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<font size="-1"><font face="Tahoma">Hi,<br>
I'm trying to launch multiple virtual hosts dynamically from a database
in JBoss. When my application starts, a method is called that iterates
through a database table of hosts. For each row of the table I would
like to launch a new host using JBoss's MBeans support. <br>
I'm pretty sure that this should be fairly straight forward as I've
done something similar with stand alone Tomcat by passing the
"createStandardHost" and "</font></font><font size="-1"><font
face="Tahoma">createStandardContext</font></font><font size="-1"><font
face="Tahoma">" operations to the MBeanServer.<br>
My problem is that I need to initialize each host/context with a JNDI
variable so that it knows which host it is (in order to access the
correct database etc.). But each context's JNDI IntialContext becomes
read only once the context is created. Does anyone know of a way of
getting a JNDI variable into each context using MBeans? Or is there a
better way of solving this problem?<br>