[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: JBoss EL performance vs Sun EL

gavin.king@jboss.com do-not-reply at jboss.com
Wed Sep 19 18:31:05 EDT 2007

anonymous wrote : 1) In JSF for N mutually exclusive 'rendered' conditions they will ALWAYS be evaluated N times!!! 

Well, sure. 

But note that a switch statement is also involves n potential evaluations. I'm not sure what the difference is? I guess you can emulate a switch using nested f:subviews.

If this particular issue is truly a problem, it is possible to decide which fragment to render in your Java code by using rendered="false" on all N fragments and calling UIComponent.setRendered(true) explicitly before the render phase.

anonymous wrote : 2) Even worse there is no syntax to assign columnBean.type to a variable so it will be EVALUATED EACH TIME!!!

In components.xml, type:

<factory name="columnBeanType" scope="request" value="#{columnBean.type}"/>

Perhaps that "trick" addresses your concerns?

anonymous wrote : 3) Even worse it will be evaluated using REFLECTION!!! 

It has been a really long time since a reflective method invocation was significantly slower than a normal method call. This seems to be a red herring.

anonymous wrote : 4) JSF will give you temptation to write condition as STRING comparison

I don't know what you mean.

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