[jboss-user] [JBoss AOP Users] - method foo is the only one that can be executed??

souma do-not-reply at jboss.com
Sun Oct 4 13:57:52 EDT 2009

Good morning

I do not understand why the example foo is the only one that can be executed ... if I change the names or parameters eclipse tells me an error!!! ..

package Essai;
  | public class Foo {
  | 	public int fooField;
  | 	  public Foo () {
  | 	    fooField = 0;
  | 	  }
  | }

  | package Essai;
  | public class FooMixin implements FooMixinInt {
  |   public FooMixin(){}
  |   public String fooMethod2 (int i) {
  |   System.out.print("Message");  
  |   return Integer.toString ( 4- i);
  |   }
  | } 
package Essai;
  | public interface FooMixinInt {
  |   public String fooMethod2 (int i);
  | } 
package Essai;
  | public class Main {
  | 	public static void main(String[] args) {
  | 		Foo foo = new Foo ();
  | 		FooMixinInt fooint = (FooMixinInt) foo;
  | 		String s = foo.fooMethod2(-2); 
  | 	}
  | }

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
  | <aop>
  |     <introduction class="Essai.Foo">
  |         <mixin>
  |             <interfaces>Essai.FooMixinInt</interfaces>
  |             <class>Essai.FooMixin</class>
  |             <construction>new Essai.FooMixin()</construction>
  |         </mixin>
  |     </introduction>
  | </aop>

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