[jboss-user] [JBoss Tools (users)] - DataModelSelection doesnt work

zkaya do-not-reply at jboss.com
Thu Dec 4 10:33:56 EST 2008


i am trying to select a row of a DataModel List. But get always the first Row.

could you halp me please?

a Part of my session Bean:

  | @Stateful
  | @Name("paxop")
  | public class PaxOpBean implements paxOpI {
  | 	FbMwOpDatevEinzelbuchung fbEinzelbuchung;
  | 	FbMwOpDatevRechnung fbRechnung;
  | 	@DataModel
  | 	private List<Object[]> oposLst;
  | 	@DataModelSelection(value="oposLst")
  | 	@Out(required = false, value="datarow")
  | 	private Object[] datarow;
my xhtml Page

  | <ui:composition xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
  | 	xmlns:s="http://jboss.com/products/seam/taglib"
  | 	xmlns:ui="http://java.sun.com/jsf/facelets"
  | 	xmlns:f="http://java.sun.com/jsf/core"
  | 	xmlns:h="http://java.sun.com/jsf/html"
  | 	xmlns:rich="http://richfaces.org/rich"
  | 	xmlns:a="http://richfaces.org/a4j" 
  | 	template="layout/template.xhtml">
  | 	<ui:define name="head">
  | 		<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
  | 	</ui:define>
  | 	<rich:modalPanel id="panel" width="350" height="100">
  | 						<f:facet name="header">
  | 							<h:panelGroup>
  | 								<h:outputText value="Details"></h:outputText>
  | 							</h:panelGroup>
  | 						</f:facet>
  | 						<f:facet name="controls">
  | 							<h:panelGroup>
  | 								<h:graphicImage value="/images/modal/close.png"
  | 									style="cursor:pointer" id="hidelink" />
  | 								<rich:componentControl for="panel" attachTo="hidelink"
  | 									operation="hide" event="onclick" />
  | 							</h:panelGroup>
  | 						</f:facet>
  | 						<h:outputText
  | 							value="This panel is called using Component Control Component"></h:outputText>
  | 						<br />
  | 						<h:outputText value="#{datarow[1]}"></h:outputText>
  | 					</rich:modalPanel>
  | 	<ui:define name="body">
  | 		<h:messages globalOnly="true" styleClass="message" />
  | 		<h:form>
  | 			<rich:panel style=" width : 480px;">
  | 				<s:decorate id="valueDecoration4" template="layout/edit.xhtml">
  | 					<ui:define name="label">PaXSuiteMandant</ui:define>
  | 					<h:selectOneMenu id="Mandant" value="#{paxop.value}">
  | 						<f:selectItem itemLabel="PaX AG" itemValue="1000" />
  | 						<f:selectItem itemLabel="PaX Fenster Hermeskeil GmbH"
  | 							itemValue="2000" />
  | 						<f:selectItem itemLabel="PaX Fenster Rositz GmbH" itemValue="3000" />
  | 						<f:selectItem itemLabel="PaX Türen Rositz GmbH" itemValue="3500" />
  | 						<f:selectItem itemLabel="PaX Classic GmbH" itemValue="4000" />
  | 						<f:selectItem itemLabel="PaXoptima GmbH" itemValue="5000" />
  | 						<f:selectItem itemLabel="alle" itemValue="0" />
  | 					</h:selectOneMenu>
  | 				</s:decorate>
  | 				<s:decorate id="valueDecoration889" template="layout/edit.xhtml">
  | 					<ui:define name="label">Konten</ui:define>
  | 					<h:selectOneMenu id="Mandant" value="#{paxop.auswahlkonten}">
  | 						<f:selectItem itemLabel="Zahlungseingang" itemValue="1" />
  | 						<f:selectItem itemLabel="Umsatz" itemValue="2" />
  | 						<f:selectItem itemLabel="Skonto" itemValue="3" />
  | 					</h:selectOneMenu>
  | 				</s:decorate>
  | 				<s:decorate id="valueDecoration2" template="layout/edit.xhtml">
  | 					<ui:define name="label">Anfangsdatum</ui:define>
  | 					<rich:calendar id="adatum" value="#{paxop.adatum}" required="false"
  | 						datePattern="dd.MM.yyyy" showInput="true" enableManualInput="true">
  | 						<f:convertDateTime timeZone="GMT+1" />
  | 					</rich:calendar>
  | 				</s:decorate>
  | 				<s:decorate id="valueDecoration3" template="layout/edit.xhtml">
  | 					<ui:define name="label">Enddatum</ui:define>
  | 					<rich:calendar id="edatum" value="#{paxop.edatum}" required="false"
  | 						datePattern="dd.MM.yyyy" showInput="true" enableManualInput="true">
  | 						<f:convertDateTime timeZone="GMT+1" />
  | 					</rich:calendar>
  | 				</s:decorate>
  | 				<div style="clear: both" />
  | 			</rich:panel>
  | 			<div class="actionButtons"><h:commandButton id="auflisten"
  | 				value="auflisten" action="#{paxop.auflisten}" /></div>
  | 			<rich:spacer height="30" />
  | <rich:modalPanel id="panel" width="350" height="100">
  |         <f:facet name="header">
  |             <h:panelGroup>
  |                 <h:outputText value="Modal Panel"></h:outputText>
  |             </h:panelGroup>
  |         </f:facet>
  |         <f:facet name="controls">
  |             <h:panelGroup>
  |                 <h:graphicImage value="img/close.png" style="cursor:pointer" id="hidelink"/>
  |                 <rich:componentControl for="panel" attachTo="hidelink" operation="hide" event="onclick"/>
  |             </h:panelGroup>
  |         </f:facet>
  |         <h:outputText value="Rechnungsnummer: "></h:outputText>
  |         <br/>
  |         <h:outputText value="#{datarow[1]}"></h:outputText>
  |     </rich:modalPanel>
  | <rich:dataTable value="#{oposLst}" var="sp" id="datarow"
  | 				onRowMouseOver="this.style.backgroundColor='#F1F1F1'"
  | 				onRowMouseOut="this.style.backgroundColor='#{a4jSkin.tableBackgroundColor}'"
  | 				style=" width : 480px;" width="480px"  
  | 				rendered="#{oposLst.rowCount >= 0}">
  | 				<f:facet name="header">
  | 					<rich:columnGroup>
  | 						<rich:column colspan="5">
  | 							<h:outputText value="Kunden" />
  | 						</rich:column>
  | 						<rich:column breakBefore="true">
  | 							<h:outputText value="KundenNr" />
  | 						</rich:column>
  | 						<rich:column>
  | 							<h:outputText value="Kundenname" />
  | 						</rich:column>
  | 						<rich:column>
  | 							<h:outputText value="RechnungsNr" />
  | 						</rich:column>
  | 						<rich:column>
  | 							<h:outputText value="Datum" />
  | 						</rich:column>
  | 						<rich:column>
  | 							<h:outputText value="Betrag" />
  | 						</rich:column>
  | 					</rich:columnGroup>
  | 				</f:facet>
  | 				<rich:column filterBy="#{sp[0]}" filterEvent="onkeyup">
  | 					<h:outputText value="#{sp[0]}" />
  | 				</rich:column>
  | 				<rich:column filterBy="#{sp[5]}" filterEvent="onkeyup">
  | 					<h:outputText value="#{sp[5]}" />
  | 				</rich:column>
  | 				<rich:column filterBy="#{sp[1]}" filterEvent="onkeyup">
  | 					<h:outputLink value="#" id="link">
  | 						<h:outputText value="#{sp[1]}" /> 					
  | 						<rich:componentControl for="panel" attachTo="link"
  | 							operation="show" event="onclick" />
  | 					</h:outputLink>
  | 				</rich:column>
  | 				<rich:column filterBy="#{sp[7]}" filterEvent="onkeyup">
  | 					<h:outputText value="#{sp[7]}">
  | 						<f:convertDateTime type="date" dateStyle="medium" timeZone="GMT+1" />
  | 					</h:outputText>
  | 				</rich:column>
  | 				<rich:column filterBy="#{sp[6]}" filterEvent="onkeyup" align="right">
  | 					<h:outputText value="#{sp[6]}">
  | 						<f:convertNumber pattern="###,###.##" />
  | 					</h:outputText>
  | 				</rich:column>
  | 				<f:facet name="footer">
  | 					<rich:columnGroup>
  | 						<rich:column></rich:column>
  | 						<rich:column></rich:column>
  | 						<rich:column></rich:column>
  | 						<rich:column></rich:column>
  | 						<rich:column>
  | 							<h:outputText value="#{paxop.sumze}" align="right">
  | 								<f:convertNumber pattern="###,###.##" />
  | 							</h:outputText>
  | 						</rich:column>
  | 					</rich:columnGroup>
  | 				</f:facet>
  | 			</rich:dataTable>
  | 		</h:form>
  | 	</ui:define>
  | </ui:composition>


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