h:form>
  |     <rich:dataTable id="searchresults"
  |     				onRowMouseOver="this.style.backgroundColor='#F1F1F1'"
  | 					onRowMouseOut="this.style.backgroundColor='#{a4jSkin.tableBackgroundColor}'"
  |                 	var="addrlist"
  |               		value="#{addresslist}">
  |         <f:facet name="header">
  | 			<rich:columnGroup>
  | 				<rich:column>
  | 					<h:outputText value="Surname"></h:outputText>
  | 				</rich:column>
  | 			</rich:columnGroup>
  | 		</f:facet>
  | 		<rich:column>
  | 			<h:outputText value="#{addrlist.surname}"></h:outputText>
  | 		</rich:column>
  | 		<a:support id="support1" event="onRowClick" action="#{recipientsList.selectedRecipient(addrlist)}"/>
  |     </rich:dataTable>
  |     </h:form>
to call selectedRecipient on above class and set the selected recipient from table in the class.

In firebug I can see that the ajax-request works, but the method in class is never called (debug). There is nothing to see, no error or whatever.

I also have used <a:support> and <richt:dataTable> in the same way with an other app and there the correspondending method is called. 
Is there a limitation using EL enhancement or why method is not called in this case?


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