[jboss-user] [jBPM] - Timer boundary event on WorkItemNode

Alex Pavlov do-not-reply at jboss.com
Sun Apr 17 15:57:11 EDT 2011

Alex Pavlov [http://community.jboss.org/people/rushproject] created the discussion

"Timer boundary event on WorkItemNode"

To view the discussion, visit: http://community.jboss.org/message/600495#600495

jBPM 5 does not allow attaching timer boundary events to WorkItemNode. The following fragment:

<receiveTask completionQuantity="1" id="_2_1_21" implementation="##WebService" instantiate="false"
                     isForCompensation="false" messageRef="ID_30607364_7317_2206_0052_000400200024"
                     name="Receive confirmation" startQuantity="1">

        <boundaryEvent attachedToRef="_2_1_21" id="_2_1_21_1" name="48 Hours">
            <timerEventDefinition id="ID_22607364_7317_2206_0052_000400200027">

results in exception:

java.lang.ClassCastException: org.jbpm.workflow.core.node.WorkItemNode cannot be cast to org.jbpm.workflow.core.node.CompositeContextNode

while executing this line (ProcessHandler.java, line #280):

CompositeContextNode compositeNode = (CompositeContextNode) attachedNode;

Both CompositeContextNode and WorkItemNode extend StateBasedNode class, which defines addTimer() - the only method called from ProcessHandler while processing timer boundary event. In other words, changing the offending line to

StateBasedNode compositeNode = (StateBasedNode) attachedNode;

will compile and will not result in run time exception. However, will it run? In other words, would it be sufficient to enable timer boundary events for work item nodes?

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