[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Further extending an EntityHome

damianharvey do-not-reply at jboss.com
Sat Sep 22 17:11:33 EDT 2007

I have a BookingHome class that extends EntityHome. I now have to support several different types of Booking with slightly different logic. The obvious (and lazy) choice is to extend my BookingHome. For example: 
  | public class BulkBookingHome extends BookingHome {
However when I try to do this it fails with the following error:
Could not guess entity class by reflection
This is from the org.jboss.seam.framework.Home class and I understand that it is caused by my class not being an instance of ParameterizedType (ie. BookingHome doesn't have a generic type).

Is it possible to extend my own EntityHome classes? Can anyone suggest a solution? My intention is to not have to duplicate the logic that exists in the base BookingHome and ideally not to have to pull all of this logic out into separate Beans.

I suspect that I'm just being a bit thick here....



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