[jboss-user] [JBoss Tools] - Upcoming talks about JBoss Tools & Friends

Max Rydahl Andersen do-not-reply at jboss.com
Wed Oct 12 03:28:37 EDT 2011

Max Rydahl Andersen [http://community.jboss.org/people/maxandersen] modified the blog post:

"Upcoming talks about JBoss Tools & Friends"

To view the blog post, visit: http://community.jboss.org/community/tools/blog/2011/10/12/upcoming-talks-about-jboss-tools-friends

European conference season is about to start and I and others will be out and about talking about JBoss Tools and Friends the upcoming weeks/months. Here is an excerpt of those I'll be giving or attending:

h3. Switzerland - Puzzle event & Neuchatel JBUG
Tuesday, 18th October at  http://www.puzzle.ch/blog/articles/2011/10/03/puzzle-tech-talk-2011 Puzzle Tech Talk 2011, I'll be giving a short introduction on the various flavors of Red Hat OpenShift.

Wednesday, 19th October at  http://jbug-neuchatel.org JBUG Neuchatel,  http://community.jboss.org/people/theute Thomas Heute and I will be giving a more  http://lanyrd.com/2011/nejbug-october/schedule/ detailed look into using OpenShift Express for scripting languages and especially Java EE development on top of JBoss AS 7.

h3. JUDCon, London
Monday, 31st October I get the pleasure to attend my first  http://www.jboss.org/events/JUDCon/2011/london European JUDCon where I'll be taking the stage a few times:

14:30-15:15 -  http://lanyrd.com/2011/judconjax-london/shykm/ Making Examples accessible - talking about the rare subject on how you make your projects examples easy to use and install from both command line and IDE's. 

19:00-20:00 - Emmanuel Bernard and I will host a  http://lanyrd.com/2011/judconjax-london/skgxt/ live JBoss Community Asylum podcast from JUDCon inviting speakers and community members on stage to answer questions from the hosts and audience.

20:00-?? -  http://lanyrd.com/2011/judconjax-london/skgxw/ Lightning talk showing five approaches to deploy to JBoss AS 7 in five minutes.

Do not forget to  http://www.jboss.org/events/JUDCon/2011/london/register Register for JUDCon !

h3. EclipseCon, Ludwigsburg
This year EclipseCon Europe will be celebrating 10 year annivesary of Eclipse and we'll have two talks there on Thursday, 3rd November.

11:30-12:00  http://community.jboss.org/people/phread Fred Bricon will be giving his  http://eclipsecon.org/sessions/workaround-driven-development-how-maven-integrates-eclipse-wtphttp:// Workaround Driven Development : How Maven integrates with Eclipse WTP talk where he will show m2e-wtp and talk about the challenges making it happen within the boundaries of Eclipse WTP.

15:30-16:00 I'm presenting on the  http://lanyrd.com/2011/eclipsecon-europe/shhkk/ Good, Bad and Ugly sides of using Tycho for building Eclipse plugins.

h3. Devoxx, Antwerp
My favorite conference in Europe - primarily because of its awesome venue but also that I get to meet up with a large bunch of JBoss colleagues and community members.

Tuesday, 15th November at 13:00-13:15 I'm doing a Quickie talk covering how to  http://devoxx.com/display/DV11/Deploy+JEE+applications+to+OpenShift Deploy JEE applications to OpenShift

You'll also find me hanging out/talking at the BOF's concerning JBoss technology:  http://devoxx.com/display/DV11/CDI%2C+what+comes+next CDI, what comes next,  http://devoxx.com/display/DV11/JBoss+Application+Server+7+-+Community+BOF JBoss Application Server 7 and  http://devoxx.com/display/DV11/Seam+Gathering Seam Gathering.

h3. See you there!
For those interesting in stalking conference speakers and events I recommend checking out  http://lanyrd.com Lanyrd.com, been using it extensively to be able to write the above pretty fast  :)  You can see my lanyrd schedule  http://lanyrd.com/profile/maxandersen/ here.

See you out there!

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