[jboss-user] [jBPM] New message: "Re: Re-assigning tasks"

Kai Weingärtner do-not-reply at jboss.com
Wed Jan 27 12:14:27 EST 2010

User development,

A new message was posted in the thread "Re-assigning tasks":


Author  : Kai Weingärtner
Profile : http://community.jboss.org/people/KaiWeing

Hello Ronald,
thank you for your quick response!
Regarding your answers:
1. If jBPM makes that difference, then I wonder how I can set or query for that status 'started'. I haven't found anything suitable on taskService. Could you point me to it?
I found a property progress on the task, if you mean that. I suppose I could set and query for that. But the TaskQuery does not allow to filter by that, and I doubt that field is indexed.
2. As I mentioned, I had a look at TaskQuery (and TaskQueryImpl), but the filter for candidates also sets the filter for unassigned.
I need something like "What tasks could I take, if none had an assignee, i.e. what tasks am i a candidate for".
It would be nice if TaskQuery.candidate would only set the candiate filter and one could set the unassigned filter by oneself.
Best regards, Kai


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