[jboss-user] [EJB 3.0 Users] - Problem of polymorphism Web Service in EJB

xiangyingbing do-not-reply at jboss.com
Thu Nov 5 20:27:29 EST 2009

Dear friends,
    I can use pure polymorphism Web Service in Glassfish and JBoss correctly.
    But, after annotated with @Stateless, my codes does NOT work.
    Namely, i can not make my code work in EJB3 environment.

My environment:
    JDK, lates.
    Windows XP.

My java files:
package com.ybxiang.ejbws;
  | import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlSeeAlso;
  | @XmlSeeAlso({Human.class})
  | public class Animal implements java.io.Serializable{
  | 	private String name;
  | 	private Long age;
  | 	public String getName() {
  | 		return name;
  | 	}
  | 	public void setName(String name) {
  | 		this.name = name;
  | 	}
  | 	public Long getAge() {
  | 		return age;
  | 	}
  | 	public void setAge(Long age) {
  | 		this.age = age;
  | 	}	
  | 	public String toString(){
  | 		return "Animal-->name:"+this.getName()+",age:"+this.getAge();
  | 	}
  | }
  | package com.ybxiang.ejbws;
  | public class Human extends Animal implements java.io.Serializable{
  | 	private String email;
  | 	public void setEmail(String email) {
  | 		this.email = email;
  | 	}
  | 	public String getEmail() {
  | 		return email;
  | 	}
  | 	public String toString(){
  | 		return "Human-->name:"+this.getName()+",age:"+this.getAge()+","+"email:"+email;
  | 	}
  | }
  | package com.ybxiang.ejbws;
  | import java.util.ArrayList;
  | import java.util.Iterator;
  | import javax.jws.WebMethod;
  | public interface EJBWebServiceInterface {
  | 	 public void passParameter1(String s);
  | 	 public void passParameter2(Animal a);
  | 	 public void passParameter3(Human h);	 
  | 	 public void passParameter4(ArrayList<Animal> lst);	 
  | 	 public ArrayList<? extends Animal> returnSomething1(int type);
  | }
  | package com.ybxiang.ejbws;
  | import java.util.ArrayList;
  | import java.util.Iterator;
  | import javax.ejb.Stateless;
  | import javax.jws.WebMethod;
  | import javax.jws.WebService;
  | import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlSeeAlso;
  | import javax.jws.soap.SOAPBinding;
  | @Stateless
  | @WebService
  | //@**XmlSeeAlso({Animal.class, Human.class})// Here i tried too!
  | public class EJBWebServiceBean implements EJBWebServiceInterface{
  | 	 @WebMethod
  | 	 public void passParameter1(String s){
  | 		 System.out.println("------------String is got:"+s);
  | 	 }
  | 	 @WebMethod
  | 	 public void passParameter2(Animal a){
  | 		 System.out.println("------------Animal is got:"+a);
  | 		 if(a instanceof Human){
  | 			 System.out.println("************* It's realy human!!! *************"); 
  | 		 }	 
  | 	 }
  | 	 @WebMethod
  | 	 public void passParameter3(Human h){
  | 		 System.out.println("------------Human is got, name:"+h.getName()+", email:"+h.getEmail());
  | 	 }
  | 	 @WebMethod
  | 	 public void passParameter4(ArrayList<Animal> lst){
  | 		 System.out.println("------------ArrayList<Animal> is got:");
  | 		 if(lst!=null){
  | 			 Iterator<Animal> it = lst.iterator();
  | 			 Animal a = it.next();
  | 			 if(a instanceof Human){
  | 				 System.out.println("One human is got:"+((Human)a)); 
  | 			 }else{
  | 				 System.out.println("One Animal is got:"+a); 
  | 			 }
  | 		 }else{
  | 			 System.out.println("------------List is null.");
  | 		 } 
  | 	 }	 
  | 	 @WebMethod
  | 	 public ArrayList<? extends Animal> returnSomething1(int type){
  | 		 if(type==1){
  | 			 ArrayList<Animal> aa = new ArrayList<Animal>();
  | 			 {
  | 				 Animal animal1 = new Animal();
  | 				 animal1.setName("Animal.1");
  | 				 animal1.setAge(new Long(1));
  | 				 aa.add(animal1);
  | 			 }
  | 			 {
  | 				 Animal animal2 = new Animal();
  | 				 animal2.setName("Animal.2");
  | 				 animal2.setAge(new Long(2));
  | 				 aa.add(animal2);
  | 			 }	
  | 			 return aa;
  | 		 }else{
  | 			 ArrayList<Human> bb = new ArrayList<Human>();
  | 			 {
  | 				 Human human1 = new Human();
  | 				 human1.setName("Human.1");
  | 				 human1.setAge(new Long(1));
  | 				 bb.add(human1);
  | 			 }
  | 			 {
  | 				 Human human2 = new Human();
  | 				 human2.setName("Human.2");
  | 				 human2.setAge(new Long(2));
  | 				 bb.add(human2);
  | 			 }	
  | 			 return bb;
  | 		 }
  | 	 }
  | }

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