[jboss-user] [JBossWS] - webservice compiler error

arrojusrikanth do-not-reply at jboss.com
Sun Mar 9 08:02:12 EDT 2008

when compile webservice with ant it generating compiler errors

  | D:\programs\webservices\calculatorwebservice>ant
  | Buildfile: build.xml
  | prepare:
  |     [mkdir] Created dir: 
  | D:\programs\webservices\calculatorwebservice\build
  |     [mkdir] Created dir: 
  | D:\programs\webservices\calculatorwebservice\build\
  | clas
  | ses
  | compile:
  |     [javac] Compiling 3 source files to 
  | D:\programs\webservices\calculatorwebser
  | vice\build\classes
  |     [javac] 
  | D:\programs\webservices\calculatorwebservice\src\we
  | bservice1\Calcula
  | torBean.java:2: cannot find symbol
  |     [javac] symbol  : class Stateless
  |     [javac] location: package javax.ejb
  |     [javac] import javax.ejb.Stateless;
  |     [javac]                  ^
  |     [javac] 
  | D:\programs\webservices\calculatorwebservice\src\we
  | bservice1\Calcula
  | tor.java:9: incompatible types
  |     [javac] found   : javax.jws.WebService
  |     [javac] required: 
  | java.lang.annotation.Annotation
  |     [javac] @WebService(name="Calculator1")
  |     [javac]  ^
  |     [javac] 
  | D:\programs\webservices\calculatorwebservice\src\we
  | bservice1\Calcula
  | tor.java:10: incompatible types
  |     [javac] found   : javax.jws.soap.SOAPBinding
  |     [javac] required: 
  | java.lang.annotation.Annotation
  |     [javac] @SOAPBinding(style=Style.RPC)
  |     [javac]  ^
  |     [javac] 
  | D:\programs\webservices\calculatorwebservice\src\we
  | bservice1\Calcula
  | tor.java:10: duplicate annotation
  |     [javac] @SOAPBinding(style=Style.RPC)
  |     [javac]                         ^
  |     [javac] 
  | D:\programs\webservices\calculatorwebservice\src\we
  | bservice1\Calcula
  | tor.java:13: incompatible types
  |     [javac] found   : javax.jws.WebMethod
  |     [javac] required: 
  | java.lang.annotation.Annotation
  |     [javac]    @WebMethod int add(int x, int y);
  |     [javac]     ^
  |     [javac] 
  | D:\programs\webservices\calculatorwebservice\src\we
  | bservice1\Calcula
  | tor.java:15: incompatible types
  |     [javac] found   : javax.jws.WebMethod
  |     [javac] required: 
  | java.lang.annotation.Annotation
  |     [javac]    @WebMethod int subtract(int x, int 
  | y);
  |     [javac]     ^
  |     [javac] 
  | D:\programs\webservices\calculatorwebservice\src\we
  | bservice1\Calcula
  | torBean.java:6: cannot find symbol
  |     [javac] symbol: class Stateless
  |     [javac] @Stateless
  |     [javac]  ^
  |     [javac] 
  | D:\programs\webservices\calculatorwebservice\src\we
  | bservice1\Calcula
  | torBean.java:7: incompatible types
  |     [javac] found   : javax.jws.WebService
  |     [javac] required: 
  | java.lang.annotation.Annotation
  |     [javac] @WebService(name="Calculator1", 
  | endpointInterface="webservice1.Calcu
  | lator")
  |     [javac]  ^
  |     [javac] 
  | D:\programs\webservices\calculatorwebservice\src\we
  | bservice1\Client.
  | java:17: warning: [deprecation] 
  | webservice1.Calculator in webservice1 has been d
  | eprecated
  |     [javac]       Calculator calculator = 
  | (Calculator) service.getPort(Calculato
  | r.class);
  |     [javac]       ^
  |     [javac] 
  | D:\programs\webservices\calculatorwebservice\src\we
  | bservice1\Client.
  | java:17: warning: [deprecation] 
  | webservice1.Calculator in webservice1 has been d
  | eprecated
  |     [javac]       Calculator calculator = 
  | (Calculator) service.getPort(Calculato
  | r.class);
  |     [javac]                                ^
  |     [javac] 
  | D:\programs\webservices\calculatorwebservice\src\we
  | bservice1\Client.
  | java:17: warning: [deprecation] 
  | webservice1.Calculator in webservice1 has been d
  | eprecated
  |     [javac]       Calculator calculator = 
  | (Calculator) service.getPort(Calculato
  | r.class);
  |     [javac]                                         
  |                    ^
  |     [javac] 
  | D:\programs\webservices\calculatorwebservice\src\we
  | bservice1\Client.
  | java:18: warning: [deprecation] add(int,int) in 
  | webservice1.Calculator has been
  | deprecated
  |     [javac]       System.out.println("1 + 1 = " + 
  | calculator.add(1, 1));
  |     [javac]                                         
  |         ^
  |     [javac] 
  | D:\programs\webservices\calculatorwebservice\src\we
  | bservice1\Client.
  | java:19: warning: [deprecation] subtract(int,int) 
  | in webservice1.Calculator has
  | been deprecated
  |     [javac]       System.out.println("1 - 1 = " + 
  | calculator.subtract(1, 1));
  |     [javac]                                         
  |         ^
  |     [javac] 8 errors
  |     [javac] 5 warnings
  | D:\programs\webservices\calculatorwebservice\build.
  | xml:47: Compile failed; see t
  | he compiler error output for details.
  | Total time: 10 seconds
  | D:\programs\webservices\calculatorwebservice>

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