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how to add com.rsa module in jboss-classloading.xml for ear application
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created by <a href="https://community.jboss.org/people/subbuana">subba anaparthi</a> in <i>JBoss Microcontainer</i> - <a href="https://community.jboss.org/message/775369#775369">View the full discussion</a>
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<div class="jive-rendered-content"><p>Hi,</p><p style="min-height: 8pt; height: 8pt; padding: 0px;"> </p><p>We are facing Secuirty constraint exception when we are  viewing crystal reports with jboss 5.0.1.GA. When we checked with SAP support they shared me somelinks saying that we need to add jboss-classloading.xml with changing the class loading priorities. I should suppose to add package com.rsa to load first from the application than App server. So can i get  any documentation or example that explains more on jboss-classloading.xml ?</p></div>
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