[jboss-user] [Beginner's Corner] New message: "Re: Question about adding a folder with classes to the CLASSPATH"

null null do-not-reply at jboss.com
Tue Feb 2 10:23:18 EST 2010

User development,

A new message was posted in the thread "Question about adding a folder with classes to the CLASSPATH":


Author  : null null
Profile : http://community.jboss.org/people/ranjix

So are you saying that you are maintaining these statistics in static variables, or that you are using singletons? If so, then you will need to inlcude the common classes in each EAR and define a classloader repository for reach EAR.
The other otpion would be to not maintain any data in static or singleton object - then each EAR would have its own set of data objects maintining their own sets of data even if the command classes were packed in a JAR and placed in common/lib.
thanks for answer, Peter. 
I'll try to be more concrete, imagine a Database class which manages the database (what else) operations. This class will create a singleton per app (app1 Database and app2 Database will have different connections and so, to 2 different databases). In the same time, the WAR and the EJBs in each app will have to use the same Database instance (since they do work on the same database). 
What I want is an infrastructure which will allow me to add core/classes/../Database to both classpaths of the 2 apps. 


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