[jboss-user] [JBossWS] - Re: Writing a client - no examples for BindingProvider based

mjhammel do-not-reply at jboss.com
Mon Jan 14 10:50:48 EST 2008

"jeff norton" wrote : 
  | What is your classpath?  And what old jars did you need to remove?  I have a similar problem getting a client to connect to a web service that has basic authentication enabled.  On the service.create(wsdlURL, QName) call I get (my client worked fine before I enabled basic authentication):
  |   | org.jboss.ws.metadata.wsdl.WSDLException: Cannot parse wsdlLocation: http://localhost:8080/foo?wsdl
  |   | 

To compile the client, my classpath includes the source to the client, the classes generated by wsconsume and the following:

    <path id="client.wsconsume.classpath">
  |         <fileset dir="${jboss.lib.dir}/endorsed">
  |             <include name="xercesImpl.jar"/>
  |         </fileset>
  |         <fileset dir="${jboss.client.lib.dir}">
  |             <include name="*.jar"/>
  |             <exclude name="jaxws-rt.jar"/>
  |         </fileset>
  |         <fileset dir="${java.lib.dir}">
  |             <include name="tools.jar"/>
  |         </fileset>
  |     </path>

jboss.lib.dir = ${jboss.home}/lib
  | jboss.client.lib.dir = ${jboss.home}/client
  | java.lib.dir = ${java.home}/lib

I got rid of axis and mail libraries which were being used in the old build.  I'm not using Axis in the new project (at least not yet).  I also no longer reference an in-build copy of jboss-j2ee.jar (though this is still referenced from the jboss.client.lib.dir) and javax.servlet.jar which were used in the old build (note that I inherited some of this so wasn't clear on why some of those were being used in the first place).

I ran into your problem with not finding the WSDL location after switching to Basic Authentication.  In order to get around this I don't try to retrieve the WSDL file from the server during the client build.  I have the server side build generate the WSDL file for me using wsprovide, then the client side build reads that file instead of trying to retrieve the WSDL via a URL.  My wsconsume looks like this now:

  |             fork="true"
  |             verbose="true"
  |             destdir="${build.client.classes.dir}"
  |             sourcedestdir="${build.client.dir}"
  |             keep="true"
  |             wsdl="${build.server.dir}/resources/SubscriberServicesService.wsdl">
  |             <!-- wsdl=""> -->
  |         </wsconsume>

My wsprovide looks like this:

  |             fork="false"
  |             keep="true"
  |             destdir="${build.server.dir}/wsdl"
  |             resourcedestdir="${build.server.dir}/resources"
  |             sourcedestdir="${build.server.dir}/source"
  |             genwsdl="true"
  |             verbose="true"
  |             sei="com.cei.crunch.server.ws.SubscriberServices.SubscriberServices">
  |             <classpath>
  |                 <pathelement path="${build.server.classes.dir}/server"/>
  |             </classpath>
  |         </wsprovide>

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