[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - JBPM Running Process without jbpm-console

RichardC do-not-reply at jboss.com
Thu Feb 7 13:22:04 EST 2008


I am using http://labs.jboss.com/downloading/?projectId=jbossjbpm&url=http://downloads.sourceforge.net/jbpm/jbpm-jpdl-suite-3.2.2.zip
Java version jdk1.6.0_03. I am running Windows XP SP2.  The changes I've made to the default configuration is adding PHP support based on http://labs.jboss.com/file-access/default/members/jbossweb/freezone/modules/php/index.html. 

I am wondering if anyone may point me to some documentation or resources, or another thread I didn't find, or give me an explanation on how to deploy a process created by the graphical process designer (GPD) such that it can be run without using the jbpm-console?

Specifically, first I would like to verify what the correct directory structure should be for the .war file.  Creating the process project using the GPD, I have the following structure:

  | + projectname/
  |     + src/main/java
  |         + *.java files created for action,task,decision handlers
  |     + src/main/config
  |         + default files created when creating process project(hibernate.cfg.xml, jbpm.cfg.xml, etc.)
  |     + src/main/jpdl
  |         + default files created when creating new process definition(processdefinition.xml, gpd.xml)
  |         + *.xhtml files, forms.xml, created when generating task forms. 

When saving the process archive locally without deploying, it produces the following directory structure:

  | + /
  |     + files from src/main/jpdl
  |     + classes/
  |         + files from src/main/config
  |         + projectname/
  |             + files from src/main/jpdl
  |         + directory structure with *.class files based on the package structure

Based on the jbpm-console.war file, the directory structure is:

  | + /
  |     + sa, ua directory which contains .xhtml files.
  |     + META-INF/
  |         + MANIFEST.MF
  |     + WEB-INF/
  |         + faces-config.xml, jboss-web.xml, web.xml, jbpm4jsf-config.xml
  |         + lib/
  |             + .jar files from jbpm library
  |         + classes/
  |             + similar files that are in src/main/config
  |             + (and when I deploy my process, I must copy the compiled *.class files from src/main/java) to this directory to be able to test it using jbpm-console)

So do I follow the directory structure of the jbpm-console.war file when trying to create the .war file to be deployed on the server? If so, the process project doesn't contain faces-config.xml, jboss-web.xml, web.xml, jbpm4jsf-config.xml files so do I just copy and use the ones from the jbpm-console.war file?

I assumed the directory structure should be similar to the jbpm-console.war file so I created a build.xml script to copy the necessary files from the process project + the required *.jar files to the necessary directories and created the .war file.  I then copied the .war file to the deploy folder of the server and the console prints out a bunch of stuff about deploying the web application until it says that it is ready and I can see the web application in http://localhost:8080/status?full=true

When the web application becomes 'ready', does it mean that the process definition has been loaded into the database and it is ready to create process instances? Or do we still have to register the process definition in the database?

I'll start with these questions and hopefully some explanations may help clarify other questions I have.

Thank you for your time.



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