[jboss-user] [Management, JMX/JBoss] - Upload and Download to/from JBoss AS through JMX

lafbarbosa do-not-reply at jboss.com
Fri Mar 28 10:53:08 EDT 2008

Hi people,

Please, I would like some ideas to make possible the uploading and downloading of archives to/from JBoss AS through JMX.

I have an web application that needs to access a JBoss AS remotely or from the same machine (the web container into JBoss AS or a separated container in the same machine, like a Tomcat running independently).

So, I must create an web interface to:
- list all the archives into JBoss AS (.ear, .jar, .sar, .rar, .war, .esb, etc) into server/default/deploy directory;
- make possible to download each of them, by clicking on its URL link;
- upload archives to server/default/deploy directory.

I found something related in http://www.servletsuite.com/jmx/jconsole.htm, but, from my requeriments, it only allows the upload of archives into server/default/deploy directory and the visualization of archives into this directory.

Please, does anybody know where could I find a source code to do this and if it is possible to download archives from server/default/deploy directory using JMX? If not, which other way could be used?

Thanks  in advance!



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