[jboss-user] [Tomcat, HTTPD, Servlets & JSP] - Re: Web pages are not running on mozilla

xps2nini2000 do-not-reply at jboss.com
Thu Apr 24 05:53:03 EDT 2008


This is my html page

  | <SCRIPT language=JavaScript>
  | </SCRIPT>
  | <html>
  | <head>
  | </head>
  | <frameset rows="130px,67%,12px" noresize framespacing="0" border="5" frameborder="0">
  |  <frame name="top" scrolling="no" target="middle"  border="5"  noresize src="Heading.html" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" noresize>
  |   <frame name="middle" target="bottom" noresize src="middle.html" border="5" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="auto" noresize>
  |   <frame name="bottom"  noresize src="Footer.html" target="_self" scrolling="no"  border="5" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" noresize>
  |    <noframes>
  |   <body topmargin="0" leftmargin="0" bgcolor="#E2EDFE" >
  |   <p>This page uses frames, but your browser doesn't support them.</p>
  |   </body>
  |   </noframes>
  | </frameset>
  | </html>

this is my middle.html

  | <HTML>
  | <HEAD>
  | </TITLE>
  | </HEAD>
  | <BODY bgcolor="#FEFCE2" >
  | <form name="Input_Form1" method="post">
  | <CENTER>
  | <TABLE BORDER="0" WIDTH="100%" Height="100%"  >
  | <TR>
  | 	<TD >
  | <CENTER>
  | <TABLE BORDER= "0" WIDTH= "480" HEIGHT="80%" bordercolor="#800000" >
  | <TR><TD width="470">
  | <CENTER><TABLE BORDER= "0" WIDTH= "50%"HEIGHT="40%">
  | <TR>
  | 	<TD> <strong>LoginName</strong></TD>
  | 	<TD> <CENTER><input type="text" Id="userid" name="userid" maxlength="20" value="" size="16" onKeypress="if (event.keyCode==13)event.returnValue =Submit();" tabindex="1" ></CENTER></TD>
  | </TR>
  | <TR>
  | 	<TD><strong>Password</strong></TD>
  | 	<TD><CENTER><input type="Password" Id="password" name="password" size="16" maxlength="20" value="" tabindex="2" onKeypress="if (event.keyCode==13)event.returnValue =Submit();"></CENTER></TD>
  | </TR>
  |   <tr>
  |      <td width="28%"><strong> Language </strong>  </td>
  |     <td width="38%">
  |       <select name="Lang">
  |         <option value="Hindi" selected> Hindi
  |         <option value="Bengali">               Bengali
  | 		<option value="Marathi" >                Marathi
  |         <option value="Oriya">                        Oriya
  | 		<option value="Tamil">                       Tamil
  |         <option value="Urdu">                        Urdu
  | 		      </select></td>
  |   </tr>
  |   <tr>
  |     <td width="500%"><strong>Domain </strong> </td>
  |     <td width="560%">
  |       <select name="Domain">
  |         <option value="General" selected>General
  |         <option value="Tourism">Tourism
  | 		<option value="Health"> Health
  |       				 </select></td>
  |   </tr>
  | <CENTER><TABLE BORDER= "0" WIDTH= "60%">
  | <TR><TD></TD></TR>
  | <TR><TD></TD></TR>
  | <TR><TD></TD></TR>
  | <TR>
  | 	<TD><CENTER><INPUT TYPE="submit" style="background-color:#efeff7" VALUE="    OK    " NAME="Submit_Button" OnClick="return Submit();"></CENTER></TD>
  | 	<TD><CENTER><INPUT TYPE="button" style="background-color: #efeff7" VALUE="CANCEL" NAME="cancel" OnClick="return login();"></CENTER></TD>
  | </TR>
  | <CENTER><TABLE BORDER= "0" WIDTH= "63%">
  | <TR><TD></TD></TR>
  | <TR><TD></TD></TR>
  | <TR><TD></TD></TR>
  | <TR><TD></TD></TR>
  | <TR>
  | 	<TD><CENTER>    <A HREF="NewUser.jsp"><strong>  NewUser</strong></A></CENTER></TD> 
  | 	<TD><CENTER><!--<A HREF="forgotpassword.html"><strong>Forgot Password</strong></A>  --></CENTER></TD>
  | </TR>
  | </TD>
  | </TR>
  | </form>
  |     </center>
  |     <p align="right"><font color="#08088A" ><h1 align="right">English to Indian
  |     Languages Machine Translation System<h1></font>
  | </BODY>
  | <script language="JavaScript">
  | 	function login()
  | 	{
  | 	     var str1 = document.Input_Form1.userid.value
  | 		 var str2=  document.Input_Form1.password.value
  |        document.Input_Form1.userid.value=""; 
  |         document.Input_Form1.password.value=""; 
  | 	}
  | 	function Submit()
  | 	{
  | 		var str1 = document.Input_Form1.userid.value
  | 		var str2=  document.Input_Form1.password.value
  | 		if(str1 == "")
  | 			{
  | 				alert ("Login Name should not be blank")
  | 				document.Input_Form1.userid.focus()
  | 				return false
  | 			}
  | 		if (str2=="")
  | 			{
  | 				alert ("Password should not be blank")
  | 				document.Input_Form1.password.focus()
  | 				return false
  | 			}
  | 		if (str1!="" && str2!="")
  | 			{
  | 					var button = document.getElementById("Submit_Button");
  | 					button.disabled = "true";
  | 					document.Input_Form1.action="LoginServlet";
  | 					document.Input_Form1.submit(); 
  | 					return true
  | 			}
  | 	}
  | </script>

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