[jboss-user] [Installation, Configuration & DEPLOYMENT] - Re: JBOSS prompting for XDB Username password.

StevenTowler do-not-reply at jboss.com
Mon Sep 24 18:23:57 EDT 2007

The other option is to move the XDB port if no one is already using it. Below are some instructions from some documentation I have lying around:
anonymous wrote : 
  | 1. Logon to the database as SYS
  | 2. Using SQL*Plus change the HTTP port from 8080 to 8081 using the command:
  | SQL> call dbms_xdb.cfg_update(updateXML(dbms_xdb.cfg_get(),
  | '/xdbconfig/sysconfig/protocolconfig/
  | httpconfig/http-port/text()',8081));
  | 3. Using SQL*Plus change the FTP port from 2100 to 2111 using the commands:
  | SQL> call dbms_xdb.cfg_update(updateXML(dbms_xdb.cfg_get(),
  | '/xdbconfig/sysconfig/protocolconfig/
  | ftpconfig/ftp-port/text()',2111));
  | SQL> commit;
  | SQL> exec dbms_xdb.cfg_refresh;
  | 4. Using SQL*Plus verifying the changes have taken effect using the commands:
  | SQL> set long 100000
  | SQL> set pagesize 1000
  | SQL> select dbms_xdb.cfg_get from dual;
  | 5. After the port numbers have changed install JBoss using the default
  | configuration with port number 8080.
  | 6. Perform tests to ensure that JBoss is working properly.

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