[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: 1.2.1->2.0.0 migration: No active application scope

tynor do-not-reply at jboss.com
Fri Sep 21 08:49:16 EDT 2007

anonymous wrote : When _should_ the applicationContext have been initialized? What can I do to debug this?

Help!  I've compared my new config to 2.0.0.CR1-seamgen-produced examples, and the booking example and I can't find anything in my configuration to explain this.  To be clear, this was a working application in Seam 1.2.1 - all I've done is follow the migration cookbook to migrate to the new 2.0.0 jars and configuration files.

Debugging the absence of something (applicationContext is null) is hard - without understanding where it sould have been set, I'm just making wild stabs in the dark.  Can someone help me understand when an applicationContext should have been set?   I've set breakpoints on the various places where I see Contexts.applicationContext.set() being called (eg. Lifecycle.beginCall(), FacesLifecycle.beginRequest(), ServletLifecycle.beginRequest()). 

I hit the following breakpoints before the "no active application scope" exception:
   <start server>
  | ServletLifecycle.beginInitialization()
  | ServletLifecycle.endInitialization()
  | Lifecycle.mockApplication()
  | Lifecycle.unmockApplication()
  |    <browse to http://localhost:8080/myproject>
  | FacesLifecycle.beginRequest()
  | Lifecycle.beginSession()
  | FacesLifecycle.endRequest()
  | FacesLifecycle.beginRequest()
  | FacesLifecycle.endRequest()
  | FacesLifecycle.beginRequest()
  | FacesLifecycle.endRequest()
  |    <exception happens now -- applicationContext is null>

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