[jboss-user] [jBPM] - Re: Tasks Assigned to Groups Not Found

Alessandro Dionisi do-not-reply at jboss.com
Tue Aug 28 08:49:45 EDT 2012

Alessandro Dionisi [https://community.jboss.org/people/cecchisandrone] created the discussion

"Re: Tasks Assigned to Groups Not Found"

To view the discussion, visit: https://community.jboss.org/message/756452#756452

Hi James,

thank you for the rapid answer. I've tried your solution and it works. The strange thing I found is that the query "TasksAssignedAsPotentialOwnerWithGroups" in the file Taskorm.xml in library jbpm-human-task-core-5.3.0-final.jar seems to be interpreted differently, on different Hibernate versions I think (3.6.10.Final vs. 3.2.2 GA). I noted this comparing the examples JBPM provides in the installer; if I start the human-task-server using the ant task (that references Hibernate 3.2.2.GA in the classpath) the query TasksAssignedAsPotentialOwnerWithGroups works and generates the following SQL:

SELECT task0_.ID AS col_0_0_, task0_.processinstanceid AS col_1_0_,
       names5_.text AS col_2_0_, subjects3_.text AS col_3_0_,
       descriptio4_.text AS col_4_0_, task0_.status AS col_5_0_,
       task0_.priority AS col_6_0_, task0_.skipable AS col_7_0_,
       task0_.actualowner_id AS col_8_0_, task0_.createdby_id AS col_9_0_,
       task0_.createdon AS col_10_0_, task0_.activationtime AS col_11_0_,
       task0_.expirationtime AS col_12_0_, task0_.processid AS col_13_0_,
       task0_.processsessionid AS col_14_0_
  FROM task task0_ LEFT OUTER JOIN organizationalentity user1_
       ON task0_.createdby_id = user1_.ID
       LEFT OUTER JOIN organizationalentity user2_
       ON task0_.actualowner_id = user2_.ID
       LEFT OUTER JOIN i18ntext subjects3_
       ON task0_.ID = subjects3_.task_subjects_id
       LEFT OUTER JOIN i18ntext descriptio4_
       ON task0_.ID = descriptio4_.task_descriptions_id
       LEFT OUTER JOIN i18ntext names5_ ON task0_.ID = names5_.task_names_id
       organizationalentity organizati6_
 WHERE task0_.archived = 0
   AND (   organizati6_.ID = 'sales-rep'
        OR organizati6_.ID IN
                        ('sales', 'Crusaders', 'HR', 'Knights Templer', 'PM')
   AND (organizati6_.ID IN (SELECT potentialo9_.entity_id
                              FROM peopleassignments_potowners potentialo9_
                             WHERE task0_.ID = potentialo9_.task_id))
   AND (   names5_.LANGUAGE = 'en-UK'
        OR (SELECT COUNT (names10_.task_names_id)
              FROM i18ntext names10_
             WHERE task0_.ID = names10_.task_names_id) = 0
   AND (   subjects3_.LANGUAGE = 'en-UK'
        OR (SELECT COUNT (subjects11_.task_subjects_id)
              FROM i18ntext subjects11_
             WHERE task0_.ID = subjects11_.task_subjects_id) = 0
   AND (   descriptio4_.LANGUAGE = 'en-UK'
        OR (SELECT COUNT (descriptio12_.task_descriptions_id)
              FROM i18ntext descriptio12_
             WHERE task0_.ID = descriptio12_.task_descriptions_id) = 0
   AND (task0_.status IN
                  ('Created', 'Ready', 'Reserved', 'InProgress', 'Suspended')
   AND (task0_.expirationtime IS NULL);

Viceversa, if I start the human-task-server in my own application that references Hibernate 3.6.10.Final the query generated is:

/* Formatted on 2012/08/28 12:19 (Formatter Plus v4.8.8) */
SELECT task0_.ID AS col_0_0_, task0_.processinstanceid AS col_1_0_,
       names5_.text AS col_2_0_, subjects3_.text AS col_3_0_,
       descriptio4_.text AS col_4_0_, task0_.status AS col_5_0_,
       task0_.priority AS col_6_0_, task0_.skipable AS col_7_0_,
       task0_.actualowner_id AS col_8_0_, task0_.createdby_id AS col_9_0_,
       task0_.createdon AS col_10_0_, task0_.activationtime AS col_11_0_,
       task0_.expirationtime AS col_12_0_, task0_.processid AS col_13_0_,
       task0_.processsessionid AS col_14_0_
  FROM task task0_ LEFT OUTER JOIN organizationalentity user1_
       ON task0_.createdby_id = user1_.ID
       LEFT OUTER JOIN organizationalentity user2_
       ON task0_.actualowner_id = user2_.ID
       LEFT OUTER JOIN i18ntext subjects3_
       ON task0_.ID = subjects3_.task_subjects_id
       LEFT OUTER JOIN i18ntext descriptio4_
       ON task0_.ID = descriptio4_.task_descriptions_id
       LEFT OUTER JOIN i18ntext names5_ ON task0_.ID = names5_.task_names_id
       INNER JOIN organizationalentity user7_
       ON task0_.actualowner_id = user7_.ID
       INNER JOIN organizationalentity user8_ ON task0_.createdby_id = user8_.ID
       CROSS JOIN organizationalentity organizati6_
 WHERE task0_.archived = 0
   AND (   organizati6_.ID = 'cecchi'
        OR organizati6_.ID IN
                        ('sales', 'Crusaders', 'HR', 'Knights Templer', 'PM')
   AND (organizati6_.ID IN (SELECT potentialo9_.entity_id
                              FROM peopleassignments_potowners potentialo9_
                             WHERE task0_.ID = potentialo9_.task_id))
   AND (   names5_.LANGUAGE = 'en-UK'
        OR (SELECT COUNT (names10_.task_names_id)
              FROM i18ntext names10_
             WHERE task0_.ID = names10_.task_names_id) = 0
   AND (   subjects3_.LANGUAGE = 'en-UK'
        OR (SELECT COUNT (subjects11_.task_subjects_id)
              FROM i18ntext subjects11_
             WHERE task0_.ID = subjects11_.task_subjects_id) = 0
   AND (   descriptio4_.LANGUAGE = 'en-UK'
        OR (SELECT COUNT (descriptio12_.task_descriptions_id)
              FROM i18ntext descriptio12_
             WHERE task0_.ID = descriptio12_.task_descriptions_id) = 0
   AND (task0_.status IN
                  ('Created', 'Ready', 'Reserved', 'InProgress', 'Suspended')
   AND (task0_.expirationtime IS NULL);

What do you think about it?

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