[jboss-user] 404 Error - Service Not Found in JBoss 5.1.0GA

Lakshmi Chaparala lakshmi.chaparala at issinc.com
Tue Mar 16 15:45:30 EDT 2010


We have deployed an EAR application on JBoss 5.1.0 GA, with at least about 5 wars inside it. Each catering to some service. One of these wars is MuleESB.war . Our esb.war hosts a Restlet service in it.
Context root for this is /esb. We deploy ear in "All" deploy directory. Endpoint for the Restlet is via "https" protocol on port 8843.

Same endpoint ("https://host:8843/esb/rest/service") is configured in mule esb config file also. When I hit  this URL and send a request to Restlet API, I get my XML back with a response.

But sometimes when I re-start the server after making changes to my jar and re-deploying it, JBoss sends back a 404 error when I type in the same URL in the browser. So I clean up the temp and work directories and re-start the server couple more times before it finds the service. There are no errors in the log or in the console. Any idea as to what may be causing such a behavior?

Appreciate your quick response,


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