[jboss-user] [Snowdrop] - Re: Ear with jar and war with pure spring: how to configure?

Alexey Ulyanov do-not-reply at jboss.com
Thu Jan 27 11:53:34 EST 2011

Alexey Ulyanov [http://community.jboss.org/people/re3lex] created the discussion

"Re: Ear with jar and war with pure spring: how to configure?"

To view the discussion, visit: http://community.jboss.org/message/583681#583681

Yeah, I saw that thread before opening this one.

But looks like I have not the same issue with logger.

I have attached jboss bootstrap log.
Look at 19:41:30,466 line - first loading of core-spring.xml and at 19:41:36,768 - second loading of core-spring.xml in context of web-app

Sorry, I didn't find any facility to attach log as file, so I have droped it here:

> Calling D:\views\third-party\jboss\jboss-5.1.0.GA\bin\run.conf.bat
> ===============================================================================
>   JBoss Bootstrap Environment
>   JBOSS_HOME: d:\views\third-party\jboss\jboss-5.1.0.GA
>   JAVA: d:\views\third-party\jdk\jdk1.6.0_23_amd64\bin\java
>   JAVA_OPTS: -Xdebug -Xnoagent -Djava.compiler=NONE -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=8787,server=y,suspend=n -Dprogram.name=run-jdwp.bat -Xms128M -Xmx512M -XX:MaxPermSize=256M -Dsun.rmi.dgc.client.gcInterval=3600000 -Dsun.rmi.dgc.server.gcInterval=3600000 -Dorg.jboss.resolver.warning=true -serv
> er
>   CLASSPATH: d:\views\third-party\jboss\jboss-5.1.0.GA\bin\run.jar
> ===============================================================================
> Listening for transport dt_socket at address: 8787
> 19:40:42,045 INFO  [ServerImpl] Starting JBoss (Microcontainer)...
> 19:40:42,048 INFO  [ServerImpl] Release ID: JBoss [The Oracle] 5.1.0.GA (build: SVNTag=JBoss_5_1_0_GA date=200905221053)
> 19:40:42,049 INFO  [ServerImpl] Bootstrap URL: null
> 19:40:42,049 INFO  [ServerImpl] Home Dir: D:\views\third-party\jboss\jboss-5.1.0.GA
> 19:40:42,049 INFO  [ServerImpl] Home URL: file:/D:/views/third-party/jboss/jboss-5.1.0.GA/
> 19:40:42,050 INFO  [ServerImpl] Library URL: file:/D:/views/third-party/jboss/jboss-5.1.0.GA/lib/
> 19:40:42,051 INFO  [ServerImpl] Patch URL: null
> 19:40:42,052 INFO  [ServerImpl] Common Base URL: file:/D:/views/third-party/jboss/jboss-5.1.0.GA/common/
> 19:40:42,052 INFO  [ServerImpl] Common Library URL: file:/D:/views/third-party/jboss/jboss-5.1.0.GA/common/lib/
> 19:40:42,053 INFO  [ServerImpl] Server Name: MyProject
> 19:40:42,053 INFO  [ServerImpl] Server Base Dir: D:\views\third-party\jboss\jboss-5.1.0.GA\server
> 19:40:42,054 INFO  [ServerImpl] Server Base URL: file:/D:/views/third-party/jboss/jboss-5.1.0.GA/server/
> 19:40:42,054 INFO  [ServerImpl] Server Config URL: file:/D:/views/third-party/jboss/jboss-5.1.0.GA/server/MyProject/conf/
> 19:40:42,055 INFO  [ServerImpl] Server Home Dir: D:\views\third-party\jboss\jboss-5.1.0.GA\server\MyProject
> 19:40:42,055 INFO  [ServerImpl] Server Home URL: file:/D:/views/third-party/jboss/jboss-5.1.0.GA/server/MyProject/
> 19:40:42,055 INFO  [ServerImpl] Server Data Dir: D:\views\third-party\jboss\jboss-5.1.0.GA\server\MyProject\data
> 19:40:42,055 INFO  [ServerImpl] Server Library URL: file:/D:/views/third-party/jboss/jboss-5.1.0.GA/server/MyProject/lib/
> 19:40:42,056 INFO  [ServerImpl] Server Log Dir: D:\views\third-party\jboss\jboss-5.1.0.GA\server\MyProject\log
> 19:40:42,056 INFO  [ServerImpl] Server Native Dir: D:\views\third-party\jboss\jboss-5.1.0.GA\server\MyProject\tmp\native
> 19:40:42,057 INFO  [ServerImpl] Server Temp Dir: D:\views\third-party\jboss\jboss-5.1.0.GA\server\MyProject\tmp
> 19:40:42,057 INFO  [ServerImpl] Server Temp Deploy Dir: D:\views\third-party\jboss\jboss-5.1.0.GA\server\MyProject\tmp\deploy
> 19:40:43,527 INFO  [ServerImpl] Starting Microcontainer, bootstrapURL=file:/D:/views/third-party/jboss/jboss-5.1.0.GA/server/MyProject/conf/bootstrap.xml
> 19:40:44,565 INFO  [VFSCacheFactory] Initializing VFSCache [org.jboss.virtual.plugins.cache.CombinedVFSCache]
> 19:40:44,567 INFO  [VFSCacheFactory] Using VFSCache [CombinedVFSCache[real-cache: null]]
> 19:40:44,944 INFO  [CopyMechanism] VFS temp dir: D:\views\third-party\jboss\jboss-5.1.0.GA\server\MyProject\tmp
> 19:40:44,948 INFO  [ZipEntryContext] VFS force nested jars copy-mode is enabled.
> 19:40:46,393 INFO  [ServerInfo] Java version: 1.6.0_23,Sun Microsystems Inc.
> 19:40:46,393 INFO  [ServerInfo] Java Runtime: Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_23-b05)
> 19:40:46,393 INFO  [ServerInfo] Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 19.0-b09,Sun Microsystems Inc.
> 19:40:46,394 INFO  [ServerInfo] OS-System: Windows 7 6.1,amd64
> 19:40:46,395 INFO  [ServerInfo] VM arguments: -Xdebug -Xnoagent -Djava.compiler=NONE -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=8787,server=y,suspend=n -Dprogram.name=run-jdwp.bat -Xms128M -Xmx512M -XX:MaxPermSize=256M -Dsun.rmi.dgc.client.gcInterval=3600000 -Dsun.rmi.dgc.server.gcInterval=3600000 -Dorg.
> jboss.resolver.warning=true -Djava.endorsed.dirs=d:\views\third-party\jboss\jboss-5.1.0.GA\lib\endorsed
> 19:40:46,436 INFO  [JMXKernel] Legacy JMX core initialized
> 19:40:48,419 INFO  [ProfileServiceBootstrap] Loading profile: ProfileKey at 1d96c0a0[domain=default, server=default, name=MyProject]
> 19:40:52,297  INFO (           main) [                              WebService] Using RMI server codebase:
> 19:40:58,212  INFO (           main) [                      NativeServerConfig] JBoss Web Services - Stack Native Core
> 19:40:58,212  INFO (           main) [                      NativeServerConfig] 3.1.2.GA
> 19:40:58,916  INFO (           main) [                   AttributeCallbackItem] Owner callback not implemented.
> 19:41:00,165  INFO (           main) [                 LogNotificationListener] Adding notification listener for logging mbean "jboss.system:service=Logging,type=Log4jService" to server org.jboss.mx.server.MBeanServerImpl at 5fdbe72f[ defaultDomain='jboss' ]
> 19:41:15,833  INFO (           main) [                Ejb3DependenciesDeployer] Encountered deployment AbstractVFSDeploymentContext at 456214076{vfsfile:/D:/views/third-party/jboss/jboss-5.1.0.GA/server/MyProject/deploy/profileservice-secured.jar/}
> 19:41:15,843  INFO (           main) [                Ejb3DependenciesDeployer] Encountered deployment AbstractVFSDeploymentContext at 456214076{vfsfile:/D:/views/third-party/jboss/jboss-5.1.0.GA/server/MyProject/deploy/profileservice-secured.jar/}
> 19:41:15,843  INFO (           main) [                Ejb3DependenciesDeployer] Encountered deployment AbstractVFSDeploymentContext at 456214076{vfsfile:/D:/views/third-party/jboss/jboss-5.1.0.GA/server/MyProject/deploy/profileservice-secured.jar/}
> 19:41:15,844  INFO (           main) [                Ejb3DependenciesDeployer] Encountered deployment AbstractVFSDeploymentContext at 456214076{vfsfile:/D:/views/third-party/jboss/jboss-5.1.0.GA/server/MyProject/deploy/profileservice-secured.jar/}
> 19:41:18,977  INFO (           main) [               JMXConnectorServerService] JMX Connector server: service:jmx:rmi://
> 19:41:19,171  INFO (           main) [                             MailService] Mail Service bound to java:/Mail
> 19:41:21,888  WARN (           main) [            JBossASSecurityMetadataStore] WARNING! POTENTIAL SECURITY RISK. It has been detected that the MessageSucker component which sucks messages from one node to another has not had its password changed from the installation default. Please see the JBoss M
> essaging user guide for instructions on how to do this.
> 19:41:21,908  WARN (           main) [                       AnnotationCreator] No ClassLoader provided, using TCCL: org.jboss.managed.api.annotation.ManagementComponent
> 19:41:22,022  WARN (           main) [                       AnnotationCreator] No ClassLoader provided, using TCCL: org.jboss.managed.api.annotation.ManagementComponent
> 19:41:22,115  INFO (           main) [               TransactionManagerService] JBossTS Transaction Service (JTA version - tag:JBOSSTS_4_6_1_GA) - JBoss Inc.
> 19:41:22,116  INFO (           main) [               TransactionManagerService] Setting up property manager MBean and JMX layer
> 19:41:22,424  INFO (           main) [               TransactionManagerService] Initializing recovery manager
> 19:41:22,583  INFO (           main) [               TransactionManagerService] Recovery manager configured
> 19:41:22,583  INFO (           main) [               TransactionManagerService] Binding TransactionManager JNDI Reference
> 19:41:22,621  INFO (           main) [               TransactionManagerService] Starting transaction recovery manager
> 19:41:23,247  INFO (           main) [                        TomcatDeployment] deploy, ctxPath=/jbossws
> 19:41:24,457  INFO (           main) [                        TomcatDeployment] deploy, ctxPath=/web-console
> 19:41:24,854  INFO (           main) [                        TomcatDeployment] deploy, ctxPath=/invoker
> 19:41:24,978  INFO (           main) [                           RARDeployment] Required license terms exist, view vfszip:/D:/views/third-party/jboss/jboss-5.1.0.GA/server/MyProject/deploy/jboss-local-jdbc.rar/META-INF/ra.xml
> 19:41:25,012  INFO (           main) [                           RARDeployment] Required license terms exist, view vfszip:/D:/views/third-party/jboss/jboss-5.1.0.GA/server/MyProject/deploy/jboss-xa-jdbc.rar/META-INF/ra.xml
> 19:41:25,043  INFO (           main) [                           RARDeployment] Required license terms exist, view vfszip:/D:/views/third-party/jboss/jboss-5.1.0.GA/server/MyProject/deploy/jms-ra.rar/META-INF/ra.xml
> 19:41:25,073  INFO (           main) [                           RARDeployment] Required license terms exist, view vfszip:/D:/views/third-party/jboss/jboss-5.1.0.GA/server/MyProject/deploy/mail-ra.rar/META-INF/ra.xml
> 19:41:25,107  INFO (           main) [                           RARDeployment] Required license terms exist, view vfszip:/D:/views/third-party/jboss/jboss-5.1.0.GA/server/MyProject/deploy/quartz-ra.rar/META-INF/ra.xml
> 19:41:25,235  INFO (           main) [                        SimpleThreadPool] Job execution threads will use class loader of thread: main
> 19:41:25,259  INFO (           main) [                         QuartzScheduler] Quartz Scheduler v.1.5.2 created.
> 19:41:25,261  INFO (           main) [                             RAMJobStore] RAMJobStore initialized.
> 19:41:25,261  INFO (           main) [                     StdSchedulerFactory] Quartz scheduler 'DefaultQuartzScheduler' initialized from default resource file in Quartz package: 'quartz.properties'
> 19:41:25,263  INFO (           main) [                     StdSchedulerFactory] Quartz scheduler version: 1.5.2
> 19:41:25,280  INFO (           main) [                         QuartzScheduler] Scheduler DefaultQuartzScheduler_$_NON_CLUSTERED started.
> 19:41:26,105  INFO (           main) [         ConnectionFactoryBindingService] Bound ConnectionManager 'jboss.jca:service=DataSourceBinding,name=DefaultDS' to JNDI name 'java:DefaultDS'
> 19:41:26,633  INFO (           main) [                              ServerPeer] JBoss Messaging 1.4.3.GA server [0] started
> 19:41:26,734  INFO (           main) [                            QueueService] Queue[/queue/DLQ] started, fullSize=200000, pageSize=2000, downCacheSize=2000
> 19:41:26,799  INFO (           main) [                       ConnectionFactory] Connector bisocket:// has leasing enabled, lease period 10000 milliseconds
> 19:41:26,800  INFO (           main) [                       ConnectionFactory] org.jboss.jms.server.connectionfactory.ConnectionFactory at 332933cb started
> 19:41:26,802  INFO (           main) [                            QueueService] Queue[jms/ShippingRequestQueue] started, fullSize=200000, pageSize=2000, downCacheSize=2000
> 19:41:26,803  INFO (           main) [                       ConnectionFactory] Connector bisocket:// has leasing enabled, lease period 10000 milliseconds
> 19:41:26,803  INFO (           main) [                       ConnectionFactory] org.jboss.jms.server.connectionfactory.ConnectionFactory at 5100de32 started
> 19:41:26,805  INFO (           main) [             ConnectionFactoryJNDIMapper] supportsFailover attribute is true on connection factory: jboss.messaging.connectionfactory:service=ClusteredConnectionFactory but post office is non clustered. So connection factory will *not* support failover
> 19:41:26,805  INFO (           main) [             ConnectionFactoryJNDIMapper] supportsLoadBalancing attribute is true on connection factory: jboss.messaging.connectionfactory:service=ClusteredConnectionFactory but post office is non clustered. So connection factory will *not* support load balancin
> g
> 19:41:26,806  INFO (           main) [                       ConnectionFactory] Connector bisocket:// has leasing enabled, lease period 10000 milliseconds
> 19:41:26,806  INFO (           main) [                       ConnectionFactory] org.jboss.jms.server.connectionfactory.ConnectionFactory at 5c9c2f98 started
> 19:41:26,808  INFO (           main) [                            QueueService] Queue[/queue/ExpiryQueue] started, fullSize=200000, pageSize=2000, downCacheSize=2000
> 19:41:26,810  INFO (           main) [                            QueueService] Queue[jms/OrderBillingQueue] started, fullSize=200000, pageSize=2000, downCacheSize=2000
> 19:41:26,896  INFO (           main) [         ConnectionFactoryBindingService] Bound ConnectionManager 'jboss.jca:service=ConnectionFactoryBinding,name=JmsXA' to JNDI name 'java:JmsXA'
> 19:41:26,980  INFO (           main) [         ConnectionFactoryBindingService] Bound ConnectionManager 'jboss.jca:service=DataSourceBinding,name=OracleDS' to JNDI name 'java:OracleDS'
> 19:41:27,452  INFO (           main) [                           JBossASKernel] Created KernelDeployment for: profileservice-secured.jar
> 19:41:27,460  INFO (           main) [                           JBossASKernel] installing bean: jboss.j2ee:jar=profileservice-secured.jar,name=SecureProfileService,service=EJB3
> 19:41:27,461  INFO (           main) [                           JBossASKernel]   with dependencies:
> 19:41:27,462  INFO (           main) [                           JBossASKernel]   and demands:
> 19:41:27,462  INFO (           main) [                           JBossASKernel]         jndi:SecureManagementView/remote-org.jboss.deployers.spi.management.ManagementView
> 19:41:27,462  INFO (           main) [                           JBossASKernel]         jboss.ejb:service=EJBTimerService
> 19:41:27,462  INFO (           main) [                           JBossASKernel]   and supplies:
> 19:41:27,463  INFO (           main) [                           JBossASKernel]         Class:org.jboss.profileservice.spi.ProfileService
> 19:41:27,463  INFO (           main) [                           JBossASKernel]         jndi:SecureProfileService/remote
> 19:41:27,463  INFO (           main) [                           JBossASKernel]         jndi:SecureProfileService/remote-org.jboss.profileservice.spi.ProfileService
> 19:41:27,464  INFO (           main) [                           JBossASKernel] Added bean(jboss.j2ee:jar=profileservice-secured.jar,name=SecureProfileService,service=EJB3) to KernelDeployment of: profileservice-secured.jar
> 19:41:27,466  INFO (           main) [                           JBossASKernel] installing bean: jboss.j2ee:jar=profileservice-secured.jar,name=SecureDeploymentManager,service=EJB3
> 19:41:27,467  INFO (           main) [                           JBossASKernel]   with dependencies:
> 19:41:27,467  INFO (           main) [                           JBossASKernel]   and demands:
> 19:41:27,468  INFO (           main) [                           JBossASKernel]         jboss.ejb:service=EJBTimerService
> 19:41:27,469  INFO (           main) [                           JBossASKernel]   and supplies:
> 19:41:27,470  INFO (           main) [                           JBossASKernel]         jndi:SecureDeploymentManager/remote-org.jboss.deployers.spi.management.deploy.DeploymentManager
> 19:41:27,470  INFO (           main) [                           JBossASKernel]         Class:org.jboss.deployers.spi.management.deploy.DeploymentManager
> 19:41:27,471  INFO (           main) [                           JBossASKernel]         jndi:SecureDeploymentManager/remote
> 19:41:27,472  INFO (           main) [                           JBossASKernel] Added bean(jboss.j2ee:jar=profileservice-secured.jar,name=SecureDeploymentManager,service=EJB3) to KernelDeployment of: profileservice-secured.jar
> 19:41:27,473  INFO (           main) [                           JBossASKernel] installing bean: jboss.j2ee:jar=profileservice-secured.jar,name=SecureManagementView,service=EJB3
> 19:41:27,473  INFO (           main) [                           JBossASKernel]   with dependencies:
> 19:41:27,474  INFO (           main) [                           JBossASKernel]   and demands:
> 19:41:27,475  INFO (           main) [                           JBossASKernel]         jboss.ejb:service=EJBTimerService
> 19:41:27,475  INFO (           main) [                           JBossASKernel]   and supplies:
> 19:41:27,476  INFO (           main) [                           JBossASKernel]         jndi:SecureManagementView/remote-org.jboss.deployers.spi.management.ManagementView
> 19:41:27,477  INFO (           main) [                           JBossASKernel]         Class:org.jboss.deployers.spi.management.ManagementView
> 19:41:27,477  INFO (           main) [                           JBossASKernel]         jndi:SecureManagementView/remote
> 19:41:27,478  INFO (           main) [                           JBossASKernel] Added bean(jboss.j2ee:jar=profileservice-secured.jar,name=SecureManagementView,service=EJB3) to KernelDeployment of: profileservice-secured.jar
> 19:41:27,487  INFO (           main) [                    EJB3EndpointDeployer] Deploy AbstractBeanMetaData at 4696de68{name=jboss.j2ee:jar=profileservice-secured.jar,name=SecureProfileService,service=EJB3_endpoint bean=org.jboss.ejb3.endpoint.deployers.impl.EndpointImpl properties=[container] construc
> tor=null autowireCandidate=true}
> 19:41:27,488  INFO (           main) [                    EJB3EndpointDeployer] Deploy AbstractBeanMetaData at 16a3f072{name=jboss.j2ee:jar=profileservice-secured.jar,name=SecureDeploymentManager,service=EJB3_endpoint bean=org.jboss.ejb3.endpoint.deployers.impl.EndpointImpl properties=[container] const
> ructor=null autowireCandidate=true}
> 19:41:27,488  INFO (           main) [                    EJB3EndpointDeployer] Deploy AbstractBeanMetaData at 171591e3{name=jboss.j2ee:jar=profileservice-secured.jar,name=SecureManagementView,service=EJB3_endpoint bean=org.jboss.ejb3.endpoint.deployers.impl.EndpointImpl properties=[container] construc
> tor=null autowireCandidate=true}
> 19:41:27,670  INFO (           main) [                    SessionSpecContainer] Starting jboss.j2ee:jar=profileservice-secured.jar,name=SecureDeploymentManager,service=EJB3
> 19:41:27,682  INFO (           main) [                            EJBContainer] STARTED EJB: org.jboss.profileservice.ejb.SecureDeploymentManager ejbName: SecureDeploymentManager
> 19:41:27,778  INFO (           main) [                JndiSessionRegistrarBase] Binding the following Entries in Global JNDI:
>         SecureDeploymentManager/remote - EJB3.x Default Remote Business Interface
>         SecureDeploymentManager/remote-org.jboss.deployers.spi.management.deploy.DeploymentManager - EJB3.x Remote Business Interface
> 19:41:27,946  INFO (           main) [                    SessionSpecContainer] Starting jboss.j2ee:jar=profileservice-secured.jar,name=SecureManagementView,service=EJB3
> 19:41:27,947  INFO (           main) [                            EJBContainer] STARTED EJB: org.jboss.profileservice.ejb.SecureManagementView ejbName: SecureManagementView
> 19:41:27,960  INFO (           main) [                JndiSessionRegistrarBase] Binding the following Entries in Global JNDI:
>         SecureManagementView/remote - EJB3.x Default Remote Business Interface
>         SecureManagementView/remote-org.jboss.deployers.spi.management.ManagementView - EJB3.x Remote Business Interface
> 19:41:27,986  INFO (           main) [                    SessionSpecContainer] Starting jboss.j2ee:jar=profileservice-secured.jar,name=SecureProfileService,service=EJB3
> 19:41:27,987  INFO (           main) [                            EJBContainer] STARTED EJB: org.jboss.profileservice.ejb.SecureProfileServiceBean ejbName: SecureProfileService
> 19:41:28,068  INFO (           main) [                JndiSessionRegistrarBase] Binding the following Entries in Global JNDI:
>         SecureProfileService/remote - EJB3.x Default Remote Business Interface
>         SecureProfileService/remote-org.jboss.profileservice.spi.ProfileService - EJB3.x Remote Business Interface
> 19:41:28,203  INFO (           main) [                        TomcatDeployment] deploy, ctxPath=/admin-console
> 19:41:28,283  INFO (           main) [                                  config] Initializing Mojarra (1.2_12-b01-FCS) for context '/admin-console'
> 19:41:30,160  INFO (           main) [                        TomcatDeployment] deploy, ctxPath=/
> 19:41:30,229  INFO (           main) [                        TomcatDeployment] deploy, ctxPath=/jmx-console
> 19:41:30,466  INFO (           main) [              NamedXmlApplicationContext] Refreshing org.jboss.spring.factory.NamedXmlApplicationContext at d6a9883: startup date [Thu Jan 27 19:41:30 MSK 2011]; root of context hierarchy
> 19:41:30,598  INFO (           main) [            NamedXmlBeanDefinitionReader] Loading XML bean definitions from URL [vfsfile:/D:/views/third-party/jboss/jboss-5.1.0.GA/server/MyProject/deploy/MyProject.ear/META-INF/core-spring.xml]
> 19:41:30,752  INFO (           main) [              DefaultListableBeanFactory] Pre-instantiating singletons in org.springframework.beans.factory.support.DefaultListableBeanFactory at 5d3d11ce: defining beans [core.spring.context]; root of factory hierarchy
> 19:41:30,856  INFO (           main) [       VFSClassPathXmlApplicationContext] Refreshing org.jboss.spring.vfs.context.VFSClassPathXmlApplicationContext at 2686e6ed: startup date [Thu Jan 27 19:41:30 MSK 2011]; root of context hierarchy
> 19:41:31,027  INFO (           main) [              AbstractVirtualFileHandler] VFS force copy (NestedJarHandler) is enabled.
> 19:41:31,070  INFO (           main) [                 XmlBeanDefinitionReader] Loading XML bean definitions from FileHandler at 780652700[path=MyProject.ear/MyProject.jar/META-INF/core-db-app-config.xml context=file:/D:/views/third-party/jboss/jboss-5.1.0.GA/server/MyProject/deploy/ real=file:/D:/view
> s/third-party/jboss/jboss-5.1.0.GA/server/MyProject/deploy/MyProject.ear/MyProject.jar/META-INF/core-db-app-config.xml]
> 19:41:31,200  INFO (           main) [                 XmlBeanDefinitionReader] Loading XML bean definitions from FileHandler at 346341554[path=MyProject.ear/MyProject.jar/META-INF/core-app-config.xml context=file:/D:/views/third-party/jboss/jboss-5.1.0.GA/server/MyProject/deploy/ real=file:/D:/views/t
> hird-party/jboss/jboss-5.1.0.GA/server/MyProject/deploy/MyProject.ear/MyProject.jar/META-INF/core-app-config.xml]
> 19:41:31,419  INFO (           main) [                 XmlBeanDefinitionReader] Loading XML bean definitions from FileHandler at 1801828174[path=MyProject.ear/MyProject.jar/META-INF/core-sec-app-config.xml context=file:/D:/views/third-party/jboss/jboss-5.1.0.GA/server/MyProject/deploy/ real=file:/D:/vi
> ews/third-party/jboss/jboss-5.1.0.GA/server/MyProject/deploy/MyProject.ear/MyProject.jar/META-INF/core-sec-app-config.xml]
> 19:41:31,512  INFO (           main) [               SpringSecurityCoreVersion] You are running with Spring Security Core 3.0.5.RELEASE
> 19:41:31,512  INFO (           main) [                SecurityNamespaceHandler] Spring Security 'config' module version is 3.0.5.RELEASE
> 19:41:32,037  INFO (           main) [       VFSClassPathXmlApplicationContext] Bean 'com.lex.myProject.hibernate.AuditTrailInterceptor#5e552a98' of type [class com.lex.myProject.hibernate.AuditTrailInterceptor] is not eligible for getting processed by all BeanPostProcessors (for example: not eligib
> le for auto-proxying)
> 19:41:32,061  INFO (           main) [       VFSClassPathXmlApplicationContext] Bean 'dataSource' of type [class org.springframework.jndi.JndiObjectFactoryBean] is not eligible for getting processed by all BeanPostProcessors (for example: not eligible for auto-proxying)
> 19:41:32,061  INFO (           main) [       VFSClassPathXmlApplicationContext] Bean 'dataSource' of type [class org.jboss.resource.adapter.jdbc.WrapperDataSource] is not eligible for getting processed by all BeanPostProcessors (for example: not eligible for auto-proxying)
> 19:41:32,123  INFO (           main) [       VFSClassPathXmlApplicationContext] Bean 'envers' of type [class org.hibernate.envers.event.AuditEventListener] is not eligible for getting processed by all BeanPostProcessors (for example: not eligible for auto-proxying)
> 19:41:32,522  INFO (           main) [                                 Version] Hibernate Commons Annotations 3.2.0.Final
> 19:41:32,533  INFO (           main) [                             Environment] Hibernate 3.6.0.Final
> 19:41:32,538  INFO (           main) [                             Environment] hibernate.properties not found
> 19:41:32,542  INFO (           main) [                             Environment] Bytecode provider name : javassist
> 19:41:32,549  INFO (           main) [                             Environment] using JDK 1.4 java.sql.Timestamp handling
> 19:41:32,814  INFO (           main) [                        AnnotationBinder] Binding entity from annotated class: com.lex.myProject.model.enumModel.CallResultType
> 19:41:32,861  INFO (           main) [                            EntityBinder] Bind entity com.lex.myProject.model.enumModel.CallResultType on table CALL_RESULT_TYPE
> 19:41:32,954  INFO (           main) [                        AnnotationBinder] Binding entity from annotated class: com.lex.myProject.model.Client
> 19:41:32,955  INFO (           main) [                            EntityBinder] Bind entity com.lex.myProject.model.Client on table CLIENT
> 19:41:33,022  INFO (           main) [                        AnnotationBinder] Binding entity from annotated class: com.lex.myProject.model.Phone
> 19:41:33,023  INFO (           main) [                            EntityBinder] Bind entity com.lex.myProject.model.Phone on table PHONE
> 19:41:33,033  INFO (           main) [                        AnnotationBinder] Binding entity from annotated class: com.lex.myProject.model.enumModel.ClientSocialStatus
> 19:41:33,033  INFO (           main) [                            EntityBinder] Bind entity com.lex.myProject.model.enumModel.ClientSocialStatus on table CLIENT_SOC_STATUS
> 19:41:33,036  INFO (           main) [                        AnnotationBinder] Binding entity from annotated class: com.lex.myProject.model.enumModel.PostType
> 19:41:33,037  INFO (           main) [                            EntityBinder] Bind entity com.lex.myProject.model.enumModel.PostType on table POST_TYPE
> 19:41:33,039  INFO (           main) [                        AnnotationBinder] Binding entity from annotated class: com.lex.myProject.model.WorkData
> 19:41:33,039  INFO (           main) [                            EntityBinder] Bind entity com.lex.myProject.model.WorkData on table WORK_DATA
> 19:41:33,042  INFO (           main) [                        AnnotationBinder] Binding entity from annotated class: com.lex.myProject.model.PersonalBuildingProperty
> 19:41:33,043  INFO (           main) [                            EntityBinder] Bind entity com.lex.myProject.model.PersonalBuildingProperty on table PERS_BUILD_PROP
> 19:41:33,046  INFO (           main) [                        AnnotationBinder] Binding entity from annotated class: com.lex.myProject.model.CreditHistory
> 19:41:33,047  INFO (           main) [                            EntityBinder] Bind entity com.lex.myProject.model.CreditHistory on table CREDIT_HISTORY
> 19:41:33,050  INFO (           main) [                        AnnotationBinder] Binding entity from annotated class: com.lex.myProject.model.base.RevisionInfo
> 19:41:33,051  INFO (           main) [                            EntityBinder] Bind entity com.lex.myProject.model.base.RevisionInfo on table REV_INFO
> 19:41:33,054  INFO (           main) [                        AnnotationBinder] Binding entity from annotated class: com.lex.myProject.model.enumModel.CarModel
> 19:41:33,055  INFO (           main) [                            EntityBinder] Bind entity com.lex.myProject.model.enumModel.CarModel on table CAR_MODEL
> 19:41:33,057  INFO (           main) [                        AnnotationBinder] Binding entity from annotated class: com.lex.myProject.model.Application
> 19:41:33,058  INFO (           main) [                            EntityBinder] Bind entity com.lex.myProject.model.Application on table APPLICATION
> 19:41:33,071  INFO (           main) [                        AnnotationBinder] Binding entity from annotated class: com.lex.myProject.model.enumModel.BuildingPurchaseType
> 19:41:33,072  INFO (           main) [                            EntityBinder] Bind entity com.lex.myProject.model.enumModel.BuildingPurchaseType on table BUILD_PURCHASE_TYPE
> 19:41:33,075  INFO (           main) [                        AnnotationBinder] Binding entity from annotated class: com.lex.myProject.model.enumModel.BuildingPropertyType
> 19:41:33,075  INFO (           main) [                            EntityBinder] Bind entity com.lex.myProject.model.enumModel.BuildingPropertyType on table BUILD_PROPERTY_TYPE
> 19:41:33,077  INFO (           main) [                        AnnotationBinder] Binding entity from annotated class: com.lex.myProject.model.enumModel.PhoneType
> 19:41:33,078  INFO (           main) [                            EntityBinder] Bind entity com.lex.myProject.model.enumModel.PhoneType on table PHONE_TYPE
> 19:41:33,081  INFO (           main) [                        AnnotationBinder] Binding entity from annotated class: com.lex.myProject.model.enumModel.SettlementType
> 19:41:33,082  INFO (           main) [                            EntityBinder] Bind entity com.lex.myProject.model.enumModel.SettlementType on table SETTL_TYPE
> 19:41:33,083  INFO (           main) [                        AnnotationBinder] Binding entity from annotated class: com.lex.myProject.model.enumModel.IncomeProveDocumentType
> 19:41:33,084  INFO (           main) [                            EntityBinder] Bind entity com.lex.myProject.model.enumModel.IncomeProveDocumentType on table INCOM_PROVE_DOC_TYPE
> 19:41:33,087  INFO (           main) [                        AnnotationBinder] Binding entity from annotated class: com.lex.myProject.model.Good
> 19:41:33,087  INFO (           main) [                            EntityBinder] Bind entity com.lex.myProject.model.Good on table GOOD
> 19:41:33,092  INFO (           main) [                        AnnotationBinder] Binding entity from annotated class: com.lex.myProject.model.ForeignPassport
> 19:41:33,101  INFO (           main) [                            EntityBinder] Bind entity com.lex.myProject.model.ForeignPassport on table FOREIGN_PASSPORT
> 19:41:33,105  INFO (           main) [                        AnnotationBinder] Binding entity from annotated class: com.lex.myProject.model.User
> 19:41:33,105  INFO (           main) [                            EntityBinder] Bind entity com.lex.myProject.model.User on table USERS
> 19:41:33,111  INFO (           main) [                        AnnotationBinder] Binding entity from annotated class: com.lex.myProject.model.enumModel.AutoPurchaseType
> 19:41:33,111  INFO (           main) [                            EntityBinder] Bind entity com.lex.myProject.model.enumModel.AutoPurchaseType on table AUTO_PURCHASE_TYPE
> 19:41:33,113  INFO (           main) [                        AnnotationBinder] Binding entity from annotated class: com.lex.myProject.model.Company
> 19:41:33,114  INFO (           main) [                            EntityBinder] Bind entity com.lex.myProject.model.Company on table COMPANY
> 19:41:33,118  INFO (           main) [                        AnnotationBinder] Binding entity from annotated class: com.lex.myProject.model.enumModel.CompanyFieldType
> 19:41:33,121  INFO (           main) [                            EntityBinder] Bind entity com.lex.myProject.model.enumModel.CompanyFieldType on table COMPANY_FIELD_TYPE
> 19:41:33,124  INFO (           main) [                        AnnotationBinder] Binding entity from annotated class: com.lex.myProject.model.InsuranceCard
> 19:41:33,126  INFO (           main) [                            EntityBinder] Bind entity com.lex.myProject.model.InsuranceCard on table INSURANCE_CARD
> 19:41:33,128  INFO (           main) [                        AnnotationBinder] Binding entity from annotated class: com.lex.myProject.model.Role
> 19:41:33,130  INFO (           main) [                            EntityBinder] Bind entity com.lex.myProject.model.Role on table ROLE
> 19:41:33,133  INFO (           main) [                        AnnotationBinder] Binding entity from annotated class: com.lex.myProject.model.Service
> 19:41:33,133  INFO (           main) [                            EntityBinder] Bind entity com.lex.myProject.model.Service on table SERVICE
> 19:41:33,138  INFO (           main) [                        AnnotationBinder] Binding entity from annotated class: com.lex.myProject.model.enumModel.Region
> 19:41:33,139  INFO (           main) [                            EntityBinder] Bind entity com.lex.myProject.model.enumModel.Region on table REGION
> 19:41:33,141  INFO (           main) [                        AnnotationBinder] Binding entity from annotated class: com.lex.myProject.model.DrivingLicense
> 19:41:33,141  INFO (           main) [                            EntityBinder] Bind entity com.lex.myProject.model.DrivingLicense on table DRIVING_LICENSE
> 19:41:33,146  INFO (           main) [                        AnnotationBinder] Binding entity from annotated class: com.lex.myProject.model.enumModel.Education
> 19:41:33,146  INFO (           main) [                            EntityBinder] Bind entity com.lex.myProject.model.enumModel.Education on table EDUCATION
> 19:41:33,148  INFO (           main) [                        AnnotationBinder] Binding entity from annotated class: com.lex.myProject.model.enumModel.CompanyType
> 19:41:33,149  INFO (           main) [                            EntityBinder] Bind entity com.lex.myProject.model.enumModel.CompanyType on table COMPANY_TYPE
> 19:41:33,151  INFO (           main) [                        AnnotationBinder] Binding entity from annotated class: com.lex.myProject.model.enumModel.AutoPropertyType
> 19:41:33,152  INFO (           main) [                            EntityBinder] Bind entity com.lex.myProject.model.enumModel.AutoPropertyType on table AUTO_PROPERTY_TYPE
> 19:41:33,155  INFO (           main) [                        AnnotationBinder] Binding entity from annotated class: com.lex.myProject.model.enumModel.PersonalFieldType
> 19:41:33,155  INFO (           main) [                            EntityBinder] Bind entity com.lex.myProject.model.enumModel.PersonalFieldType on table PERSONAL_FIELD_TYPE
> 19:41:33,158  INFO (           main) [                        AnnotationBinder] Binding entity from annotated class: com.lex.myProject.model.Address
> 19:41:33,159  INFO (           main) [                            EntityBinder] Bind entity com.lex.myProject.model.Address on table ADDRESS
> 19:41:33,166  INFO (           main) [                        AnnotationBinder] Binding entity from annotated class: com.lex.myProject.model.Inn
> 19:41:33,166  INFO (           main) [                            EntityBinder] Bind entity com.lex.myProject.model.Inn on table INN
> 19:41:33,169  INFO (           main) [                        AnnotationBinder] Binding entity from annotated class: com.lex.myProject.model.Expenditure
> 19:41:33,170  INFO (           main) [                            EntityBinder] Bind entity com.lex.myProject.model.Expenditure on table EXPENDITURE
> 19:41:33,173  INFO (           main) [                        AnnotationBinder] Binding entity from annotated class: com.lex.myProject.model.PersonalAutoProperty
> 19:41:33,173  INFO (           main) [                            EntityBinder] Bind entity com.lex.myProject.model.PersonalAutoProperty on table PERS_AUTO_PROP
> 19:41:33,178  INFO (           main) [                        AnnotationBinder] Binding entity from annotated class: com.lex.myProject.model.enumModel.StreetType
> 19:41:33,179  INFO (           main) [                            EntityBinder] Bind entity com.lex.myProject.model.enumModel.StreetType on table STREET_TYPE
> 19:41:33,181  INFO (           main) [                        AnnotationBinder] Binding entity from annotated class: com.lex.myProject.model.Passport
> 19:41:33,181  INFO (           main) [                            EntityBinder] Bind entity com.lex.myProject.model.Passport on table PASSPORT
> 19:41:33,184  INFO (           main) [                        AnnotationBinder] Binding entity from annotated class: com.lex.myProject.model.enumModel.CarMark
> 19:41:33,186  INFO (           main) [                            EntityBinder] Bind entity com.lex.myProject.model.enumModel.CarMark on table CAR_MARK
> 19:41:33,207  INFO (           main) [                        CollectionBinder] Mapping collection: com.lex.myProject.model.Client.passports -> PASSPORT
> 19:41:33,208  INFO (           main) [                        CollectionBinder] Mapping collection: com.lex.myProject.model.Client.insuranceCard -> INSURANCE_CARD
> 19:41:33,208  INFO (           main) [                        CollectionBinder] Mapping collection: com.lex.myProject.model.Client.inn -> INN
> 19:41:33,208  INFO (           main) [                        CollectionBinder] Mapping collection: com.lex.myProject.model.Client.foreignPassports -> FOREIGN_PASSPORT
> 19:41:33,209  INFO (           main) [                        CollectionBinder] Mapping collection: com.lex.myProject.model.Client.drivingLicenses -> DRIVING_LICENSE
> 19:41:33,212  INFO (           main) [                        CollectionBinder] Mapping collection: com.lex.myProject.model.Client.applications -> APPLICATION
> 19:41:33,213  INFO (           main) [                        CollectionBinder] Mapping collection: com.lex.myProject.model.enumModel.CarMark.carModel -> CAR_MODEL
> 19:41:33,230  INFO (           main) [                           Configuration] Hibernate Validator not found: ignoring
> 19:41:33,237  INFO (           main) [            AnnotationSessionFactoryBean] Building new Hibernate SessionFactory
> 19:41:33,245  INFO (           main) [    HibernateSearchEventListenerRegister] Unable to find org.hibernate.search.event.FullTextIndexEventListener on the classpath. Hibernate Search is not enabled.
> 19:41:33,259  INFO (           main) [               ConnectionProviderFactory] Initializing connection provider: org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.LocalDataSourceConnectionProvider
> 19:41:33,679  INFO (           main) [                         SettingsFactory] Database ->
>        name : Oracle
>     version : Personal Oracle Database 10g Release - 64bit Production
> With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options
>       major : 10
>       minor : 2
> 19:41:33,680  INFO (           main) [                         SettingsFactory] Driver ->
>        name : Oracle JDBC driver
>     version :
>       major : 10
>       minor : 2
> 19:41:33,749  INFO (           main) [                                 Dialect] Using dialect: org.hibernate.dialect.Oracle10gDialect
> 19:41:33,783  INFO (           main) [                       JdbcSupportLoader] Disabling contextual LOB creation as createClob() method threw error : java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
> 19:41:33,786  INFO (           main) [               TransactionFactoryFactory] Transaction strategy: org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.SpringTransactionFactory
> 19:41:33,789  INFO (           main) [         TransactionManagerLookupFactory] No TransactionManagerLookup configured (in JTA environment, use of read-write or transactional second-level cache is not recommended)
> 19:41:33,789  INFO (           main) [                         SettingsFactory] Automatic flush during beforeCompletion(): disabled
> 19:41:33,790  INFO (           main) [                         SettingsFactory] Automatic session close at end of transaction: disabled
> 19:41:33,791  INFO (           main) [                         SettingsFactory] JDBC batch size: 15
> 19:41:33,791  INFO (           main) [                         SettingsFactory] JDBC batch updates for versioned data: disabled
> 19:41:33,794  INFO (           main) [                         SettingsFactory] Scrollable result sets: enabled
> 19:41:33,794  INFO (           main) [                         SettingsFactory] JDBC3 getGeneratedKeys(): disabled
> 19:41:33,795  INFO (           main) [                         SettingsFactory] Connection release mode: auto
> 19:41:33,798  INFO (           main) [                         SettingsFactory] Default batch fetch size: 1
> 19:41:33,798  INFO (           main) [                         SettingsFactory] Generate SQL with comments: disabled
> 19:41:33,798  INFO (           main) [                         SettingsFactory] Order SQL updates by primary key: disabled
> 19:41:33,799  INFO (           main) [                         SettingsFactory] Order SQL inserts for batching: disabled
> 19:41:33,800  INFO (           main) [                         SettingsFactory] Query translator: org.hibernate.hql.ast.ASTQueryTranslatorFactory
> 19:41:33,808  INFO (           main) [               ASTQueryTranslatorFactory] Using ASTQueryTranslatorFactory
> 19:41:33,809  INFO (           main) [                         SettingsFactory] Query language substitutions: {}
> 19:41:33,809  INFO (           main) [                         SettingsFactory] JPA-QL strict compliance: disabled
> 19:41:33,810  INFO (           main) [                         SettingsFactory] Second-level cache: enabled
> 19:41:33,811  INFO (           main) [                         SettingsFactory] Query cache: disabled
> 19:41:33,811  INFO (           main) [                         SettingsFactory] Cache region factory : org.hibernate.cache.impl.NoCachingRegionFactory
> 19:41:33,817  INFO (           main) [                         SettingsFactory] Optimize cache for minimal puts: disabled
> 19:41:33,817  INFO (           main) [                         SettingsFactory] Structured second-level cache entries: disabled
> 19:41:33,829  INFO (           main) [                         SettingsFactory] Statistics: disabled
> 19:41:33,829  INFO (           main) [                         SettingsFactory] Deleted entity synthetic identifier rollback: disabled
> 19:41:33,830  INFO (           main) [                         SettingsFactory] Default entity-mode: pojo
> 19:41:33,831  INFO (           main) [                         SettingsFactory] Named query checking : enabled
> 19:41:33,831  INFO (           main) [                         SettingsFactory] Check Nullability in Core (should be disabled when Bean Validation is on): enabled
> 19:41:34,230  INFO (           main) [                               HbmBinder] Mapping class: com.lex.myProject.model.enumModel.CarMark_AUD -> CAR_MARK_AUD
> 19:41:34,246  INFO (           main) [                               HbmBinder] Mapping class: com.lex.myProject.model.enumModel.BuildingPurchaseType_AUD -> BUILD_PURCHASE_TYPE_AUD
> 19:41:34,247  INFO (           main) [                               HbmBinder] Mapping class: com.lex.myProject.model.enumModel.StreetType_AUD -> STREET_TYPE_AUD
> 19:41:34,248  INFO (           main) [                               HbmBinder] Mapping class: com.lex.myProject.model.enumModel.Region_AUD -> REGION_AUD
> 19:41:34,248  INFO (           main) [                               HbmBinder] Mapping class: com.lex.myProject.model.enumModel.CarModel_AUD -> CAR_MODEL_AUD
> 19:41:34,249  INFO (           main) [                               HbmBinder] Mapping class: com.lex.myProject.model.PersonalAutoProperty_AUD -> PERS_AUTO_PROP_AUD
> 19:41:34,251  INFO (           main) [                               HbmBinder] Mapping class: com.lex.myProject.model.enumModel.PhoneType_AUD -> PHONE_TYPE_AUD
> 19:41:34,252  INFO (           main) [                               HbmBinder] Mapping class: com.lex.myProject.model.enumModel.BuildingPropertyType_AUD -> BUILD_PROPERTY_TYPE_AUD
> 19:41:34,252  INFO (           main) [                               HbmBinder] Mapping class: com.lex.myProject.model.enumModel.CallResultType_AUD -> CALL_RESULT_TYPE_AUD
> 19:41:34,253  INFO (           main) [                               HbmBinder] Mapping class: com.lex.myProject.model.enumModel.AutoPropertyType_AUD -> AUTO_PROPERTY_TYPE_AUD
> 19:41:34,254  INFO (           main) [                               HbmBinder] Mapping class: com.lex.myProject.model.Role_AUD -> ROLE_AUD
> 19:41:34,255  INFO (           main) [                               HbmBinder] Mapping class: com.lex.myProject.model.enumModel.ClientSocialStatus_AUD -> CLIENT_SOC_STATUS_AUD
> 19:41:34,256  INFO (           main) [                               HbmBinder] Mapping class: com.lex.myProject.model.User_AUD -> USERS_AUD
> 19:41:34,256  INFO (           main) [                               HbmBinder] Mapping class: USERS_ROLES_AUD -> USERS_ROLES_AUD
> 19:41:34,257  INFO (           main) [                               HbmBinder] Mapping class: com.lex.myProject.model.Phone_AUD -> PHONE_AUD
> 19:41:34,258  INFO (           main) [                               HbmBinder] Mapping class: com.lex.myProject.model.WorkData_AUD -> WORK_DATA_AUD
> 19:41:34,258  INFO (           main) [                               HbmBinder] Mapping class: com.lex.myProject.model.Service_AUD -> SERVICE_AUD
> 19:41:34,259  INFO (           main) [                               HbmBinder] Mapping class: com.lex.myProject.model.enumModel.PersonalFieldType_AUD -> PERSONAL_FIELD_TYPE_AUD
> 19:41:34,259  INFO (           main) [                               HbmBinder] Mapping class: com.lex.myProject.model.enumModel.PostType_AUD -> POST_TYPE_AUD
> 19:41:34,260  INFO (           main) [                               HbmBinder] Mapping class: com.lex.myProject.model.Application_AUD -> APPLICATION_AUD
> 19:41:34,261  INFO (           main) [                               HbmBinder] Mapping class: com.lex.myProject.model.enumModel.Education_AUD -> EDUCATION_AUD
> 19:41:34,262  INFO (           main) [                               HbmBinder] Mapping class: com.lex.myProject.model.Address_AUD -> ADDRESS_AUD
> 19:41:34,263  INFO (           main) [                               HbmBinder] Mapping class: com.lex.myProject.model.Inn_AUD -> INN_AUD
> 19:41:34,264  INFO (           main) [                               HbmBinder] Mapping class: com.lex.myProject.model.enumModel.SettlementType_AUD -> SETTL_TYPE_AUD
> 19:41:34,264  INFO (           main) [                               HbmBinder] Mapping class: com.lex.myProject.model.Expenditure_AUD -> EXPENDITURE_AUD
> 19:41:34,265  INFO (           main) [                               HbmBinder] Mapping class: com.lex.myProject.model.Company_AUD -> COMPANY_AUD
> 19:41:34,265  INFO (           main) [                               HbmBinder] Mapping class: com.lex.myProject.model.enumModel.IncomeProveDocumentType_AUD -> INCOM_PROVE_DOC_TYPE_AUD
> 19:41:34,266  INFO (           main) [                               HbmBinder] Mapping class: com.lex.myProject.model.enumModel.CompanyType_AUD -> COMPANY_TYPE_AUD
> 19:41:34,266  INFO (           main) [                               HbmBinder] Mapping class: com.lex.myProject.model.Client_AUD -> CLIENT_AUD
> 19:41:34,267  INFO (           main) [                               HbmBinder] Mapping class: Client_DrivingLicense_AUD -> Client_DrivingLicense_AUD
> 19:41:34,267  INFO (           main) [                               HbmBinder] Mapping class: Client_ForeignPassport_AUD -> Client_ForeignPassport_AUD
> 19:41:34,268  INFO (           main) [                               HbmBinder] Mapping class: Client_Inn_AUD -> Client_Inn_AUD
> 19:41:34,268  INFO (           main) [                               HbmBinder] Mapping class: Client_InsuranceCard_AUD -> Client_InsuranceCard_AUD
> 19:41:34,269  INFO (           main) [                               HbmBinder] Mapping class: Client_Passport_AUD -> Client_Passport_AUD
> 19:41:34,270  INFO (           main) [                               HbmBinder] Mapping class: com.lex.myProject.model.InsuranceCard_AUD -> INSURANCE_CARD_AUD
> 19:41:34,271  INFO (           main) [                               HbmBinder] Mapping class: com.lex.myProject.model.Good_AUD -> GOOD_AUD
> 19:41:34,273  INFO (           main) [                               HbmBinder] Mapping class: com.lex.myProject.model.DrivingLicense_AUD -> DRIVING_LICENSE_AUD
> 19:41:34,273  INFO (           main) [                               HbmBinder] Mapping class: com.lex.myProject.model.enumModel.CompanyFieldType_AUD -> COMPANY_FIELD_TYPE_AUD
> 19:41:34,274  INFO (           main) [                               HbmBinder] Mapping class: com.lex.myProject.model.ForeignPassport_AUD -> FOREIGN_PASSPORT_AUD
> 19:41:34,274  INFO (           main) [                               HbmBinder] Mapping class: com.lex.myProject.model.CreditHistory_AUD -> CREDIT_HISTORY_AUD
> 19:41:34,275  INFO (           main) [                               HbmBinder] Mapping class: com.lex.myProject.model.enumModel.AutoPurchaseType_AUD -> AUTO_PURCHASE_TYPE_AUD
> 19:41:34,275  INFO (           main) [                               HbmBinder] Mapping class: com.lex.myProject.model.Passport_AUD -> PASSPORT_AUD
> 19:41:34,276  INFO (           main) [                               HbmBinder] Mapping class: com.lex.myProject.model.PersonalBuildingProperty_AUD -> PERS_BUILD_PROP_AUD
> 19:41:34,281  INFO (           main) [                      SessionFactoryImpl] building session factory
> 19:41:35,722  INFO (           main) [             SessionFactoryObjectFactory] Not binding factory to JNDI, no JNDI name configured
> 19:41:35,725  INFO (           main) [       VFSClassPathXmlApplicationContext] Bean 'sessionFactory' of type [class org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.annotation.AnnotationSessionFactoryBean] is not eligible for getting processed by all BeanPostProcessors (for example: not eligible for auto-proxyin
> g)
> 19:41:35,799  INFO (           main) [              DefaultListableBeanFactory] Pre-instantiating singletons in org.springframework.beans.factory.support.DefaultListableBeanFactory at 2d5f446: defining beans [org.springframework.dao.annotation.PersistenceExceptionTranslationPostProcessor#0,dataSource,e
> nvers,sessionFactory,org.springframework.aop.config.internalAutoProxyCreator,org.springframework.transaction.annotation.AnnotationTransactionAttributeSource#0,org.springframework.transaction.interceptor.TransactionInterceptor#0,org.springframework.transaction.config.internalTransactionAdvisor,transa
> ctionManager,applicationService,companyDaoImpl,roleService,clientService,companyService,enumModelService,appDaoImpl,serviceDaoImpl,roleDaoImpl,manualAuthenticationBean,loadDataService,userService,clientDaoImpl,enumModelDaoImpl,userDaoImpl,JAXBUtil,goodDaoImpl,org.springframework.context.annotation.i
> nternalConfigurationAnnotationProcessor,org.springframework.context.annotation.internalAutowiredAnnotationProcessor,org.springframework.context.annotation.internalRequiredAnnotationProcessor,org.springframework.context.annotation.internalCommonAnnotationProcessor,org.springframework.context.annotati
> on.internalPersistenceAnnotationProcessor,org.springframework.security.access.method.DelegatingMethodSecurityMetadataSource#0,org.springframework.security.access.vote.AffirmativeBased#0,org.springframework.security.access.intercept.aopalliance.MethodSecurityInterceptor#0,org.springframework.security
> .methodSecurityMetadataSourceAdvisor,org.springframework.security.authentication.dao.DaoAuthenticationProvider#0,org.springframework.security.authentication.DefaultAuthenticationEventPublisher#0,org.springframework.security.authenticationManager,myUserDetailsService]; root of factory hierarchy
> 19:41:35,936  INFO (           main) [             HibernateTransactionManager] Using DataSource [org.jboss.resource.adapter.jdbc.WrapperDataSource at 417e79d3] of Hibernate SessionFactory for HibernateTransactionManager
> 19:41:36,496  INFO (           main) [               MethodSecurityInterceptor] Validated configuration attributes
> 19:41:36,713  INFO (           main) [                        TomcatDeployment] deploy, ctxPath=/MyProject
> 19:41:36,768  INFO (           main) [                           ContextLoader] Root WebApplicationContext: initialization started
> 19:41:36,789  INFO (           main) [          ClassPathXmlApplicationContext] Refreshing org.springframework.context.support.ClassPathXmlApplicationContext at 76717dc9: startup date [Thu Jan 27 19:41:36 MSK 2011]; root of context hierarchy
> 19:41:36,797  INFO (           main) [                 XmlBeanDefinitionReader] Loading XML bean definitions from URL [vfsfile:/D:/views/third-party/jboss/jboss-5.1.0.GA/server/MyProject/deploy/MyProject.ear/META-INF/core-spring.xml]
> 19:41:36,805  INFO (           main) [              DefaultListableBeanFactory] Pre-instantiating singletons in org.springframework.beans.factory.support.DefaultListableBeanFactory at 589341ca: defining beans [core.spring.context]; root of factory hierarchy
> 19:41:36,808  INFO (           main) [       VFSClassPathXmlApplicationContext] Refreshing org.jboss.spring.vfs.context.VFSClassPathXmlApplicationContext at f5a07b6: startup date [Thu Jan 27 19:41:36 MSK 2011]; root of context hierarchy
> 19:41:36,882  INFO (           main) [                 XmlBeanDefinitionReader] Loading XML bean definitions from FileHandler at 780652700[path=MyProject.ear/MyProject.jar/META-INF/core-db-app-config.xml context=file:/D:/views/third-party/jboss/jboss-5.1.0.GA/server/MyProject/deploy/ real=file:/D:/view
> s/third-party/jboss/jboss-5.1.0.GA/server/MyProject/deploy/MyProject.ear/MyProject.jar/META-INF/core-db-app-config.xml]
> 19:41:36,930  INFO (           main) [                 XmlBeanDefinitionReader] Loading XML bean definitions from FileHandler at 346341554[path=MyProject.ear/MyProject.jar/META-INF/core-app-config.xml context=file:/D:/views/third-party/jboss/jboss-5.1.0.GA/server/MyProject/deploy/ real=file:/D:/views/t
> hird-party/jboss/jboss-5.1.0.GA/server/MyProject/deploy/MyProject.ear/MyProject.jar/META-INF/core-app-config.xml]
> 19:41:37,021  INFO (           main) [                 XmlBeanDefinitionReader] Loading XML bean definitions from FileHandler at 1801828174[path=MyProject.ear/MyProject.jar/META-INF/core-sec-app-config.xml context=file:/D:/views/third-party/jboss/jboss-5.1.0.GA/server/MyProject/deploy/ real=file:/D:/vi
> ews/third-party/jboss/jboss-5.1.0.GA/server/MyProject/deploy/MyProject.ear/MyProject.jar/META-INF/core-sec-app-config.xml]
> 19:41:37,096  INFO (           main) [                SecurityNamespaceHandler] Spring Security 'config' module version is 3.0.5.RELEASE
> 19:41:37,181  INFO (           main) [       VFSClassPathXmlApplicationContext] Bean 'com.lex.myProject.hibernate.AuditTrailInterceptor#1b08fa9c' of type [class com.lex.myProject.hibernate.AuditTrailInterceptor] is not eligible for getting processed by all BeanPostProcessors (for example: not eligib
> le for auto-proxying)
> 19:41:37,184  INFO (           main) [       VFSClassPathXmlApplicationContext] Bean 'dataSource' of type [class org.springframework.jndi.JndiObjectFactoryBean] is not eligible for getting processed by all BeanPostProcessors (for example: not eligible for auto-proxying)
> 19:41:37,184  INFO (           main) [       VFSClassPathXmlApplicationContext] Bean 'dataSource' of type [class org.jboss.resource.adapter.jdbc.WrapperDataSource] is not eligible for getting processed by all BeanPostProcessors (for example: not eligible for auto-proxying)
> 19:41:37,185  INFO (           main) [       VFSClassPathXmlApplicationContext] Bean 'envers' of type [class org.hibernate.envers.event.AuditEventListener] is not eligible for getting processed by all BeanPostProcessors (for example: not eligible for auto-proxying)
> 19:41:37,232  INFO (           main) [                        AnnotationBinder] Binding entity from annotated class: com.lex.myProject.model.enumModel.CallResultType
> 19:41:37,232  INFO (           main) [                            EntityBinder] Bind entity com.lex.myProject.model.enumModel.CallResultType on table CALL_RESULT_TYPE
> 19:41:37,235  INFO (           main) [                        AnnotationBinder] Binding entity from annotated class: com.lex.myProject.model.Client
> 19:41:37,235  INFO (           main) [                            EntityBinder] Bind entity com.lex.myProject.model.Client on table CLIENT
> 19:41:37,242  INFO (           main) [                        AnnotationBinder] Binding entity from annotated class: com.lex.myProject.model.Phone
> 19:41:37,243  INFO (           main) [                            EntityBinder] Bind entity com.lex.myProject.model.Phone on table PHONE
> 19:41:37,246  INFO (           main) [                        AnnotationBinder] Binding entity from annotated class: com.lex.myProject.model.enumModel.ClientSocialStatus
> 19:41:37,246  INFO (           main) [                            EntityBinder] Bind entity com.lex.myProject.model.enumModel.ClientSocialStatus on table CLIENT_SOC_STATUS
> 19:41:37,249  INFO (           main) [                        AnnotationBinder] Binding entity from annotated class: com.lex.myProject.model.enumModel.PostType
> 19:41:37,249  INFO (           main) [                            EntityBinder] Bind entity com.lex.myProject.model.enumModel.PostType on table POST_TYPE
> 19:41:37,250  INFO (           main) [                        AnnotationBinder] Binding entity from annotated class: com.lex.myProject.model.WorkData
> 19:41:37,250  INFO (           main) [                            EntityBinder] Bind entity com.lex.myProject.model.WorkData on table WORK_DATA
> 19:41:37,252  INFO (           main) [                        AnnotationBinder] Binding entity from annotated class: com.lex.myProject.model.PersonalBuildingProperty
> 19:41:37,253  INFO (           main) [                            EntityBinder] Bind entity com.lex.myProject.model.PersonalBuildingProperty on table PERS_BUILD_PROP
> 19:41:37,256  INFO (           main) [                        AnnotationBinder] Binding entity from annotated class: com.lex.myProject.model.CreditHistory
> 19:41:37,256  INFO (           main) [                            EntityBinder] Bind entity com.lex.myProject.model.CreditHistory on table CREDIT_HISTORY
> 19:41:37,258  INFO (           main) [                        AnnotationBinder] Binding entity from annotated class: com.lex.myProject.model.base.RevisionInfo
> 19:41:37,258  INFO (           main) [                            EntityBinder] Bind entity com.lex.myProject.model.base.RevisionInfo on table REV_INFO
> 19:41:37,260  INFO (           main) [                        AnnotationBinder] Binding entity from annotated class: com.lex.myProject.model.enumModel.CarModel
> 19:41:37,260  INFO (           main) [                            EntityBinder] Bind entity com.lex.myProject.model.enumModel.CarModel on table CAR_MODEL
> 19:41:37,262  INFO (           main) [                        AnnotationBinder] Binding entity from annotated class: com.lex.myProject.model.Application
> 19:41:37,262  INFO (           main) [                            EntityBinder] Bind entity com.lex.myProject.model.Application on table APPLICATION
> 19:41:37,269  INFO (           main) [                        AnnotationBinder] Binding entity from annotated class: com.lex.myProject.model.enumModel.BuildingPurchaseType
> 19:41:37,269  INFO (           main) [                            EntityBinder] Bind entity com.lex.myProject.model.enumModel.BuildingPurchaseType on table BUILD_PURCHASE_TYPE
> 19:41:37,271  INFO (           main) [                        AnnotationBinder] Binding entity from annotated class: com.lex.myProject.model.enumModel.BuildingPropertyType
> 19:41:37,271  INFO (           main) [                            EntityBinder] Bind entity com.lex.myProject.model.enumModel.BuildingPropertyType on table BUILD_PROPERTY_TYPE
> 19:41:37,273  INFO (           main) [                        AnnotationBinder] Binding entity from annotated class: com.lex.myProject.model.enumModel.PhoneType
> 19:41:37,274  INFO (           main) [                            EntityBinder] Bind entity com.lex.myProject.model.enumModel.PhoneType on table PHONE_TYPE
> 19:41:37,275  INFO (           main) [                        AnnotationBinder] Binding entity from annotated class: com.lex.myProject.model.enumModel.SettlementType
> 19:41:37,276  INFO (           main) [                            EntityBinder] Bind entity com.lex.myProject.model.enumModel.SettlementType on table SETTL_TYPE
> 19:41:37,277  INFO (           main) [                        AnnotationBinder] Binding entity from annotated class: com.lex.myProject.model.enumModel.IncomeProveDocumentType
> 19:41:37,277  INFO (           main) [                            EntityBinder] Bind entity com.lex.myProject.model.enumModel.IncomeProveDocumentType on table INCOM_PROVE_DOC_TYPE
> 19:41:37,279  INFO (           main) [                        AnnotationBinder] Binding entity from annotated class: com.lex.myProject.model.Good
> 19:41:37,279  INFO (           main) [                            EntityBinder] Bind entity com.lex.myProject.model.Good on table GOOD
> 19:41:37,281  INFO (           main) [                        AnnotationBinder] Binding entity from annotated class: com.lex.myProject.model.ForeignPassport
> 19:41:37,281  INFO (           main) [                            EntityBinder] Bind entity com.lex.myProject.model.ForeignPassport on table FOREIGN_PASSPORT
> 19:41:37,283  INFO (           main) [                        AnnotationBinder] Binding entity from annotated class: com.lex.myProject.model.User
> 19:41:37,284  INFO (           main) [                            EntityBinder] Bind entity com.lex.myProject.model.User on table USERS
> 19:41:37,286  INFO (           main) [                        AnnotationBinder] Binding entity from annotated class: com.lex.myProject.model.enumModel.AutoPurchaseType
> 19:41:37,287  INFO (           main) [                            EntityBinder] Bind entity com.lex.myProject.model.enumModel.AutoPurchaseType on table AUTO_PURCHASE_TYPE
> 19:41:37,289  INFO (           main) [                        AnnotationBinder] Binding entity from annotated class: com.lex.myProject.model.Company
> 19:41:37,289  INFO (           main) [                            EntityBinder] Bind entity com.lex.myProject.model.Company on table COMPANY
> 19:41:37,292  INFO (           main) [                        AnnotationBinder] Binding entity from annotated class: com.lex.myProject.model.enumModel.CompanyFieldType
> 19:41:37,293  INFO (           main) [                            EntityBinder] Bind entity com.lex.myProject.model.enumModel.CompanyFieldType on table COMPANY_FIELD_TYPE
> 19:41:37,295  INFO (           main) [                        AnnotationBinder] Binding entity from annotated class: com.lex.myProject.model.InsuranceCard
> 19:41:37,296  INFO (           main) [                            EntityBinder] Bind entity com.lex.myProject.model.InsuranceCard on table INSURANCE_CARD
> 19:41:37,299  INFO (           main) [                        AnnotationBinder] Binding entity from annotated class: com.lex.myProject.model.Role
> 19:41:37,299  INFO (           main) [                            EntityBinder] Bind entity com.lex.myProject.model.Role on table ROLE
> 19:41:37,301  INFO (           main) [                        AnnotationBinder] Binding entity from annotated class: com.lex.myProject.model.Service
> 19:41:37,302  INFO (           main) [                            EntityBinder] Bind entity com.lex.myProject.model.Service on table SERVICE
> 19:41:37,304  INFO (           main) [                        AnnotationBinder] Binding entity from annotated class: com.lex.myProject.model.enumModel.Region
> 19:41:37,305  INFO (           main) [                            EntityBinder] Bind entity com.lex.myProject.model.enumModel.Region on table REGION
> 19:41:37,307  INFO (           main) [                        AnnotationBinder] Binding entity from annotated class: com.lex.myProject.model.DrivingLicense
> 19:41:37,307  INFO (           main) [                            EntityBinder] Bind entity com.lex.myProject.model.DrivingLicense on table DRIVING_LICENSE
> 19:41:37,310  INFO (           main) [                        AnnotationBinder] Binding entity from annotated class: com.lex.myProject.model.enumModel.Education
> 19:41:37,311  INFO (           main) [                            EntityBinder] Bind entity com.lex.myProject.model.enumModel.Education on table EDUCATION
> 19:41:37,314  INFO (           main) [                        AnnotationBinder] Binding entity from annotated class: com.lex.myProject.model.enumModel.CompanyType
> 19:41:37,315  INFO (           main) [                            EntityBinder] Bind entity com.lex.myProject.model.enumModel.CompanyType on table COMPANY_TYPE
> 19:41:37,318  INFO (           main) [                        AnnotationBinder] Binding entity from annotated class: com.lex.myProject.model.enumModel.AutoPropertyType
> 19:41:37,318  INFO (           main) [                            EntityBinder] Bind entity com.lex.myProject.model.enumModel.AutoPropertyType on table AUTO_PROPERTY_TYPE
> 19:41:37,320  INFO (           main) [                        AnnotationBinder] Binding entity from annotated class: com.lex.myProject.model.enumModel.PersonalFieldType
> 19:41:37,321  INFO (           main) [                            EntityBinder] Bind entity com.lex.myProject.model.enumModel.PersonalFieldType on table PERSONAL_FIELD_TYPE
> 19:41:37,324  INFO (           main) [                        AnnotationBinder] Binding entity from annotated class: com.lex.myProject.model.Address
> 19:41:37,324  INFO (           main) [                            EntityBinder] Bind entity com.lex.myProject.model.Address on table ADDRESS
> 19:41:37,328  INFO (           main) [                        AnnotationBinder] Binding entity from annotated class: com.lex.myProject.model.Inn
> 19:41:37,329  INFO (           main) [                            EntityBinder] Bind entity com.lex.myProject.model.Inn on table INN
> 19:41:37,332  INFO (           main) [                        AnnotationBinder] Binding entity from annotated class: com.lex.myProject.model.Expenditure
> 19:41:37,333  INFO (           main) [                            EntityBinder] Bind entity com.lex.myProject.model.Expenditure on table EXPENDITURE
> 19:41:37,334  INFO (           main) [                        AnnotationBinder] Binding entity from annotated class: com.lex.myProject.model.PersonalAutoProperty
> 19:41:37,335  INFO (           main) [                            EntityBinder] Bind entity com.lex.myProject.model.PersonalAutoProperty on table PERS_AUTO_PROP
> 19:41:37,337  INFO (           main) [                        AnnotationBinder] Binding entity from annotated class: com.lex.myProject.model.enumModel.StreetType
> 19:41:37,339  INFO (           main) [                            EntityBinder] Bind entity com.lex.myProject.model.enumModel.StreetType on table STREET_TYPE
> 19:41:37,341  INFO (           main) [                        AnnotationBinder] Binding entity from annotated class: com.lex.myProject.model.Passport
> 19:41:37,343  INFO (           main) [                            EntityBinder] Bind entity com.lex.myProject.model.Passport on table PASSPORT
> 19:41:37,346  INFO (           main) [                        AnnotationBinder] Binding entity from annotated class: com.lex.myProject.model.enumModel.CarMark
> 19:41:37,346  INFO (           main) [                            EntityBinder] Bind entity com.lex.myProject.model.enumModel.CarMark on table CAR_MARK
> 19:41:37,350  INFO (           main) [                        CollectionBinder] Mapping collection: com.lex.myProject.model.Client.passports -> PASSPORT
> 19:41:37,350  INFO (           main) [                        CollectionBinder] Mapping collection: com.lex.myProject.model.Client.insuranceCard -> INSURANCE_CARD
> 19:41:37,351  INFO (           main) [                        CollectionBinder] Mapping collection: com.lex.myProject.model.Client.inn -> INN
> 19:41:37,351  INFO (           main) [                        CollectionBinder] Mapping collection: com.lex.myProject.model.Client.foreignPassports -> FOREIGN_PASSPORT
> 19:41:37,352  INFO (           main) [                        CollectionBinder] Mapping collection: com.lex.myProject.model.Client.drivingLicenses -> DRIVING_LICENSE
> 19:41:37,353  INFO (           main) [                        CollectionBinder] Mapping collection: com.lex.myProject.model.Client.applications -> APPLICATION
> 19:41:37,354  INFO (           main) [                        CollectionBinder] Mapping collection: com.lex.myProject.model.enumModel.CarMark.carModel -> CAR_MODEL
> 19:41:37,356  INFO (           main) [                           Configuration] Hibernate Validator not found: ignoring
> 19:41:37,358  INFO (           main) [            AnnotationSessionFactoryBean] Building new Hibernate SessionFactory
> 19:41:37,366  INFO (           main) [    HibernateSearchEventListenerRegister] Unable to find org.hibernate.search.event.FullTextIndexEventListener on the classpath. Hibernate Search is not enabled.
> 19:41:37,369  INFO (           main) [               ConnectionProviderFactory] Initializing connection provider: org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.LocalDataSourceConnectionProvider
> 19:41:37,370  INFO (           main) [                         SettingsFactory] Database ->
>        name : Oracle
>     version : Personal Oracle Database 10g Release - 64bit Production
> With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options
>       major : 10
>       minor : 2
> 19:41:37,370  INFO (           main) [                         SettingsFactory] Driver ->
>        name : Oracle JDBC driver
>     version :
>       major : 10
>       minor : 2
> 19:41:37,371  INFO (           main) [                                 Dialect] Using dialect: org.hibernate.dialect.Oracle10gDialect
> 19:41:37,373  INFO (           main) [                       JdbcSupportLoader] Disabling contextual LOB creation as createClob() method threw error : java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
> 19:41:37,373  INFO (           main) [               TransactionFactoryFactory] Transaction strategy: org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.SpringTransactionFactory
> 19:41:37,375  INFO (           main) [         TransactionManagerLookupFactory] No TransactionManagerLookup configured (in JTA environment, use of read-write or transactional second-level cache is not recommended)
> 19:41:37,375  INFO (           main) [                         SettingsFactory] Automatic flush during beforeCompletion(): disabled
> 19:41:37,376  INFO (           main) [                         SettingsFactory] Automatic session close at end of transaction: disabled
> 19:41:37,376  INFO (           main) [                         SettingsFactory] JDBC batch size: 15
> 19:41:37,377  INFO (           main) [                         SettingsFactory] JDBC batch updates for versioned data: disabled
> 19:41:37,377  INFO (           main) [                         SettingsFactory] Scrollable result sets: enabled
> 19:41:37,378  INFO (           main) [                         SettingsFactory] JDBC3 getGeneratedKeys(): disabled
> 19:41:37,378  INFO (           main) [                         SettingsFactory] Connection release mode: auto
> 19:41:37,379  INFO (           main) [                         SettingsFactory] Default batch fetch size: 1
> 19:41:37,379  INFO (           main) [                         SettingsFactory] Generate SQL with comments: disabled
> 19:41:37,380  INFO (           main) [                         SettingsFactory] Order SQL updates by primary key: disabled
> 19:41:37,380  INFO (           main) [                         SettingsFactory] Order SQL inserts for batching: disabled
> 19:41:37,381  INFO (           main) [                         SettingsFactory] Query translator: org.hibernate.hql.ast.ASTQueryTranslatorFactory
> 19:41:37,381  INFO (           main) [               ASTQueryTranslatorFactory] Using ASTQueryTranslatorFactory
> 19:41:37,382  INFO (           main) [                         SettingsFactory] Query language substitutions: {}
> 19:41:37,382  INFO (           main) [                         SettingsFactory] JPA-QL strict compliance: disabled
> 19:41:37,383  INFO (           main) [                         SettingsFactory] Second-level cache: enabled
> 19:41:37,383  INFO (           main) [                         SettingsFactory] Query cache: disabled
> 19:41:37,384  INFO (           main) [                         SettingsFactory] Cache region factory : org.hibernate.cache.impl.NoCachingRegionFactory
> 19:41:37,384  INFO (           main) [                         SettingsFactory] Optimize cache for minimal puts: disabled
> 19:41:37,385  INFO (           main) [                         SettingsFactory] Structured second-level cache entries: disabled
> 19:41:37,385  INFO (           main) [                         SettingsFactory] Statistics: disabled
> 19:41:37,386  INFO (           main) [                         SettingsFactory] Deleted entity synthetic identifier rollback: disabled
> 19:41:37,386  INFO (           main) [                         SettingsFactory] Default entity-mode: pojo
> 19:41:37,387  INFO (           main) [                         SettingsFactory] Named query checking : enabled
> 19:41:37,387  INFO (           main) [                         SettingsFactory] Check Nullability in Core (should be disabled when Bean Validation is on): enabled
> 19:41:37,510  INFO (           main) [                               HbmBinder] Mapping class: com.lex.myProject.model.enumModel.CarMark_AUD -> CAR_MARK_AUD
> 19:41:37,511  INFO (           main) [                               HbmBinder] Mapping class: com.lex.myProject.model.enumModel.BuildingPurchaseType_AUD -> BUILD_PURCHASE_TYPE_AUD
> 19:41:37,511  INFO (           main) [                               HbmBinder] Mapping class: com.lex.myProject.model.enumModel.StreetType_AUD -> STREET_TYPE_AUD
> 19:41:37,512  INFO (           main) [                               HbmBinder] Mapping class: com.lex.myProject.model.enumModel.Region_AUD -> REGION_AUD
> 19:41:37,513  INFO (           main) [                               HbmBinder] Mapping class: com.lex.myProject.model.enumModel.CarModel_AUD -> CAR_MODEL_AUD
> 19:41:37,514  INFO (           main) [                               HbmBinder] Mapping class: com.lex.myProject.model.PersonalAutoProperty_AUD -> PERS_AUTO_PROP_AUD
> 19:41:37,515  INFO (           main) [                               HbmBinder] Mapping class: com.lex.myProject.model.enumModel.PhoneType_AUD -> PHONE_TYPE_AUD
> 19:41:37,516  INFO (           main) [                               HbmBinder] Mapping class: com.lex.myProject.model.enumModel.BuildingPropertyType_AUD -> BUILD_PROPERTY_TYPE_AUD
> 19:41:37,516  INFO (           main) [                               HbmBinder] Mapping class: com.lex.myProject.model.enumModel.CallResultType_AUD -> CALL_RESULT_TYPE_AUD
> 19:41:37,517  INFO (           main) [                               HbmBinder] Mapping class: com.lex.myProject.model.enumModel.AutoPropertyType_AUD -> AUTO_PROPERTY_TYPE_AUD
> 19:41:37,518  INFO (           main) [                               HbmBinder] Mapping class: com.lex.myProject.model.Role_AUD -> ROLE_AUD
> 19:41:37,518  INFO (           main) [                               HbmBinder] Mapping class: com.lex.myProject.model.enumModel.ClientSocialStatus_AUD -> CLIENT_SOC_STATUS_AUD
> 19:41:37,519  INFO (           main) [                               HbmBinder] Mapping class: com.lex.myProject.model.User_AUD -> USERS_AUD
> 19:41:37,520  INFO (           main) [                               HbmBinder] Mapping class: USERS_ROLES_AUD -> USERS_ROLES_AUD
> 19:41:37,520  INFO (           main) [                               HbmBinder] Mapping class: com.lex.myProject.model.Phone_AUD -> PHONE_AUD
> 19:41:37,522  INFO (           main) [                               HbmBinder] Mapping class: com.lex.myProject.model.WorkData_AUD -> WORK_DATA_AUD
> 19:41:37,522  INFO (           main) [                               HbmBinder] Mapping class: com.lex.myProject.model.Service_AUD -> SERVICE_AUD
> 19:41:37,523  INFO (           main) [                               HbmBinder] Mapping class: com.lex.myProject.model.enumModel.PersonalFieldType_AUD -> PERSONAL_FIELD_TYPE_AUD
> 19:41:37,524  INFO (           main) [                               HbmBinder] Mapping class: com.lex.myProject.model.enumModel.PostType_AUD -> POST_TYPE_AUD
> 19:41:37,526  INFO (           main) [                               HbmBinder] Mapping class: com.lex.myProject.model.Application_AUD -> APPLICATION_AUD
> 19:41:37,527  INFO (           main) [                               HbmBinder] Mapping class: com.lex.myProject.model.enumModel.Education_AUD -> EDUCATION_AUD
> 19:41:37,528  INFO (           main) [                               HbmBinder] Mapping class: com.lex.myProject.model.Address_AUD -> ADDRESS_AUD
> 19:41:37,529  INFO (           main) [                               HbmBinder] Mapping class: com.lex.myProject.model.Inn_AUD -> INN_AUD
> 19:41:37,530  INFO (           main) [                               HbmBinder] Mapping class: com.lex.myProject.model.enumModel.SettlementType_AUD -> SETTL_TYPE_AUD
> 19:41:37,531  INFO (           main) [                               HbmBinder] Mapping class: com.lex.myProject.model.Expenditure_AUD -> EXPENDITURE_AUD
> 19:41:37,531  INFO (           main) [                               HbmBinder] Mapping class: com.lex.myProject.model.Company_AUD -> COMPANY_AUD
> 19:41:37,532  INFO (           main) [                               HbmBinder] Mapping class: com.lex.myProject.model.enumModel.IncomeProveDocumentType_AUD -> INCOM_PROVE_DOC_TYPE_AUD
> 19:41:37,533  INFO (           main) [                               HbmBinder] Mapping class: com.lex.myProject.model.enumModel.CompanyType_AUD -> COMPANY_TYPE_AUD
> 19:41:37,534  INFO (           main) [                               HbmBinder] Mapping class: com.lex.myProject.model.Client_AUD -> CLIENT_AUD
> 19:41:37,535  INFO (           main) [                               HbmBinder] Mapping class: Client_DrivingLicense_AUD -> Client_DrivingLicense_AUD
> 19:41:37,535  INFO (           main) [                               HbmBinder] Mapping class: Client_ForeignPassport_AUD -> Client_ForeignPassport_AUD
> 19:41:37,535  INFO (           main) [                               HbmBinder] Mapping class: Client_Inn_AUD -> Client_Inn_AUD
> 19:41:37,536  INFO (           main) [                               HbmBinder] Mapping class: Client_InsuranceCard_AUD -> Client_InsuranceCard_AUD
> 19:41:37,537  INFO (           main) [                               HbmBinder] Mapping class: Client_Passport_AUD -> Client_Passport_AUD
> 19:41:37,538  INFO (           main) [                               HbmBinder] Mapping class: com.lex.myProject.model.InsuranceCard_AUD -> INSURANCE_CARD_AUD
> 19:41:37,539  INFO (           main) [                               HbmBinder] Mapping class: com.lex.myProject.model.Good_AUD -> GOOD_AUD
> 19:41:37,540  INFO (           main) [                               HbmBinder] Mapping class: com.lex.myProject.model.DrivingLicense_AUD -> DRIVING_LICENSE_AUD
> 19:41:37,541  INFO (           main) [                               HbmBinder] Mapping class: com.lex.myProject.model.enumModel.CompanyFieldType_AUD -> COMPANY_FIELD_TYPE_AUD
> 19:41:37,541  INFO (           main) [                               HbmBinder] Mapping class: com.lex.myProject.model.ForeignPassport_AUD -> FOREIGN_PASSPORT_AUD
> 19:41:37,542  INFO (           main) [                               HbmBinder] Mapping class: com.lex.myProject.model.CreditHistory_AUD -> CREDIT_HISTORY_AUD
> 19:41:37,542  INFO (           main) [                               HbmBinder] Mapping class: com.lex.myProject.model.enumModel.AutoPurchaseType_AUD -> AUTO_PURCHASE_TYPE_AUD
> 19:41:37,543  INFO (           main) [                               HbmBinder] Mapping class: com.lex.myProject.model.Passport_AUD -> PASSPORT_AUD
> 19:41:37,544  INFO (           main) [                               HbmBinder] Mapping class: com.lex.myProject.model.PersonalBuildingProperty_AUD -> PERS_BUILD_PROP_AUD
> 19:41:37,548  INFO (           main) [                      SessionFactoryImpl] building session factory
> 19:41:37,804  INFO (           main) [             SessionFactoryObjectFactory] Not binding factory to JNDI, no JNDI name configured
> 19:41:37,806  INFO (           main) [       VFSClassPathXmlApplicationContext] Bean 'sessionFactory' of type [class org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.annotation.AnnotationSessionFactoryBean] is not eligible for getting processed by all BeanPostProcessors (for example: not eligible for auto-proxyin
> g)
> 19:41:37,810  INFO (           main) [              DefaultListableBeanFactory] Pre-instantiating singletons in org.springframework.beans.factory.support.DefaultListableBeanFactory at 60313e1e: defining beans [org.springframework.dao.annotation.PersistenceExceptionTranslationPostProcessor#0,dataSource,
> envers,sessionFactory,org.springframework.aop.config.internalAutoProxyCreator,org.springframework.transaction.annotation.AnnotationTransactionAttributeSource#0,org.springframework.transaction.interceptor.TransactionInterceptor#0,org.springframework.transaction.config.internalTransactionAdvisor,trans
> actionManager,testResource,applicationController,clientResource,UIMetaModelResource,adminResource,integResource,companyResource,defaultController,applicationResource,applicationService,companyDaoImpl,roleService,clientService,companyService,enumModelService,appDaoImpl,serviceDaoImpl,roleDaoImpl,manu
> alAuthenticationBean,loadDataService,userService,clientDaoImpl,enumModelDaoImpl,userDaoImpl,JAXBUtil,goodDaoImpl,org.springframework.context.annotation.internalConfigurationAnnotationProcessor,org.springframework.context.annotation.internalAutowiredAnnotationProcessor,org.springframework.context.ann
> otation.internalRequiredAnnotationProcessor,org.springframework.context.annotation.internalCommonAnnotationProcessor,org.springframework.context.annotation.internalPersistenceAnnotationProcessor,org.springframework.security.access.method.DelegatingMethodSecurityMetadataSource#0,org.springframework.s
> ecurity.access.vote.AffirmativeBased#0,org.springframework.security.access.intercept.aopalliance.MethodSecurityInterceptor#0,org.springframework.security.methodSecurityMetadataSourceAdvisor,org.springframework.security.authentication.dao.DaoAuthenticationProvider#0,org.springframework.security.authe
> ntication.DefaultAuthenticationEventPublisher#0,org.springframework.security.authenticationManager,myUserDetailsService]; root of factory hierarchy
> 19:41:37,840  INFO (           main) [             HibernateTransactionManager] Using DataSource [org.jboss.resource.adapter.jdbc.WrapperDataSource at 417e79d3] of Hibernate SessionFactory for HibernateTransactionManager
> 19:41:37,933  INFO (           main) [               MethodSecurityInterceptor] Validated configuration attributes
> 19:41:38,002  INFO (           main) [                XmlWebApplicationContext] Refreshing Root WebApplicationContext: startup date [Thu Jan 27 19:41:38 MSK 2011]; parent: ApplicationContext 'core.spring.context'
> 19:41:38,020  INFO (           main) [              DefaultListableBeanFactory] Pre-instantiating singletons in org.springframework.beans.factory.support.DefaultListableBeanFactory at 40c918ef: defining beans []; parent: org.springframework.beans.factory.support.DefaultListableBeanFactory at 60313e1e
> 19:41:38,021  INFO (           main) [                           ContextLoader] Root WebApplicationContext: initialization completed in 1253 ms
> 19:41:38,054  INFO (           main) [                  PackagesResourceConfig] Scanning for root resource and provider classes in the packages:
>   com.lex.myProject.web.rest
> 19:41:38,130  INFO (           main) [                  ScanningResourceConfig] Root resource classes found:
>   class com.lex.myProject.web.rest.ClientResource
>   class com.lex.myProject.web.rest.integ.IntegResource
>   class com.lex.myProject.web.rest.UIMetaModelResource
>   class com.lex.myProject.web.rest.CompanyResource
>   class com.lex.myProject.web.rest.AdminResource
>   class com.lex.myProject.web.rest.TestResource
>   class com.lex.myProject.web.rest.ApplicationResource
> 19:41:38,132  INFO (           main) [                  ScanningResourceConfig] Provider classes found:
>   class com.lex.myProject.web.rest.provider.JSONArrayProvider
>   class com.lex.myProject.web.rest.provider.AnotherJsonObjectProvider
> 19:41:38,193  INFO (           main) [                           SpringServlet] Using default applicationContext
> 19:41:38,195  INFO (           main) [          SpringComponentProviderFactory] Registering Spring bean, testResource, of type com.lex.myProject.web.rest.TestResource as a root resource class
> 19:41:38,196  INFO (           main) [          SpringComponentProviderFactory] Registering Spring bean, clientResource, of type com.lex.myProject.web.rest.ClientResource as a root resource class
> 19:41:38,196  INFO (           main) [          SpringComponentProviderFactory] Registering Spring bean, UIMetaModelResource, of type com.lex.myProject.web.rest.UIMetaModelResource as a root resource class
> 19:41:38,197  INFO (           main) [          SpringComponentProviderFactory] Registering Spring bean, adminResource, of type com.lex.myProject.web.rest.AdminResource as a root resource class
> 19:41:38,197  INFO (           main) [          SpringComponentProviderFactory] Registering Spring bean, integResource, of type com.lex.myProject.web.rest.integ.IntegResource as a root resource class
> 19:41:38,198  INFO (           main) [          SpringComponentProviderFactory] Registering Spring bean, companyResource, of type com.lex.myProject.web.rest.CompanyResource as a root resource class
> 19:41:38,198  INFO (           main) [          SpringComponentProviderFactory] Registering Spring bean, applicationResource, of type com.lex.myProject.web.rest.ApplicationResource as a root resource class
> 19:41:38,203  INFO (           main) [                      WebApplicationImpl] Initiating Jersey application, version 'Jersey: 1.4 09/11/2010 10:30 PM'
> 19:41:38,994  INFO (           main) [                              ServerImpl] JBoss (Microcontainer) [5.1.0.GA (build: SVNTag=JBoss_5_1_0_GA date=200905221053)] Started in 56s:922ms

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