[jboss-user] [JBoss Microcontainer Development] New message: "Re: AnnotatedElementMetaDataLoader component metadata optimization"

Kabir Khan do-not-reply at jboss.com
Tue Feb 16 15:21:09 EST 2010

User development,

A new message was posted in the thread "AnnotatedElementMetaDataLoader component metadata optimization":


Author  : Kabir Khan
Profile : http://community.jboss.org/people/kabir.khan@jboss.com

An alternative to changing the tests (although I think we should agree once and for all what the getComponentMetadataRetrieval() should return) is to return a singleton:
   public MetaDataRetrieval getComponentMetaDataRetrieval(Signature signature)
      if (signature == null)
         return null;
      if (annotated instanceof Class)
         Class<?> clazz = Class.class.cast(annotated);
         if (signature instanceof ConstructorSignature)
            ConstructorSignature constructorSignature = (ConstructorSignature) signature;
            Constructor<?> constructor = constructorSignature.getConstructor();
            if (constructor == null)
               constructor = SecurityActions.findConstructor(clazz, signature.getParametersTypes(clazz));
            if (constructor == null)
               if (log.isTraceEnabled())
                  log.trace("Constructor with signature " + signature + " does not exist on class " + clazz.getName());
               return null;
            if (constructor.getAnnotations().length == 0)
               return NullAnnotatedElementMetaDataLoader.INSTANCE;
            return new AnnotatedElementMetaDataLoader(constructor);
         //Same for fields, methods, parameters
   private static class NullAnnotatedElementMetaDataLoader implements MetaDataRetrieval
      final static NullAnnotatedElementMetaDataLoader INSTANCE = new NullAnnotatedElementMetaDataLoader();
      final static ScopeKey NULL_SCOPE_KEY = new ScopeKey(new Scope(CommonLevels.JOINPOINT, INSTANCE));
      final static BasicAnnotationsItem NO_ANNOTATIONS_ITEM = new BasicAnnotationsItem(null, new AnnotationItem[0]);
      final static BasicMetaDatasItem NO_METADATAS_ITEM = new BasicMetaDatasItem(null, new MetaDataItem[0]);
      public MetaDataRetrieval getComponentMetaDataRetrieval(Signature signature)
         return INSTANCE;
      public ScopeKey getScope()
         return NULL_SCOPE_KEY;
      public MetaDataRetrieval getScopedRetrieval(ScopeLevel level)
         return INSTANCE;
      public ValidTime getValidTime()
         return null;
      public boolean isEmpty()
         return true;
      public <T extends Annotation> AnnotationItem<T> retrieveAnnotation(Class<T> annotationType)
         return null;
      public AnnotationsItem retrieveAnnotations()
         return NO_ANNOTATIONS_ITEM;
      public AnnotationsItem retrieveAnnotationsAnnotatedWith(Class<? extends Annotation> meta)
         return NO_ANNOTATIONS_ITEM;
      public AnnotationsItem retrieveLocalAnnotations()
         return NO_ANNOTATIONS_ITEM;
      public MetaDatasItem retrieveLocalMetaData()
         return NO_METADATAS_ITEM;
      public MetaDatasItem retrieveMetaData()
         return NO_METADATAS_ITEM;
      public <T> MetaDataItem<T> retrieveMetaData(Class<T> type)
         return null;
      public MetaDataItem<?> retrieveMetaData(String name)
         return null;

I am not sure about the ValidTime, and the ScopeKey seems to not be used, but all tests in mdr pass.


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